News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
Toon Offline
The list keeps getting more and more interesting all the time. This is a fantastic look into not only the present, but the past of RCT. -
sacoasterfreak Offline
Corky, Dont think you're the only one to see the list..
I was the one asking Iris to exlude me from it... :-p I dont have a place in the top 20, I think that there are definately 20 parkmakers better than me. The things I did, I did a long time ago, and are now outdated. Silver Lake, Legends, these parks are atrocious, if CH or Legends West was released tomorrow, they would be passed up as worthless bantha fodder. I really don't like the acclaim I recieve for the simple things I did in the past. I've always played the game for fun and I think that all of you should too...
I think its sad how alot of people spend more time on the site than actually playing RCT, or this could be the top 100 list... and I might actually have a place on it :-p I know all of you can do better than you have.. you just haven't tried hard enough. Each and every person who visits this site has the potential to make their dream park a reality through the use of RCT, or RCT 2.
For those of you who choose not to play RCT 2, don't see me as hating. I am truly dissapointed in you guys. RCT 2 opens up such a great new world.. and all of you turn your nose up at it as if it were some horrible abomination. You may argue that it is- but I think otherwise. If all of you think I made waves in the RCT world before, I'm back now to show you what waves really are. My goal in making RoB is just to showcase some of the things you can do with RCT 2, I'm trying to show you guys what the real deal is. Nobody played RCT 1 the way they do now until things changed... things have to change to bring RCT 2 into the mainstream, and I'm here to try to do that. I believe in the game and I'm going to stand up for it. Thats why I dont want to be on the list, because my greatest accomplishments have yet to come. I want to be the #1 RCT2 park maker, but it seems Iris has already accredited Foozy with that title... I wish I could show you all the ideas I have.. I wish I had time to make them all ... -
YetiGKM Offline
Well go ahead SA. Make a believer out of me! I want you to because I still see know reason to buy the game yet. Make me want to! -
x-sector Offline
Great list its getting interesting.
Its great to see Glitchey and VHS on the list I was a very big fan of those to back in the day. Glitchey I loved loads (I want his universals America I can't find it anywhere)
Mantis and Bokti should be higher but thats my opinion as them two and Ed are my fav at the moment. -
Evil WME Offline
haha, i see whyThe list keeps getting more and more interesting all the time. This is a fantastic look into not only the present, but the past of RCT.
anyways, i thoroughly disagree with about every person ranking higher or lower than any other person on this list, but it still makes for an interesting read. -
Micool Offline
mantis is the #4 parkmaker, remember? This is just an all-time list, and in case you noticed, he hasn't even released the park that gives him the spot he has. And besides, mantis is overrated.
It's nice to see some descriptions of the guys I wasn't around to see. I'm really enjoying this. -
Toon Offline
I don't want to get presumptuous here, but I'm assuming I'm likely on the list somewhere. IMO, obviously way too high already. It's still nice to be appreciated (so don't go moving me down just cause I said thishaha, i see why
anyways, i thoroughly disagree with about every person ranking higher or lower than any other person on this list, but it still makes for an interesting read.)
Raven-SDI Offline
I wish I knew his new SN...
We used to talk so much. Hell, I even did a coaster for one of his parks (trivia right there)...
1A. Joe Holland
1B. SACoasterFreak
3A. Mala
3B. X-Sector
The End...
§ -
Coaster Ed Offline
SACF is right. I know for me personally that if I spent as much time working on parks as I spent visiting this site I would have released several more parks by now. I like visiting the site though and this community is just as important to me, more important actually, than my parks. So I'm willing to accept that fact. I don't think you're right about RCT1 parkmakers though, not all of them. The work I've seen recently in LL is better than anything else I've ever seen. The work I've seen recently in RCT2 is also better than anything else I've ever seen. Neither one is clearly better or worse than the other, they aren't really comparable. I don't think it's correct to say that people who continue to work in RCT1 are stuck in the past. Their innovations are just as significant. Personally, I'd love to do something in RCT2 and undoubtedly will sometime in the future but right now there's just too many cool ideas for RCT1 that I have to get out of my system first. I have nothing against RCT2 at all, I think it's great and Ilove seeing what people like you are doing in that game. But I think all your old RCT1 parks were just as good as what you are building now. You have to look at parks in context and the affect the park has on the rest of the community is really the best judge of how good the park is. Personal growth is one thing but I think what we're judging here is the RCT community itself. -
mantis Offline
I have, like, the funniest 'claim to fame' line ever-Won NE Parkmaker of the Year without ever releasing a full park at New Element
Well, i'm not gonna contest my position cos humility isn't my thing any more (i'm fed up of it lol) and I shouldn't be complaining about being rated highly, so yay for me!
