News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
natelox Offline
i think the placing is really good. If i wrote the list, i would have put vtd in the top 10, as with coaster ed and RRP, but you explained their position well and i see where you're coming from. IMO, Pryo and RRP where HUGE surpises, i really saw them in the top 10.
One note about coasterEd, you said his best attribute was 'NextGen Nevis"? I don't really think that's an attribute, IMO, I would say his claim to fame is his creativity, it is unmatched (as was nevis', but it sounds like nevis had double the creative power, I see them as equal, or coasterEd is slightly better). -
iris Offline
Yea, I know what you're saying Nate.
It just seemed like "creativity" wasn't enough to try to describe Ed's new work.
Since Nevis made so many advances, I felt that Ed was the second coming.
I think for the most part most people seemed relatively pleased with the listings. I know some people might have liked to see Butterfinger or roomie a lil higher or whatever, but Im completely perfect with the way the list turned out. Butterfinger has accomplished more then most of these people, but like you said, its not only accomplishments. It's influence, accomplishments, talent, importance, and aura, the total package. -
Corkscrewed Offline
yeah... 7 or 8 ish.It'll be interesting to see the top 10. I guess i'm about 7 - 8ish?
On the bottom 10. -
Aviator Offline
I dont have any idea who some of these people are... are they from danimation or somethin? Anyway, from what I do know... it looks like a great list. I really need to get a solo goin. -
Blitz Offline
in the same way, I don't think it's fair to say my best attribute is mini-mala-ness...One note about coasterEd, you said his best attribute was 'NextGen Nevis"? I don't really think that's an attribute, IMO, I would say his claim to fame is his creativity, it is unmatched (as was nevis', but it sounds like nevis had double the creative power, I see them as equal, or coasterEd is slightly better).
LastArchAngel Offline
Me, being a REAL oldie (I was around before the danimation spotlight was created. I even picked a few), and I am still here ticking, and it is real nice to read over the list and see some of my old RCT buddys recognized. So am I taking it I am in the top 10.. Which I should be considering I have been around for forever and a day, and started a movement or two myself, but less about me, and more about other people. I miss Joe and LC and Greg M. Actually, i miss the old danimation days. Park making was much easier. Me and Chris (SAC) still chat all the time, switching parks and critiquing each other (thats why PF looks alot like a SAC park). It is good remembering the past, especially seeing how far RCT has come from. I bet 95 percent of you don't remember the original RCTFL do you? Or the First RCT Site (predating danimation), or RCTOA. Or when Chris Sawyer did an interview with danimation, or when NE started (and had like 4 members). I've been through it all. Same name and everything. I guess I was the last arch angel. Well, Im going to go to bed now.. can't wait to see the top 10! Great job Iris. -
Blitz Offline
ya damn well better be top 10... r'else there'll be a mob'n to-nite! Pitch forks n'all! -
Roomie Offline
Hey LAA long time no see
Do you remember RCT Online and Daves RCT site? hee hee those were the days and good old jenny -
LastArchAngel Offline
Jenny, the person everyone loved to hate... I remember RCT Online, and how they updated what, twice? I never really liked Dave's RCT site, so I don't know much about it. Good to see another oldie still roaming around.Hey LAA long time no see
Do you remember RCT Online and Daves RCT site? hee hee those were the days and good old jenny -
Roomie Offline
Oldie how dare u
Yeah it did suck but it was my baby and my first web siteI never really liked Dave's RCT site,
without that FT and ultimately VH would never of existed lol.
SA should be top imo -
Toon Offline
Well, I think any moron could probably figure out the 10 missing names from this list. It's the placing of the final 10 that will prove interesting. -
sacoasterfreak Offline
TT should be top ten, definately higher than me.
Obviously, there's some misplaced people, but you can't expect one person to get it completely right.
And Butterfinger, don't throw a fit, your RCT one work was excellent, but you suck at RCT 2, and I think that Iris is going by influence.
If I am placed any higher than Joe Holland, I will be mad.. because If any one entity influenced this group of parkmaking more than any other, it was the united group known as the RCTKru. This would be a combo of Joe, LC, and I, sometimes LAA too.. Joe and LC, and GregM influenced my work greatly, so how can anybody say that I am an influence? Joe and LC and Greg Reese are the ones you should praise. And Toon. All Toon, all the time.
Lets get a recount, and get some Toon business up in the top 10... -
Ride6 Offline
SAcoasterfreak, i relize that it isn't my place to choose the list but i don't think Butterfinger "Sucks" at RCT2. He's one of the better. His main problem was that too much of Euroscape was Architectured insted of landscaped. That was all really.
I personally think Butterfinger should've been at about the 20th spot but i really can't argue with the big names here.
With Respect, ride6
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