RCT Discussion / New Element Solo Tracker

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    NE Solo Tracker


    For as long as New Element has existed, the most important release for any parkmaker's career has been the "Full Scale Solo". Often (but not always) built with the hope of winning Spotlight, these maps are a demonstration of a builder's ability to compose on a large scale, offer variety in content and consistent quality, and develop their stylistic traits. These releases continue to underpin NE's culture of showcase parkmaking. After a few years, the central location for tracking and listing your favourite promised releases on the Forum became the Your Upcoming/In Progress Park Choice topic, which can perhaps then be considered an ancestor of this one - a place to see which projects are on their way.

    So with that, welcome to the New Element Solo Tracker! You may have seen this recently developed as a shared Spreadsheet by J K , and after a bit of experimentation we felt it would be nice to host it directly on the site for easier access along with consistent updates and commentary! This topic will therefore be a living tracker hosting details of upcoming in-progress solo projects by the community.

    How Do I Join?

    For projects to be considered for the Solo Tracker, they must meet the following criteria:

    • It must be a solo effort, consisting of your own work and not a duo or group park.
    • It must be a full scale map. Traditionally this has been 126×126 tiles which was the RCTLL maximum map size.
    • It should be actively in progress, not a half-baked idea on a map, an incomplete entrance or dead project.

    If you have a project you wish to be added to the tracker, please message the Admin team and provide details of the project name and current completion status (to the nearest 5%). If you have an existing Project page associated with it, please also provide the link for us to include in the tracker.

    For anyone with an in progress project in the tracker, please feel free to reach out to the Admin team if it's progressed enough to update the % completion. We will post periodic updates in separate posts, and intend to keep this first post as a one-stop location for all maps. Completed projects will be removed from the tracker once released to make room for more in progress work, but will be included in a special shoutout after release.

    New Element Solo Tracker
    Belgian Flag FredD Lake of Lost Worlds
    British Flag J K Pixar Animation Studios
    British Flag The Microwave Willis' Kingdom
    US Flag Bluetiful_Monday Revelations of Stonehenge
    US Flag RCT2Day Everstone Highlands
    British Flag Roomie Project Viewpoint
    Dutch Flag Liampie Perenmoes
    US Flag hydroportal Six Flags
    US Flag RCTNW Project Phoenix
    Australian Flag Cocoa Island Tramway
    Dutch Flag Steve Ve2ris
    Dutch Flag MK98 Mythologica
    British Flag deanosrs Opryland USA
    German Flag RWE Westfalenpark
    US Flag CoasterCreator9 Project Caldera
    US Flag Recurious Yangshou Valley Thrill ...
    US Flag ottersalad City Zoo
    German Flag Version1 Tylstrup Sommerland
    US Flag CoasterCreator9 Haunted Harbor
    Dutch Flag Liampie BAC (LL solo)
    US Flag In:Cities Sunshine Springs
    US Flag AmusementParker Liberty Shores
    US Flag Kumba Project DR3
    US Flag Mulpje Project Shadow
    Dutch Flag Jens J. Kauai Springs
    Canadian Flag bigshootergill Mario Kart: Retro Cup
    US Flag Ethan Stella Gestatio

    In addition to the above tracker, there is a Google Sheets spreadsheet that includes each of the parks listed along with some more in depth details for each entry where available such as Size, Start Date and Estimated Completion Date. The spreadshet may also include some group parks such as Southport by the '09 Flying Germans, which aren't considered in the Solo tracker. The sheet also includes some parks that don't yet have details listed - if one of those is yours, we'd love to include it in this post if you have an estimate of the Percent Complete!

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Since first posting the Solo Tracker, a few more members reached out asking if their projects could be added, and we didn't want to wait for an update post to include them. As such, the following new projects and updates are now included:

    Bluetiful_Monday: Revelations of Stonehenge at 85%
    RCTNW: Project Phoenix Phase 1 up to 80%
    CC9: Two additions - Project Caldera at 40% and Haunted Harbour at 35%
    Recurious: Yangshou Valley Thrill & Water Park at about 40%
    Mulpje: Project Shadow at 5%


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