Hi-Rollers / Hi Rollers Roll Call
06-August 03
i c ded pplz Offline
mayve i'll just enter somtyhing completly crap to get the numbers up...
at least then someone would walk away with $50... -
Corkscrewed Offline
Valp Offline
Oh man... I really wanted to enter... I did, honestly, but I got bogged down in certain activities and RCT screwed up... so I just can't enter. It wouldn't do justice to the park or my skills to enter it like it would be on August 31...
Sorry about all this... but if anyone cares too much I'd personally send $10-20 to the winner... -
rctfreak2000 Offline
I am rather disappointed that this may be the last NE contest, but then again, money wasn't a good motivator for some people. I honestly could care less about the money.
Maybe if you did some sorta contest where the highest non-NE parkmaker finisher got a spot, or just a contest for non-parkmakers where the winner becomes a parkmaker would have gotten more entries.
I know that a competition like that is rather risky, but people would have more reason to enter. And besides, they wouldn't have to worry about facing the likes of Scarface, X-Sector, nate, Corky, and others, lol.
But nonetheless, I'm still entering.
-Freak -
John Offline
I wish I would'a gotten rid of my "builder's block" that I had almost all summer sooner. I agree with freak that if there was a parkmaker spot as the prize instead of cash, the entries would have been out the ass. I would definitely be lined up for that one! -
posix Offline
Yeah, after having thought it over a few times, I think rewarding money to the winner wasn't a good idea.
When you do something for money, it sooner or later becomes work, not to say something you hate but have to do because of the money. That was my problem with Hi-Rollers. I played RCT although I knew I hated it and what I was making.
I ended up deleting what I had done. The third try to start a good park could have been considered as "successful" so I went with it although I had lost alot of time.
Still I think I'll enter. Finished another area yesterday. One more left (the one I deleted). So yeah.
But 30 entries? Forget it. -
Aeroglobe Offline
I just send mine in. What a pitiful piece of crap. I'm only proud of a few things -- the coasters (except for the shuttle), King Tut's 4 Star Restaurant, and the dark section.
Aérôglòbe -
iris Offline
It's funny. Actually, it was stated that if I recieved at least 30 entries, that two parkmakers would be chosen off of Hi-Rollers alone.
Why do you think Scarface was just moved up?
Good things happen to those who enter. -
Themeparkmaster Offline
Shouldn't you have waited until everyone had entered to choose Scarface as a parkmaker then? Or had you all ready decided before the entry? -
iris Offline
Na, I felt it was a safe assumption. Seeing as there are only 8 entries in with less then 10 days left in the contest, it was safe.
Also, don't forget. I didn't say the top 2 placers would become Parkmakers. I said two people would have been brought up due to Hi-Rollers. So regardless of where Scarface placed, his entry alone got him the parkmaker spot. -
Themeparkmaster Offline
Ah, ok.
I'm more turned on to the contest by the parkmaker spot then the money as well. Better get finished.
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