News / Top 50--Entire List
27-August 03
iris Offline
50.Mike Robbins
-Best RCT Attribute: Atmosphere
-Creator of Myths, Legends, and Folklore (NE Super Runner Up). The Runner-Up with the most downloads in New Element history (554 at present time). Created alongside MickMaximus. Currently #36 on The List
-Creator of Magnolia Gardens (NE Runner-Up). The first RCT2 park released at New Element
-Runs and participates in New Element Survivor, with his entry "Komodo Dragon" coming in third on his map last round.
Mike Robbins is probably going to be a debatable choice for this list, as some people really love his style, while others hate it. He is the proud owner of what has grown to be called the "Station Style of Parkmaking", which has both plusses and negatives, negatives including overtreeing and drab theming. Since he has visited New Element though, his parkmaking has increased with the release of MLF, easily his best work to date. With one of the longest standing careers, he has consistently put out interesting parks over the years, whether they be themed parks or realistic (or even recreations, as can be seen in his popular BGW double map rec), Robbins is always active.
-Best RCT Attribute: Coaster Design
-Creator of Chronicle (Yet to be Released), his latest work featuring several beautiful coasters and themed areas, including an amazing Downtown Los Angeles area. Guest coasters from Elrocko and mantis. Two versions of the park, one with a Harakiri entrance and the "Director's Cut" version, featuring an asian Andrew entrance.
-Creator of Universal's Quest (NE Runner-Up). A "cult favorite" at New Element, featuring one of my favorite Beemers to date.
-Will be RRP's partner in the upcoming Park Wars 2 season for the Universal chain.
If I had one word that would describe Andrew, it would be consistency. Every park he makes is always very solid and nice. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything from Andrew that I didn't like, but I don't think I've seen anything (Chronicle is his best work though) that has absolutely blown me away. He has a much simpler style of parkmaking then some of the people here, which can either hold him down (in some peoples opinions), or maybe..that's what makes his style so great. He's definitely one of the best coaster designers at the site, especially in Beemers, possibly even better then Fatha', with great examples in parks like Imagination Station, Universal's Quest, Chronicles, and his Legends Challenge Entry.
48.KillTony aka KumbaMaster
-Best RCT Attribute: Fun Parks to Explore
-Creator of Avalon: City of Myths (NE Super Runner-Up). A double map masterpiece featuring one of the coolest overall coaster line-ups of all time. Featuring two guest coasters from Natelox and one from x-sector as well, Kumba also delivered a dizzying array of coasters in all shapes and sizes.
-Creator of Tambora Lagoon Resort (NE Runner-Up). Another double map resort, again featuring several guest appearances, this time coming in the shape of x-sector, Natelox, PyroPenguin, Roboparks, Evil WME, Nevis, RRP, Andrew, and more. A very nice tropical park that was outdated by the time it was released due to Tony leaving and coming back to NE.
-19th Overall Pick in H2H3 Draft
Another one of the hit or miss parkmakers. A former New Element parkmaker who gave his spot up when he retired from the game, only to return lately. His style is one of a kind. He doesn't overtheme his rides, yet they still manage to end up being themed nicely somehow. Has a tendency to overtree on occasions, or just get lazy towards the completion of a park. Avalon: City of Myths is still Tony's best park, but Kumba has a very good resume, including the mini-coaster contest winning "Chariot" (found on his parkmaker page). He seems determined to regain his parkmaker spot, and with his semi-old school style...we'll see if he can.
-Best RCT Attribute: Creativity
-Creator of Malistair Gardens. One of my favorite all time older parks, Malistair Gardens features such a great coaster line-up, paired up with clever theming and beautiful atmosphere. The single most underrated parkmaker of all time who always went about his buisness and released parks on his own website, instead of winning awards at others. Great park though, one of my favorite older parks ever.
-Creator of Lucasland, Orlando. The re-adaptation of his original park, Lucasland, a full George Lucas themed park featuring mostly areas from Star Wars, but attractions from other Lucas films including Indiana Jones as well.
-Released his final park, Fun Fun Mountain, at Danimation in early 2002.
YellowMan has a style very similar to Duke02's actually, yet Duke went on to become legendary while YellowMan always played the undercard. I still think YellowMan was one of the most creative parkmakers I'd ever seen, and one of the best coaster designers as well. You can even ask parkmaking philsopher Coaster Ed his thoughts on YellowMan, the former webmaster of (now taken down).
