News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
Corkscrewed Offline
That's cuz Pyro has turned into RRP/vTd in terms of RCT 2 work.
As you may notice, Foozy and I are developing a pretty nice rivalry right now (ever since Fatha quit on RCT 2). It's built on respect right now, but I may turn heel one day and feud with him or something. I dunno. And Toon and SA can just stand at #3 and 4 and watch Foozy and I battle for the RCT 2 Championship Title.
Toon and SA may have something to say about that! Poor Pyro, not even mentioned -
PyroPenguin Offline
Hey now, I resent.... no, its true. I'm slow as hell and between work and friends I havent had a whole hell of alot of time to do much. We all know that Pyro beats you all out though, none of you can touch this hot stuff
And Cork, as you may have noticed your name has already come out... and mine hasn't, so you can shove that protege stuff because we all know the "protege" has surpassed the "master" -
iris Offline
-Best RCT Attribute: Single Handedly Saving RCT2
-Parks Created:
1.Gila (NextElement Challenge Winner)
2.Purple Pill Heights (H2H2)
3.Stratford Fair (NE Runner-Up)
-The man when it comes to custom theming
While many people (apparently Toon himself) may possibly disagree with him being so high, I tried to take RCT2 into consideration, although the game is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. And no one person has influenced RCT2 nearly as much as ToonTowner, who, with his custom theming and absolutely amazing releases thus far, has really sparked a new life for RCT2 here at New Element. Gila, his NextElement Challenge entry completely blew everything out of the water. Butterfinger's second place entry was nice, but really had no chance. Toon has also recently gone undefeated in H2H2, after creating two world-class RCT2 miniparks: "Purple Pill Heights" (which really first got him uber-famous at NE) and then Maude's Praiseland with aero21. Toon now has more projects than anybody else at New Element, as it seems everybody wants a piece of his RCT2-goodness. So while you may disagree with his place on the list, I feel that the #1 RCT2 parkmaker is good enough for #20 overall.
19.Gregg Reese
-Best RCT Attribute: All-Time Recreation Master
-Parks Created:
1.Hersheypark (Danimation Spotlight)
2.Islands of Adventure
-Won one of two Danimation Recreation Spotlights ever.
When it comes to the all-time pioneers in the way parkmaking was started, Gregg Reese's name jumps out way in front. Had he done a bit more then recreations, he would be much, much higher on this list, but I felt that him doing recs only sort of limited him quite a bit. Still, his recreations were unbelievable. He was one of the people that invented the way architecture was created, and even SA has been quoted as saying Gregg Reese is one of the three most important parkmakers in history. He created Hersheypark, which won the Danimation Spotlight. Usually you'd think a recreation might cause a controversy, but the quality was so incredible, nobody could argue.
18.Tyler aka Launched_2_40
-Best RCT Attribute: Originality
-Parks Created:
1.Orange Valley (Danimation Spotlight)
2.TyLine California 2002 (Park Wars)
-Made liquid coasters popular
Yes, Ty has only one real park to his resume, but I think its probably one of the, if not the influential parks ever created. While most parks were either strictly realistic or strictly fantasy at the time, Orange Valley really found a perfect little niche in between the two. With the best atmosphere ever seen in a park, a great storyline behind the park, one of the best marketing campaigns ever, the best RCT hotel of its time, and then a great ride collection. With rides like the park's woody and "Ornithopter" that quickly became legendary, and "Secret of Skull Mountain", possibly the most influential ride ever created, basically inventing liquid coasters for years to come. Rides like "Expedition Terras" would not exist without OV's. While Ty has flirted with coming back on several occasions, he's never had enough inspration to come back completely.
-Best RCT Attribute: Consistency
-Parks Created:
1.Aero's Wormwood (NE Spotlight)
2.Cinescape East (NE Spotlight)
3.Disneyland Mid-America (NE Super Runner-Up)
-Won NE's first ever RCT2 Spotlight.
Aero is without a doubt in my mind, the only sure bet in RCT history. There has never been another parkmaker that has consistenly made parks, without quitting over such a long period of time as aero. He has all the accomplishments that make a legendary parkmaker. He's won the New Element Spotlight twice, including the fourth all time Spotlight, and the first ever RCT2 spotlight. He has more runner-ups I can count, with Disneyland Mid-America, Six Flags Wild Planet, etc. He's won the Danimation Forum-Voted Spotlight with his breakout park Aero's Cinescape, and is now one of the premier RCT2 parkmakers at New Element, now in the process of building the amazing looking WB Reel Adventures. He's really covered everything, from fantasy parks, to recreations (SFMW, PGA, DCA), and even invented mini parks. I'm not sure anyone can compete with aero's resume, it's one of the most complete park catalogs I've ever seen, and you can't argue with facts.
