Head-2-Head-X / Head-2-Head-X: Guess The Builder

  • J K%s's Photo

    I can only dream.

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    R3M3 is now up:


    R3M3: Lonely Hearts Club vs Hurricanes

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    A few weeks late but better than never, the rest of the Round 3 results can be found below, along with the standings update!



    First of all, the R3M2 stats:


    Void Extraction Research Base: AVC was far and away the most guessed builder here, picking up 73% of guesses. Unsurprising with his majority share on the park and distinct style of world-building. saxman and Spacek were the next most guessed, though both incorrect here, as I suspect most were expecting a supporting role. Suormot comes up next as the correct guess, made by almost 40% of people. Steve bears the unfortunate result of appearing in zero guesses, due to his smaller share and having appeared twice already. Will this motivate some future guesses for his part?

    Attached Image: R3M2_VERB.png


    The Yards: Another set of accurate guesses here as over three quarters correctly guessed the duo of hydroportal and barnNID working on The Yards. The next most guessed were coasterbill at 55% and Zarathustra at 40%, but both being incorrect. RWE showed up in just 2 guesses, as those small supporting roles are no doubt a stab in the dark.

    Attached Image: R3M2_Yards.png



    Next up we have the stats for R3M3:


    Bugs and Bots: It seems a lot of people saw this one coming, as both nin and mamarillas lead the guesses with an equal share, appearing in just under 70%. A very strong duo whose individual styles both shone through on the map. Camcorder22 also showed up in a 40% of guesses correctly, while RobDedede and Iretont were about even, tripping some people up.

    Attached Image: R3M3_Bugs.png


    Millennium Discovery Museum: This was an interesting case, as Kumba and Splitvision both showed up in a almost all guesses with most thinking it a duo effort. However, Kumba was the only correct choice of the two, supported by Terry, Congoy and ottersalad who showed up in few guesses overall (just one each for otter and Terry). Perhaps the hacking is what drew people to the Congoy and Splitvision votes, as we also see Levis showing up in over half of the guesses.

    Attached Image: R3M3_Millennium.png



    Standings Update: Round 3


    Attached Image: Standings_Round3.png


    With Round 3 over, AVC still sits comfortably in the lead with 38 points, with his lead widening to 6 points from second place where we see Gustav and Lilith in joint position with 32 points. But there's still all to play for with this small a gap, and the shifts in the subsequent placements is interesting to note from Round 2.

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    And straight away it's time for Round 4!

    R4M1: Hurricanes vs Jazzcats

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Next round is up:


    R4M2: Dambusters vs Lonely Hearts Club

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    And the last match of Round 4 is here:


    R4M3: Soda Jerks vs Evergreen Gardeners

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Results time!


    Round 4 was a great round for guessing, with the total points awarded exceeding any other round so far, and with fewer players guessing than the earlier rounds!





    BaseX: Most of the builders were correctly guessed here, with Levis leading the pack in >80% of guesses. Kenos and CC9 show up in over half as well, and Jappy in just under half. One anomaly however is bigshootergill appearing in on ~27% of guesses, perhaps owing to the park concept being more realistic than his go-to style. Splitvision also shows up in a good number of guesses, throwing some people off.

    Attached Image: R4M1_BaseX.png


    Screameasy: Another well-guessed matchup with the lead builder Leon showing up in the vast majority of guesses correctly. Bubbsy and Sax trail close behind in well over half of the guesses, though spacek was only guessed by 3 people. Interestingly, Tolsimir showed up in nearly half of people's ballots too, a similar situation to Splitvision throwing off some votes in BaseX. Perhaps this time some of the half-diagonal architecture was tricking people into a Tolsimir vote.

    Attached Image: R4M1_Screameasy.png





    Buxom the Sunset Sorceress: This was another easy vote for a lot of people, with Andrew showing up in more than 80% of people's guesses, and Cocoa and Morganfan in around 60%, while any other builder guesses only scraped a few votes each, suggesting this trio was very quickly recognizable. So much so, in fact, that a third of people got a perfect score here by guesses only the three builders and picking up the bonus point. Well done!

    Attached Image: R4M2_Buxom.png


    Murder in McAllan: Yet another strongly pronounced graph here, but split down the middle between correct and wrong guesses. RobDedede shows up the most, in almost 80% of guesses despite not building on the map! It seems a lot of people were eager to see him build and must have suspected his style in the fabric of the map. JK and Iretont show up in about 70% of guesses each, so at least a lot of people were able to pick up a couple of points from this. AmusementParker also showed up quite frequently, while the final correct builder Jens J. was only chosen by 3 people.

    Attached Image: R4M2_Murder.png





    Sea of Symphonies: Ethan was predictably the most guessed builder on this map, though I'm surprised that only ~70% of people guessed him, as I would have suspected more with his maximalist style all over the park. Inthemanual shows up in just under half of the guesses, while remaining builders Scoop and Mulpje were a little harder for people to identify.