-Best RCT Attribute: Iconic Engineering
-Creator of White Star Parks (Danimation Spotlight), one of the most legendary parks all time. The park that featured the gigantic replica of the Titanic, one of the most impressive feats ever done in RCT, as it took over half the map and features multiple decks, and even cleverly named rides that fit the ship.
-Creator of White Star Sahara Flats, which was yet another example of his unique "Iconic Engineering" (a style of parkmaking he learned from "Faultline" creator Lee). In this case, a gigantic pyramid was the centerpiece of the park, housing several rides inside of it, and was also surrounded by coasters from all sides. Just another example of his gigantic, breathtaking iconic engineering.
-Built 3 other White Star chain parks, Space Camp, a frontier-themed one, and a Swiss village one.
Zoinks is definitely one of the most unique parkmakers of all time. In so many ways, he reminds me exactly of Cbass, the creator of "Wisconsin" in the way that they made parks. Each individual thing in the parks would be tremendous, but they really didnt seem to make much of an effort in putting it all together, or making it look like everyone else's stuff. Often times though, Zoinks iconic engineering would shift the focus of his parks away from his actual rather weak coaster & theming skills. Still, creativity is the best thing to have, and Zoinks was full of it.
-Best RCT Attribute: Mini-Mala-ness
-Creator of Lanus Junction in NE's Florencia Valley, aka the 'Wannabe Collabo'. One of the single craziest themed areas I've ever seen, Blitz accompanies it with a novel scientifically explaining the entire themed area. Featuring a set of dueling B&M Coasters in Radikal vs. Prodigy, all situated inside an alien-beachside 'place', with lush alien plant life and never before seen theming & landscaping.
-Creator of The Lost Guardian in Tussaurds 2003 with RRP. While most people went crazy over RRP's work in the park, a giant RCCA Looping Woody that went by the name of "Backlash", and a working skycoasters, most people overlooked Blitz' crazy LIM Inverted Coaster, the "Lost Guardian", an Inverted spaghetti bowl.
-Was given the entire Anti-NE Collabo to finish himself after seeing how amazing the first themed area was.
Blitz-sama has been in this position for quite some time now. Right on the outside looking in, but he's not on the outside because he's not good enough. Still with hardly any work to his name, Blitz remains dormant. Finally picking up the Anti-NE Project once again, with Evil WME at his side in what could end up being the craziest fantasy park of all time. Blitz really defines his own style, with 150% Mala influence, with a more crammed in and even more creative approach at times. Mala's is more like "controlled madness" but Blitz' is less madness, and more....complicated. I've also yet see him do a non-space theme, but hey...go with what works I guess.
-Best RCT Attribute: Theming
-Creator of The Unknown, the third place entry for the Legends Challenge, placing above legendary parkmakers like Nevis, roomraider, and Blind Guardian. A space themed Floorless Coaster with the best space theming I've ever seen, a complex launched floorless layout that flies above the martian landscape below, with what seems like hundreds of types of coaster theming that all somehow interacts with the ride.
-Creator of Madrone Shores (In Construction). A-K's latest project after scrapping his Burried Kingdoms park last time he retired. Seems like AK is once again focused on becoming a parkmaker after giving up his original spot only two weeks after earning it. Lots of great screens for this park has everyone wondering if AK can actually finish something for once.
-Recruited as Iris' 10th Man for H2H3 Team.
AK has all the tools needed to become an NE Parkmaker, which is pretty evident since he was awarded that spot at one time. Still, with his recent return, AK has really grasped the Beast well, and now uses coaster theming just as good (or better) then other parkmakers. Still, his problem, just like Blitz above, is productivity. Only releasing one full park ever, the amateur "Sun Pointe'", before scrapping his breakthrough project in BK. A great coaster designer, a great themer, and a very clever hacker, AK is just barely on the outside, but every time he seems to get really close to his goals, he loses RCT or retires.
43.Fanatic of RCT
-Best RCT Attribute: X-Designs Style of Parkmaking
-Creator of Mountain Vista Amusement Park (NE Runner Up). Fanatic's final released park at New Element before retiring late last year. Only recently has it started to rapidly climb up The List, all the way up to the number 35 spot where it currently sits. One of the best RCT coaster designers, who really invented the X-Designs style of parkmaking (alongside Hyper Helix).