16.RRP aka rctrealpark
-Best RCT Attribute: Theming
-Parks Created:
1.Sea World Atlanta (NE Spotlight)
2.Busch Gardens Lichfield (NE Spotlight)
3.Disney Pixar Studios
-Has never released a finished solo park at New Element.
The above statement may throw some people off, but it's actually true. While RRP has released over three or four parks at New Element, he's never actually finished any of them. He's called upon x-sector to do the duty for his two best parks, Sea World Atlanta and Busch Gardens Lichfield, and PyroPenguin & Natelox both finished up Disney Pixar Studios. This really bad habit of RRP has kept him completely out of the top 10, since his talent alone should have him there. He has the #1 park on the List, the most prestigous award that I can offer here, so you can see just how much talent he has. Still, he continues to move lower and lower down the list with the less and less he finishes (dropping out of the LOS Collabo, Hi-Rollers, and not finishing his Survivor area) all hurt his placing on this list. Still, he still can move up, if he can only finish something.
15.Greg Moore
-Best RCT Attribute: Dueling Coasters
-Parks Created:
1.Golden Age Gardens (Danimation Spotlight)
2.Meadowlands (Danimation Spotlight)
3.Land of Song and Dance (Danimation Spotlight)
-The all-time dueling coasters king
Thinking of all the people who have won either the NE or Dnet Spotlight compared to the number of people who make parks, the Spotlight winners are pretty rare. Then, think of the people who have won two spotlights. Here at NE, there are only RRP, Butterfinger, roomraider, Aero21, x-sector, Fatha', Natelox, PyroPenguin, and Nevis who have won multiple spotlights. take it even further, Greg Moore who have won Three spotlights. As far as I can remember, sacoasterfreak was the only other person to win three Dnet Spotlights, and only Natelox has won three (well, hes done 4...) spotlights at NE, so only three people in history have won three Spotlights, and guess who's one of them? A complete fantasy parkmaker, who was known for making every single coaster in the park...a dueler. He's dueled every kind of coaster I can think of, with dueling Floorless coasters (Land of Song and Dance), dueling Flying coasters (Meadowlands), and even a SIX-way racing Steeplechase (Golden Age Gardens).
-Best RCT Attribute: Theming
-Parks Created:
1.Auroras Bay (NE Spotlight)
2.Disney Dreams (NE Spotlight)
-Won spotlight in 2 of 3 released parks ever
While still relatively new when it come to all-time parkmaking, PyroPenguin has more then established himself as one of the most talented parkmakers of all time. Only completing three parks in his career, and winning the coveted New Element spotlight twice of those, obviously shows you just how good he is. Starting out with Mythos, which was a decent park and showcased an architecture style similar to Corkscrewed, which then granted the nickname of "Cork's Protege" for a while. He then went crazy, releasing Disney Dreams, the three map NE Spotlight that has the most downloads in NE history (well, most documented...UIX actually has over 2000, but its # was reset accidentally). Can't get any better then that can he? Well, he then improves his parkmaking ability even more with Auroras Bay, featuring two of the best themed areas ever in Terras Labs (which features the best liquid of all time so far imo) and an excellent medievel area. He basically invented 2x2 architecture, and is really one of the only people who SHOULD do it like that. Nobody can theme like Pyro, except for maybe RRP or x-sector, and that's some stiff competition.
-Best RCT Attribute: Paving The Way
-Parks Created:
2.Generations Park (Danimation Spotlight)
3.Sherwood Forest (Danimation Spotlight)
-Along with Joe Holland, the most influential parkmaker.
If there ever was an unsung hero for RCT parkmaking, Liquid Crash without a doubt takes the cake. Regardless of the fact that he created a Danimation Spotlight in the Robin Hood themed "Sherwood Forest" park, and created half of the all time great classic park, "Generations Park". The only problem, is one of the most popular parkmakers ever, Joe Holland, was the other co-creator. Still, it's neither of these parks that really marked Liquid Crash's legacy. It was Evolutia, a park that didn't win any major awards, but really was one of the most important parks ever created. Hate the "jagged rocks" that so many people at NE overuse? Blame LiquidCrash & Evolutia for that. He also basically created a whole style of architecture, and using pathways as overhangs, etc. I originally had him as a top 10 parkmaker, but I felt he never released that major solo park to really establish his legacy, but he's definitely one of the most important all time parkmakers.
