General Chat / Starving Children in Africa
- 22-August 03
JFK Offline
Hey. It's not my fault.
It's not my fault the government I elected and tolerate decides to endorse "Globalisation", which means they can privatise water supplies in third world countries in order to help MY economy. Or that The World Bank, within which MY country pulls the biggest strings gives out loans with ridiculous, idiotic stipulations which slide certain countries deep into debt. Or, you know, pass anti-competitive laws to get them to stop exporting shit so MY country can get more money while those niggers can starve and shit.
Yeah. It's not MY doing. It's not MY fucking problem. Really. Who gives a fat flying fuck?
For you see, I am blessed. I am God's Special Little Child, yeah!
Three cheers for me. The Ignorant American.
Now lets all circle jerk while watching the lakers fail!
Hilarious, Mick. As if I didn't tear you enough a large enough asshole last time around, you decide to pull the exact same arrogant bullshit in this thread.Opinion of a 5 year old.....nice
Why do you feel that.
"Opinion of a 5 year old"?
Jesus fuckng Christ, are you up your own festering little ass.
The only thing funnier is the fact that you completely missed the humour that Dead People fag was going for. And, because of your own blind ignorance, decided to make ASSumptions about his age.
Well done, man. For as long as you remain on this forum, I will never be able to grab the title of "Biggest Dick".
Seriously. What the fuck? Someone your age has no excuse for being stupid. You need to get that shit looked at, I think it might be medical, or some shit.
Hey, though. Maybe you won't need to. RCTStation returns soon. You can return to that fucking promised land of stupidity where you will be a king among retards. I know you hate it here. And if you don't, I will see to it that you do. Because, Mick, I know what's best for NewElement. Yes, that's right, I'm God. And shit.
You're like. That snake, in the garden of Eden. And shit. Yeah.
Fuck off, man. I hate cancer, and you're the worst of them all.
Die. -
Hevydevy Offline
Yes, but I'm not in their situation. I do care for them, and it is horrible what they have to go through, but I have other people to feed, namely myself.all who said something to the effect of 'i don't care'....let's put you in their situation...then we decide if you want to donate some food or not.
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