-Creator of Busch Gardens Chicago (NE Runner Up). Fanatic's first full park released at New Element, that was slightly more realistic then Mountain Vista. Still, the park showed off what he can do really, with some great coasters (such as "Poseidon's Trident), and a really tremendous atmosphere, a skill that all X-Designs parkmakers seemed to have.
-Creating Park Wars 2 park with PyroPenguin after the two dropped "Project Mongoose" long ago.
Fanatic of RCT is a tale of up and downs at New Element. He really started to improve as of late with every park, starting from Busch Gardens Chicago, then graduating to the favored Mountain Vista Amusement Park, all the way to the scrapped "Township America" park, a park that had Spotlight written all over it. Fanatic retired from the game and gave up his Parkmaker Spot, but has seemingly come back recently as he's competing in both H2H3 & Park Wars 2 now. I'm not even sure if he's planning to build any full parks in the future, as only time will tell.
42.Scarface aka adamrct
-Best RCT Attribute: RCT2 Architecture
-Creator of Heroes & Villains (Unrelased). This is adam's Hi-Rollers entry, which is primarily the reason that he was asked to become a NE Parkmaker. It features some great RCT2 architecture throughout the entire map, some very nice coasters, and some very cool ideas. It seems like adam gets better with every screen shot I see from him.
-Creator of Uni-Versity Send Off (In Construction). This is adam's full park project, a Universal Studios park that was originally planned to be his final park before leaving for college. Times have changed, but this park will still be completed. Yet again, some more examples of the beautiful buildings he creates all throughout this park.
-The newest New Element Parkmaker
The newest Parkmaker already has proven that he definitely belongs in the class of the elite, ranking above other NE Parkmakers such as Twisted & Mortician on this list. Not many people have grasped onto RCT2 quite like adam has, as can be seen from the screens of his Hi-Rollers Entry, University Send Off, and most impressively..his spanish area in the RCTU RCT2 group park "New World Adventures". Don't think he's only RCT2 though, he's still working on finishing his long-time in the making Islands of Adventure recreation alongside stargazer. He is the site's official alcoholic (well, maybe...) who seems to build better when he's completely trashed. Pretty good skill to have.
41.Pawn aka CoasterCraze
-Best RCT Attribute: Hacking
-Creator of Emperor of the Forgotten Realms (NE Runner Up). One of the most popular Runner Ups of all time, Pawn earned himself a Parkmaker spot with the screens & storyline of this park. This all became before I learned that he originally went under the name of CoasterCraze and had won the Danimation Spotlight in the very early days with his park, Busch Gardens Millennium. Still, one of the coolest coasters of all time here in "Daemon", along with countless hacks & tricks.
-Creator of Warrior's Grove , the official park that debuted Pawn to New Element. Who just seemed like some n00b posting a park quickly earned himself a following, inventing coaster designs such as the Dueling Split Coasters, as can be seen in "A Brother's Tale", civil-war themed duelers.
-Retired For the 2nd Time after releasing only two parks.
Pawn made a very short, but sweet stay at New Element. After debuting quickly with "Warrior's Grove" and earning himself a following, he went on to create "Emperor of the Forgotten Realms", a park that's advertising story had everybody completely engulfed. After EFR won Runner-Up, he retired for the second time, and really hasn't been seen around here since. It brings up memories thinking about Pawn's various album reviews, and his avatar of him making out with his guitar...not to mention the memories of the several new ideas Pawn/CoasterCraze brought to the game. He really left before making as big of an impact around here as he could have, but nevertheless, his stamp has been made on New Element, and he'll be remembered forever around here.
Next edition coming in a few days. -
Scarface Offline
Wow, above Blitz, Andrew and A-k....
I'm glad my hi rollers showed what i can do with Rct2, hopefully i'll get a good finish depending on how many enter hi rollers.
Nice start to the list, i'd love to see Yellowmans parks as im not too sure whether i have seen them or not.
I enjoy reading little updates like this, good job. -
KaiBueno Offline
Always enlightening it is to read/see the order in which you view the world of parkmakers...
The important thing here is that it's a fine summary of each, and from what I know of the parkmakers I know, the analysis/summary makes sense to me....order being rather irrelevant to me...