12.Coaster Ed
-Best RCT Attribute: NextGen Nevis
-Parks Created:
1.Battlefield RCT (H2H2)
2.Erwindale Forest (H2H2)
3.Egyptopia (NE Member-Voted Spotlight)
-My personal front runner for H2H2 MVP
Another parkmaker I originally had in the top ten. I decided he's most likely going to have a future in that position, but Ed still hasn't released a park with his new skills. Egyptopia seems right in the middle of his new and old style in my opinion, had its high and low spots. Ed started out as a mrICE/Segaman follower, making recreations and realistic parks (well, with the exception of Coconut Monkey's Island Paradise). Parks like Cedar Creek and Egyptville were both popular parks, but only recently has Ed adapted a new style, completely reinventing the way that RCT is played. Using the Beast more for one building then most people use in an entire park, his work is so detailed that it's impossible to duplicate. I see Ed making as many new ideas in the future as Nevis did with UIX, and I think that all Ed needs to do now to plant himself as one of the best three or four all time is to actually make some parks. Egyptopia (the modified version of his Egyptville park) was a little preview, but with mini parks like Erwindale Forest and Battlefield RCT, as well as the work he did in Blind Guardian's SAP Cataclysm park, Ed is just killing everybody, waiting to release a park.
-Best RCT Attribute: Creative Atmosphere
-Parks Created:
1.Florida DisneySea (NE Spotlight)
2.Shiloh Town
3.Dulaney Steelworks (NE's Masters Isle)
-IMO, the single most talented all-time parkmaker
If vTd had released as many parks as say...Snowbound, or well...Evil WME or something, chances are vTd would rank in as #1 on this List. I don't think there is anybody that can theme like him, make architecture the same way, or create the same kind of amazing atmosphere that he does. Only problem is his very short resume. He has won NE's Spotlight, back in the early days, with his legendary Florida DisneySea park, a park that came out over a year after it was started, so even for back then, it was a bit outdated in places. Still, it ranked as my #1 List park for a few months, so you can see the quality of his work. He then surprised me and agreed to build in the Masters Isle collabo, creating one of my favorite all time themed areas in Dulaney Steelworks, with one of my favorite all time inverted coasters, "The Catalyst". Right now his career in parkmaking is uncertain. He's currently still on the active parkmakers list, but for how much longer that will be remains to be seen. Hopefully vTd jumps back into the parkmaking scene (he had started a great Universal Studios park that never went finished), and can enter the top 10, where he belongs. -
PyroPenguin Offline
Hey, Mythos was a Danimation People Voted Spotlight, so technically all of em, but I know that thoes didn't count for a whole hell of alot.-Won spotlight in 2 of 3 released parks ever
Still, I had to beat out some damn stiff... no, nothing. It was a gimme win. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
You had to go up against my park Redwood Lagoon!!! HOW CAN YOU SAY SUCH A THING!
Corkscrewed Offline
And Cork, as you may have noticed your name has already come out... and mine hasn't, so you can shove that protege stuff because we all know the "protege" has surpassed the "master"
I object. You're higher cuz you've released more of your good stuff than me. :-P
The top 20 is getting pretty tight, but I mostly agree with everything. It gets hard to place these guys here, but what Iris has so far is pretty good. Pyro has surpassed me, it seems. Oh well, I'll get you back!!!! -
RRP Offline
Still, he continues to move lower and lower down the list with the less and less he finishes (dropping out of the LOS Collabo, Hi-Rollers, and not finishing his Survivor area) all hurt his placing on this list
I thought this list went on talent and influence, NOT on recent events which ive explained over and over again.And the other thing is that ive always been told its quality than quantity so if it would make you happy i could make a really shit park and finish it alone but instead i prefer to make it look good and then run out of motivation and let a certain very good parkmaker finish stuff off for me as he seems very willing and happy to help me out. (thanks x again)
i guess i wont ever make it into the top 10 cos anything i do wrong gets held against me and i doubt i will ever be making a park alone again -
Butterfinger Offline
Um, both Toon and Foozy are the best RCT2 parkmakers?
Or am I missing something?
So, um, is this list based solely on a parkmakers influence, like RRP mentioned? If so then that would explain a lot. I mean, I have accomplished more than most of the parkmakers on this list, so I was a bit confused to see many of them ahead of me, but if we are talking about influence, that makes much more sense. I mean, who the crap have I influenced in my time? -
Kumba Offline
A titel i paln to take one day.-The all-time dueling coasters king
and yeah butterfinger should be ranked alot higher. UCS and Euroscape are both top 10 parks on the list, and i think he maybe the most well rounded parkmaker out their. -
Dixi Offline
Whey! Top 10 placing for me!