    Attached Image: R4M3_Sea.png


    Raveland: Last up is Raveland - on another park with 5 builders, quite a few were able to correctly guess at 4 of them to pick up the bonus point. Sulakke comes up the most, being guesses by almost 80% of people, while Fisch, BelgianGuy and Coasterbill are also correctly guessed by a sizeable number of people. BarnNID seems to have thrown off a few people however, and MK98 slipped under the radar somewhat despite his decent builder share.

    Attached Image: R4M3_Raveland.png



    Standings Update: Round 4


    After a very strong round across the board, AVC still leads the pack with Gustav close behind. AVC's lead remains steady, with one Round Robin matchup left. Lilith slips into third but only by a couple of points, while Gamma gains some ground into a joint 4th place with Ethan. And well done to MrBrightside and walto who each got a perfect 10-points on one of the matches this round.

    Attached Image: Standings_Round4.png

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    New match now up!


    R5M1: Hurricanes vs Soda Jerks

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Next matchup:


    R5M2: Dambusters vs Evergreen Gardeners

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Last matchup is now available:


    R5M3: Lonely Hearts Club vs Jazzcats

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    One last set of results for Round Robin, before we get into the Playoffs! Again lots of points up for grabs this round, with match 1 seeing the most picked up (partly thanks to another 5-player map that afforded a lot of bonus points for various guesses). The rule of all players being required to build in Round Robin also led to a lot of guaranteed points being handed out for guessing yet unplayed builders, which has also led to some predictable results graphs!





    Ghirardelli's Dream: An obvious guess here in Splitvision who shows up in 92% of guesses, with the remaining guessers being members of the Hurricanes. Ballpitwarrior and Terry Inferno also show up in a little under half of the guesses, their styles perhaps becoming more distinct. Bluetiful_Monday and kenos also showed up however, tripping some up.

    Attached Image: R5M1_Ghirardelli.png


    Neo Hot Springs: The top 3 here are again the remaining unplayed members of the Soda Jerks: Ziscor, Gamma and Sens. Beyond those three, dr dirt appears in almost 40% of guesses showing that the clear macro and PT2 style was correctly twigged by quite a few. Inthemanual only showed up in ~10% of guesses however, given his lower builder share.

    Attached Image: R5M1_NeoHotSprings.png





    Ol' Smokey's Showboat: Coupon was the remaining builder here and was thus correctly guessed by 84% of players (and 100% of non-Dambusters). And in one of the largest guesses for a non-guaranteed player, alex picked up more than 60% of guesses, displaying his clean style on a unique map. Trav was the next most-guessed and fooled around a third of guessers, just ahead of hoobaroo who a third guessed correctly.

    Attached Image: R5M2_Smokeys.png


    Bene Volantes: Newcomer Sadret was guaranteed to build this round and with the clever plugin use it was no surprise. Fisch played a similar role to alex and appeared in 76% of guesses, his clear concept and style coming through immediately. Interestingly, Six Frags only appeared in 28% of the guesses despite being responsible for 30% of the build, while RWE and Lurker both appear in 36% of guesses.

    Attached Image: R5M2_BeneVolantes.png





    Chateau Frontenac: Another guaranteed pair results in RobDedede and AmusementParker both receiving 78% of the guesses, giving some easy points out. The rest of the lineup was a little harder for people to parse, with SSSammy and mamarillas being guessed by fewer than a fifth of people, while deanosrs and CHE appeared more frequently. Team synergy at work?

    Attached Image: R5M3_Chateau.png


    Cedar Point's Maverick: The one park without any guaranteed builders, and consequently it has the more even distribution. AJ- was guessed by almost 70% of players despite not showing up on the map at all, while Brightside comes up in second with just over half correctly guessing his majority role. Supporting builders Tolsimir and Suormot were more difficult for people to guess, receiving ~20% of the picks each.

    Attached Image: R5M3_Maverick.png



    Standings Update: Round 5


    With a number of guaranteed points on offer, everyone did decently well, and RWE managed a double-perfect score in R5M1 even! As far as the standings go, things in the top flight haven't shifted very much as AVC cements a stronger lead of 8 points ahead of Gustav in second. With just a few rounds left in the contest, will he maintain his position?

    Attached Image: Standings_Round5.png

  • Mr.Brightside711%s's Photo

    I guess I wasn't as obvious as I thought :p


    Also, I'll be look forward for post season where I'll be fighting for top 3 :)

  • alex%s's Photo

    I'm awful at guessing but I love reading these - great work X

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Guess the builder for Semi-Finals is here! For this round, you can guess up to 5 people due to the increase point limit.


    SF1: Dambusters vs Soda Jerks

    Match Thread


    Unsure how Grand Final will work given there are no point limits. Perhaps a point deduction for every wrongly guessed builder?

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Semifinal 2 is now live!