You know I don't care if I rank on anything ever, so can I be parkmaker #4,326? It's a nifty number really...
Thanks, can't wait for the rush though, that was a fair amount of writing...
Kai -
mantis Offline
I think Kai's got it sussed - it's more about the writing than the order. I'm pleased to see Mike Robbins up there because, let's face it, his Seven Wonders of the World park inspired loads of people (well, it did inspire me...)
I'd like to see some of Yellowman's stuff, Iris, so AIM me or something.
Nice read - i'm looking forward to see what you say about the top 5, because i'm sure a lot of it I won't know about (i'm assuming there'll be some players there who I don't know about, being the n00b that I am).
Coaster Ed Offline
Yeah I sorta nudged iris to get YellowMan on the list because he was one of the people at Danimation who really inspired me in the early days even though he never got much credit or recognition for his parks. The older ones probably look horribly out of date now but they resemble what I was building at the time and more importantly, they are really creative. Great themes and lots of goofy rides names. Hopefully this will encourage more people to check out his work.
I had no idea Zoinks made that many parks. I'm pretty sure White Star Park is the only one I've seen. I've got to check out those other parks because they sound like something I would like. Now I want to go back through some of the parks you've mentioned and remember how inspiring they all were. You can take your time with the next 10 I think as others might want to do the same. -
Aviator Offline
Dang, adamrct's (or scarfaces) high-rollers must be awesome... that all he's go out there really aint it? -
Coaster Ed Offline
I know I know. I meant he can take his time writing the descriptions or just in posting the next group.Who says he needs to take time to choose the next 10?
Scarface Offline
Dang, adamrct's (or scarfaces) high-rollers must be awesome... that all he's go out there really aint it?
Themeparkmaster Offline
It's a strange list really because how I see it, Pawn and Mike Robbins are worlds apart in RCT quality (no offense Mike, just how I see it) yet they are only 9 places apart in the top 50 all time parkmakers.
But it is your list so that is to be expected and I'm really only posting to see the next portion anyway so... -
rctfreak2000 Offline
I enjoyed the read, but I can't help but disagree with AK's placement. While his stuff is good, I can't help but feel that his compulsiveness to use track as roofs and other building materials non-stop is holding him back.
Not sure, but I look forward to the next installment. -
mantis Offline
Burried (sic) Kingdoms has hardly any coaster-architecture in it compared to Maldrone, so maybe you'd like that better? I'm a fan of A-K's stuff (Unknown is brilliant) so I agree with his placement.I enjoyed the read, but I can't help but disagree with AK's placement. While his stuff is good, I can't help but feel that his compulsiveness to use track as roofs and other building materials non-stop is holding him back.
Not sure, but I look forward to the next installment.
Oh, and TPM, Mike Robbins is undoubtably one of the best contributors to the game so I think he deserves a place for embodying one of the things a parkmaker should do - inspire and encourage. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
I liked BK, but I found elements of it to be a little too simplistic for me at times. But props to him for his sculptures and diversity in theming. -
Themeparkmaster Offline
Oh, and TPM, Mike Robbins is undoubtably one of the best contributors to the game so I think he deserves a place for embodying one of the things a parkmaker should do - inspire and encourage.
I don't doubt he deserves some praise for his contribuitions to RCT, it's just I see such a great gap between the parkmaking abilities of Pawn and Mike.
It's nothing against Mike or whether he desrves that position, just my personal preference and how I see such a drastic improvment from 50th to 41st and how I would have chosen different parkmakers for the spots 41st and upwards which would (in my eyes) lessen the gap of quality between 50th and 41st.
But then again I'd have never put Pawn that low in the list anyway, so what do I now? -
mantis Offline
Lmao we'll have to see the rest, won't we?
If only Pawn had done a follow-up to's obvious people mostly improve from park to park... -
Toon Offline
Personally, when I first came onto the scene at the Station, Seven Wonders really opened my eyes to what the game could embody. I think at the time it was a great park. My only complaint about Mike as a parkmaker would be a stubborness in style that really prevented him from evolving (though that does seem to be lifting lately). Still his body of work and contribution to the community in general earn him a spot on this list in my opinion. As for Pawn, if he had a larger body of work, I'm sure he would be much higher on the list.
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