RCT Discussion / NE Advent Calendar 2024 - Sign-ups

  • Version1%s's Photo

    The Concept

    I don't know how common this is in other countries so I might as well explain the concept of a advent calendar to start with. The principle is simple: In anticipation for christmas eve (which is when gifts are exchanged in Germany) children and adults might buy or get an advents calender. These count down the days from December 1st to December 24st, with 24 little doors behind which are little daily surprises (often chocolates, other sweets or small toys or other goods. There are advent calendars for everything).

    So I thought to myself: Why not do the same with little pieces of RCT? As usually a big park is released on the first day of christmas, this should give us the opportunity to gift each other 24 lovely little pieces of work. I would post one every day at random and in the end, at least that's my idea, I would collectively submit all 24 maps as a zip with an equal builder share for everyone (if 24 builders are possible).

    The "Rules"

    This is obviously not meant to be a contest, but I think the logical choice is to go for micros. I hope a month is enough time to get 24 submissions ready. The maps should be sent to me until November 30th at the latest. I then would (maybe with the help of 1-2 volunteers) determine the map most suited or worthy of the 24th door. I would then put the other parks in random order and post them in a topic. After all I would upload the collected works in a zip.

    So basically: Try to somewhat stick to a 15x15 plot and send it in before December.

    Interest list:

    1. Version1
    2. Scoop
    3. nin
    4. Steve
    5. monsterbux
    6. Lilith
    7. Milo
    8. Ethan
    9. Casimir
    10. Gustav Goblin
    11. Jaguar
    12. MorganFan
    13. Turtle
    14. RWE
    15. Lurker
    16. Jappy
    17. Babar Tapie
    18. alex
    19. SSSammy
    20. WhosLeon
    21. Ottersalad
    22. AvanineCommuter
    23. Xtreme97
    24. Faas
    25. the_bru
    26. AmusementParker

  • Scoop%s's Photo

    Oohh this sounds like fun! Count me in!

  • nin%s's Photo


  • Steve%s's Photo

    hell yea, nerds.

  • monsterbux%s's Photo

    Me too!

  • Lilith%s's Photo
    ill do it
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Nice idea. I’m down.
  • Ethan%s's Photo
  • Casimir%s's Photo

    You know what? I'm in.

  • posix%s's Photo

    Very sweet idea. Hope it'll all come together.

  • Gustav Goblin%s's Photo
    F it, nose plugged, eyes closed, diving in. You had me at micro.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Sign me up!

  • MorganFan%s's Photo

    Sure why not

  • Turtle%s's Photo


  • RWE%s's Photo
    Love the idea. I'm in.
  • Lurker%s's Photo

    I'll sign up, been thinking of doing another micro already

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Sure, sounds like fun!

  • Babar Tapie%s's Photo

    I'm in !

  • alex%s's Photo
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    Okily dokily


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