    SF2: Lonely Hearts Club vs Jazzcats

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    It's time for the last couple of rounds of Guess The Builder! The 3rd place matchup is below, and there are some new rules about point allocation:


    For the finals and 3rd place, you can select as many builders as you think worked on the park.
    - You will receive 1 point for each correct guess.
    - You will lose 1 point for each player you guess that didn't work on the park.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    The grand final is here and so is the last Guess The Builder of the season! Same rules as above apply.


    Grand Final: Soda Jerks vs Jazzcats

    Match Thread

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    So here it is, the last of the Guess The Builder results. Time to crown a winner! But first, time to pour over the graphs for each of the Playoffs parks. I'll be presenting results for Semi-Finals, Grand Final and 3rd Place here.





    Gardens of Light: Few surprises here as hoobaroo sweeps the majority of guesses with 90% (excluding DB guessers puts it closer to 100%). His style shines through immediately on the map with its dreamlike qualities and surreal ideas. Less guessed, however, were Andrew and alex, who showed up in only a few guesses in total. Meanwhile Liampie, Recurious, roygbiv, Cocoa and ultro threw many off the scent who likely didn't expect Liam's top two picks to also be called upon.

    Attached Image: SF1_Gardens.png


    Super Nintendo World: Almost as equally well guessed as on the Dambusters, Josh walks away with ~67% of the guesses, but taking into account the number of guesses coming from the Soda Jerks it's closer to 100%. Many people were able to pick up points with Josh, with fewer guessing wheres_walto's co-lead status. Mulpje and Hobeon's contributions were yet more difficult for people to guess, while Maverix, Scoop and Gustav picked up more of the votes. I suppose the team effort doesn't go unnoticed!

    Attached Image: SF1_SNW.png





    Donkey Kong Country: Once again a park concept that proved quite easy to see who guided its creation as nin picks up over 70% of the guesses. Despite a strong group share, captain J K was less frequently guessed at 30%, while Jens J. tripped some guessers up likely due to the landscaping techniques that typify his style. Mamarillas and Hex show up in a respectable amount alongside J K, more evenly split among some of the other non-builders.

    Attached Image: SF2_DKC.png


    Meccha: From the word go this was going to be an easy one for the top two contributors. AVC sweeps with over 80% of the guesses, and Leon shows up in over half. Proving themselves individually successful after two standout Round Robin parks, here they teamed up with monsterbux and saxman, and the high-concept build was immediately recognisable. Monsterbux showed up in ~30% of guesses, while saxman was in just 1 guess. AJ, Suormot and Bubbsy gave some headaches though, but not enough to supplant the leads.

    Attached Image: SF2_Meccha.png



    3rd Place


    Sonnental: This park was perhaps the most well guessed of the playoffs - despite it being the 3rd place matchup and theoretically being eligible for the whole team, the map made it clear that two players were the driving force and here it shows as Liampie and MorganFan appear in more than 80% of the guesses each. The remaining shares are split fairly evenly with a few guesses per player - Ulvenwood and roygbiv correctly by a lucky few.

    Attached Image: 3P_Sonnental.png


    The Land Before The Land Before Time: And here we begin to see the Grand Final free for all come into play, as a large number of builders are guessed quite widely. J K, Jens J. and Hex are the most guessed names and all were correct. Due to the Grand Final GTB rules however, some guessers will have lost a couple of points with nin and Iretont. Not enough to put much of a dent in anyone who went for the full slate however.

    Attached Image: 3P_TLB4T.png





    Expo Miami: The first of the Grand Final parks, and once again we can see the rule in force with everyone picking up a sizeable amount of shares. And not for nothing either, as the entire team built on the Soda Jerks' last outing meaning zero penalties would have been awarded. Scoop, Josh, Gustav, Ethan Ziscor were more widely guessed than others, and as a bonus fact 3 people got full points plus the bonus for guessing the entire slate, a risk that paid off given the potential penalties for incorrect guesses at this stage.

    Attached Image: GF_Expo.png


    Vere Aeternum: The winning park sees some more conservative guessing than Expo Miami, with most correctly guessing Steve as the main builder on the map while AVC, Tolsimir and Jene are close behind. The remaining players are more thinly spread across the guesses at ~40%, and some will unfortunately have lost points for guessing MrBrightside. All in all a more cautious approach however that will certainly yield some points.

    Attached Image: GF_Vere.png



    Guess The Builder Final Standings


    And there we have it, the guessing is complete and it's time to reveal the winner! In the end the standings did take a bit of a turn but not enough to upset the leading guesser - in the end AVC once again scores an excellent round and extends his lead to 96 points in total to claim victory! Congratulations!


    Additionally, chorkiel leapfrogs into second with the biggest score of the Playoffs, collecting 34 points total across the four matches and a huge 21 points alone in the Grand Final. The final standings are presented below:


    Attached Image: Standings_Final.png


    Thank you all for participating and making this a fun side-event! Until the next H2H :)

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    AVC, absolutely untouchable... Very impressive.

  • Mr.Brightside711%s's Photo

    Damn! Nice job AVC and thanks Xtreme for doing all this work! It was a lot more fun to actually try and figure out who built what!


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