Shame to see Corky and Foozy so low thoughPalm Springs and the Hampton Resort were both major inspirations for me.
I think i'm agreeing to disagree with SAC on most RCT issues -
natelox Offline
I'll play the game i want, thank you very much.For those of you who choose not to play RCT 2, don't see me as hating. I am truly dissapointed in you guys. RCT 2 opens up such a great new world.. and all of you turn your nose up at it as if it were some horrible abomination.
Alec Offline
Magnus made Woodfield too!
|.h| IMO should be higher.
mantis should be lower. No offense. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I have a tough time placing mantis myself because I keep hearing about amazing work that he's making (LOS, womb) but I haven't seen it myself. Clearly he's already inspired a number of people with his style. On top of that, he's been an active member here since the beginning and his comments about parks I think have had an impact on the direction the community has gone. Fantasy parkmaking is becoming more and more popular and even longtime traditionalist parkmakers like myself are doing crazy things with hacking. I'm waiting to see the park sections that I've heard so much about but in the mean time it's clear to me that mantis' place in RCT history is already preserved.
I am glad that some prominent past parkmakers like Glitchey and Sispud are on the list. It's easy to forget all of the history that has put RCT where it is today when looking at all of the great work coming out now but those parkmakers are important to remember. Segaman75 made all of the parks I would have liked to make at that time if I weren't so busy with other things. For a brief time though our two styles were identical. He'll always be my parkmaking blood brother for that reason, if that makes any sense. He was way more productive than I've ever been though and I wish he would pop in again sometime with a new park like he did last year. Corkscrewed is already way ahead of most of us with his RCT2 skill and experience so I'm sure his impact will continue to be felt through his RCT2 parks. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Thanks Natelox. That's basically what I wanted to say. Sometimes simplicity is the best way to get the point across. -
sircursealot Offline
iris - Very good call on Posix there. I'd also have to agree his expoloration with styles has greatly inspired me, and I keep telling people about how good he is, but no one listens / cares.LOL.
Corkscrewed Offline
I'm still trying to figure out how you pulled that one off.I have, like, the funniest 'claim to fame' line ever
Well, i'm not gonna contest my position cos humility isn't my thing any more (i'm fed up of it lol) and I shouldn't be complaining about being rated highly, so yay for me!
Shame to see Corky and Foozy so low thoughPalm Springs and the Hampton Resort were both major inspirations for me.
I think i'm agreeing to disagree with SAC on most RCT issues
I'm #25. Right in the middle.
But I'm gonna be the best RCT 2 Parkmaker ever!!!
Basically SA summed up my thoughts on RCT 2, w/o the whole missionary conversion rhetoric. Essentially, I feel that RCT 2 fits my style SO much better that I may not ever play RCT 1 again (save for minor projects). I look at my RCT 2 stuff and I think it's 100 times better than my RCT 1. Literally. Of course, that doesn't mean RCT 1 is bad. It's just bad for me. Coaster Ed, Fatha, Natelox, and others have proven that they are the masters of RCT 1, and I know I stand no chance. So I'm gonna take over 2.
As you may notice, Foozy and I are developing a pretty nice rivalry right now (ever since Fatha quit on RCT 2). It's built on respect right now, but I may turn heel one day and feud with him or something. I dunno. And Toon and SA can just stand at #3 and 4 and watch Foozy and I battle for the RCT 2 Championship Title.
Okay, enough with the WWE allusions... great list, Iris! You forgot that Magnus also made Civilizations (one of my favorite old parks still).I loved the rapids ride in that thing!
mantis Offline
I agree with you on all three countsMagnus made Woodfield too!
|.h| IMO should be higher.
mantis should be lower. No offense.
Ed - you saying that makes me really really happy! thanks
Corky - I agree with you, but replace 'rct2' with 'rct' on all counts and maybe it'd be slightly more applicable (apart from the whole domination thing....ed, x, nate etc have that covered, right?)
Yay for this list. I checked out Universal Lost Continent - that Eruption coaster is nice! -
Toon Offline
*ahem*As you may notice, Foozy and I are developing a pretty nice rivalry right now (ever since Fatha quit on RCT 2
). It's built on respect right now, but I may turn heel one day and feud with him or something. I dunno. And Toon and SA can just stand at #3 and 4 and watch Foozy and I battle for the RCT 2 Championship Title.
Toon and SA may have something to say about that! Poor Pyro, not even mentioned
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