Heh, nice update. Its been a good read so far, reading about the parkmakers who were around before my time, and the 'pioneers' of RCT/2. Im gonna take a guess at Nate being #1 on the list, with Nevis, Fatha' ect following, prolly wrong but.... yea.
Imo SAC is the best RCT2 parkmaker, his style is more 'solid' than TT...... I was amazingly impressed with RoB when it was released, the detail kept me staring for hours....... infact RoB has had the biggest influence over my whole style (proberly totaly evident).
Foozy's hi roller entry was fuckin brilliant, so im reali looking fwd to some stuff from him. -
x-sector Offline
Awesome list its a great list and I'm enjoying reading it. can't wait to see the top ten I would of liked to seen ED in there as hes amazing
Ed you need to get of your arse and make a solo parkalso vTd needs to make more parks as I'm with iris he has amazing skills.
mantis Offline
I agree with Butter. I am CLEARLY better than most of the people on this list. I demand a recount. -
Blitz Offline
you forgot to mention that greg moore basically popularized dueling in the fantasy department, and invented the style of clashing duels in rct. -
Roomie Offline
Heya guys
slightly dissapointed i'm so low but ahhh well. I can keep trying. And my next spotlight entry should be.... ummm differant.
ANyway good list so far although i think VHS and danmack should be higher. 2 of the most influential people ever for me. Along with good old coby D. ohhh and of course the all ruleing malamore recently Pyro and X-sector have been my inspirations (even if it looks nothing like what it was inspired by in the end
Coaster Ed Offline
I'm glad you moved me out of the top 10 although I would put myself even lower. I think I'm starting to have an impact here but I have yet to create a full park that showcases my potential. Egyptopia started out as a side project so I rushed a lot of it. The h2h2 parks are very detailed but I can't transfer that style directly to a full park because I'd use up all the rides on one section. I'm pretty comfortable with my style now. The Beast is like second nature to me and I've really improved my landscaping and architecture over the last year. I just have to start putting out parks now but that's getting harder and harder for me to do as I have less and less time to spend on RCT. I've got a couple park projects in the making so hopefully those will come together well and I can win my first actual spotlight.
There are some other interesting developments here. I like what vTd and his early parks have inspired me in a number of ways but I wouldn't agree with him being the most skilled parkmaker. A lot of his style seems to come from Joe Holland. He's good though no doubt about that and his position seems reasonable. The one objection I have is Ty. I really don't think Orange Valley is as significant as you seem to think it is. The water coaster popularity is due to him but a lot of his style can be seen in earlier parks. His biggest innovation as it were, is an ecclectic look that nobody else has really even tried to replicate. Well maybe Bokti and AK. I think he's significant but you've got him ranked pretty high for what he's done I think.
Liquid Crash never gets his fair due. Sherwood Forest was the first good spotlight I thought and Evolutia remains one of my favorite parks of all time. He disappeared without creating very many parks so he's less remembered now but his innovations in architecture especially were very important. So it's nice to see he's not being left out.
I was never a fan of Greg Moore and for the longest time I hated dueling coasters because his parks kept winning the spotlight and they were filled with nothing but dueling coasters. I've always been a proponent of theming over coaster design and GM was always much better with the coasters. As a huge force at Danimation though and no doubt an influence on many, he should be pretty high up the list. -
Toon Offline
Well, finally I make the list. Iris is correct that I think I'm too high, but when I think about what the list is about it is more than just quality parks, it is about influence and those who have helped the game develop and I guess I have done a lot for RCT2 in these terms. As for who is the 'best' RCT2 parkmaker, I would say that title will likely never be taken. It's more of a what have you done for me lately award. Foozy is definitely amazing as are Pyro, SAC, Corky and Aero. There are tons of other RCT2 parkmakers who are coming into their own as well so I'm sure we will be seeing many innovative parks and ideas in the next few months. As for parks I am really looking forward to in RCT2, RoB tops my list!
Ed, you really should be in the top 10 imo. Again, you might not have the largest body of work, but you're last few efforts have really opened eyes to the possibilities LL still holds. Creativity is one thing, but the ability to pull off your far out ideas convincingly is what really puts you above any other active parkmaker. You are my #1 LL parkmaker at the moment by a long stretch. -
Butterfinger Offline
That was'nt egotistical. I have accomplished more than many of the people ranked higher than me. That doesent mean they ar'nt better than me, I dont doubt most of them are. I was however, assuming that this list would be based mostly on accomplishments, rather than influence........ or whatever.Christ, someones ego needs deflating...
I hate most of my work. I have mentioned that many times before.
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