Ask the Experts / Collections feature

  • capjasrct%s's Photo

    What is the Collections feature?

    How is it used?

    How is it accessed?

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    To be honest, I don't know what you mean with the Collections feature. Where have you seen this?

  • capjasrct%s's Photo

    It is an option when you right click on an object picture

  • spacek531%s's Photo

    Can you please take a picture and post it?

  • capjasrct%s's Photo

    Attached File  Screenshot (3).png (382.12KB)
    downloads: 37


    The picture shows the dropdown menus where I found the collections option.


     My main object is to download the WC... series of castle wall objects because mine are corrupt.

    If anyone knows how to download these objects please tell me. There is not an obvious way on

    the screen to download them.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo

    Click on the save icon. No need to right click anything.

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    The "WC" objects are base game RCT2 so aren't hosted by NE. Have you tried reinstalling to restore the corrupted objects?

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I'm surprised no one has pointed out that this right click menu has nothing to do with the site, it's a browser thing. Microsoft Edge I think? You can ask them what this collections feature is, because I have no clue!


    For the rest, listen to Xtreme. You may want a clean install. If you know there's just a few corrupted objects (how does that happen?), you can also ask someone to send them to you. If you join our discord chat server (click the bottom right of this page) we can probably help you more quickly.

  • capjasrct%s's Photo

    Actually what i want is for some one to provide a source for these object files or provide a copy of them for me.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo


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