Head-2-Head-X / Head-2-Head-X Pick'ems

  • J K%s's Photo

    Jerks  > Gardeners

    Cats > Canes

    Hearts > Dambusters

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    dam > busters

  • roygbiv%s's Photo

    2-2 across the board or riot

  • GammaZero%s's Photo

    2-2 across the board or riot


    Is that your official prediction

  • roygbiv%s's Photo



    Is that your official prediction



    its my hopeless romantic prediction 

  • Mr.Brightside711%s's Photo

    Cat Heart Garden

  • GammaZero%s's Photo

    Seeing as I forgot to make a last call announcement for this round, I'll allow people who haven't made their predictions to predict the next two matches. These are Dambusters vs. Lonely Hearts Club and Soda Jerks vs. Evergreen Gardeners. This means you can get a maximum of two points if you set your predictions now - you'll get zero points for the first match. You are allowed to enter until R4M2 is released; I will not extend this privilege again.


    Please do not predict the results of the first match (Hurricanes vs. Jazzcats), as that is already underway, and do not set new predictions if you are already participating in this round. To those who are entering now, good luck!

  • GammaZero%s's Photo


    Perhaps we're going through a slight lull in overall H2H hype, as we once again see a relatively low participant turnout, even after an extension of sorts. And my general prediction didn't really come true. Lame. Nevertheless, the top contenders all set their predictions for last round, and things are getting extremely heated again as we move to the last round in the Pick'em Silver Competition! Here (and here) are the updated standings:


    8 POINTS: Scoop (+3), RobDedede (+2), In:Cities (+3)

    7 POINTS: J K (+3), ottersalad (+2)

    6 POINTS: GammaZero (+1), Gustav Goblin (+2), RWE (+2)

    5 POINTS: Liampie (+1)

    4 POINTS: chorkiel (+1)

    3 POINTS: Ethan (-), Mr.Brightside711 (+2)

    2 POINTS: wheres_walto (-), A n d r e w (-), dr dirt (-)

    1 POINT: AvanineCommuter (-), Kumba (-)

    0 POINTS: Wanted (-)


    Mathematically, anyone with 4 points or less can no longer contest for the win, but anyone above that is still in the running! And trust me: at this point, it's still anyone's game. As always, let me know if I made any mistakes.


    Round 5 will be the last round of the Silver Competition! As such, every point matters now, so, if you still wanna win (or improve your score one last time), don't forget to set your last round of predictions! You can now set your predictions for the Round 5 matchups (also seen here): Dambusters vs. Evergreen Gardeners, Lonely Hearts Club vs. Jazzcats, and Hurricanes vs. Soda Jerks. As usual, please submit your R5 predictions on a new reply. For the final time (at least for the Silver Competition), good luck!


    - - -


    For Round 5, my predictions are:

    Dambusters > Evergreen Gardeners

    Jazzcats > Lonely Hearts Club

    Hurricanes > Soda Jerks


    And my Round 5 prediction is that we're gonna see drama of some kind :p

  • RWE%s's Photo

    Soda Jerks



  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Soda Jerks



  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    Dambusters > Evergreen Gardeners

    Jazzcats > Lonely Hearts Club

    Hurricanes > Soda Jerks

  • In:Cities%s's Photo



  • Scoop%s's Photo



  • RobDedede%s's Photo

    Hurricanes > Soda Jerks


    Jazzcats > Lonely Hearts Club


    Evergreen Gardeners > Dambusters

  • J K%s's Photo

    Hurricanes > Soda Jerks

    Lonely Hearts Club > Jazzcats

    Evergreen Gardeners > Dambusters

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Dambusters > Evergreen Gardeners

    Jazzcats > Lonely Hearts Club

    Soda Jerks > Hurricanes

  • roygbiv%s's Photo



    Soda jerks 

  • GammaZero%s's Photo


    H2HX Round Robin has come to a close, and with it, the Pick'em Silver Competition. It was truly competitive and unpredictable until the end. Let's move on to the final standings, so we can crown our winner(s):


    9 POINTS: Scoop (+1), ottersalad (+2), In:Cities (+1)

    8 POINTS: J K (+1), RobDedede (0)

    7 POINTS: GammaZero (+1), Liampie (+2), RWE (+1)

    6 POINTS: Gustav Goblin (-)

    5 POINTS: chorkiel (+1)

    4 POINTS: -

    3 POINTS: Ethan (-), Mr.Brightside711 (-)

    2 POINTS: wheres_walto (-), A n d r e w (-), dr dirt (-), roygbiv (+2)

    1 POINT: AvanineCommuter (-), Kumba (-)

    0 POINTS: Wanted (-)


    Congratulations to our Silver Award winners: Scoop, ottersalad, and In:Cities! I hereby bestow upon the three of you the title of "best armchair analysts".


    Jokes aside, special attention must be brought to Josh, for stealing first place without having participated in every round (he missed Round 1!). Conversely, commiserations to RobDedede for losing out on the last round after retaining the top spot for multiple rounds.


    Here's the full chart I used to calculate the scores, for posterity:

    Attached Image: silversheet.jpg


    Thank you to everyone who participated in this little side competition! I hope I was able to bring you some extra fun during this season of Head-2-Head. But the Pick'ems aren't over yet...

  • GammaZero%s's Photo


    It's been a long time coming, but it's time for the Pick'em Gold Competition to truly get underway! At the start of H2HX, multiple members put in overall predictions for final Round Robin standings, and it's finally time to see how everyone did.


    A quick refresher on the rules for this stage: for each team you put on your Top 4 that did make the Play-offs, you get one point (regardless of placement). Additionally, for each correct placement prediction (e.g. predicting the Soda Jerks in 1st), you will get one bonus point. With that in mind, here are the current standings for the Gold Competition:


    5 POINTS: Gustav Goblin (3+2), RobDedede (3+2)

    4 POINTS: GammaZero (3+1), Liampie (4+0), Scoop (4+0), JK (3+1), wheres_walto (3+1), Mr.Brightside711 (4+0)

    3 POINTS: RWE (3+0), ottersalad (3+0), Cocoa (3+0), AvanineCommuter (3+0), Babar Tapie (3+0)

    2 POINTS: Ethan (2+0), chorkiel (2+0)


    The standings can also be found here. A note on formatting: next to each participant's name are two numbers [(X+Y)]. X refers to the team prediction points earned, while Y refers to the bonus placement points earned.


    You may have noticed that 2 points is the minimum anyone could've gotten. This means that even the lowest scorers (and people who didn't participate) in this stage have a chance to turn it all around in the next one! And, speaking of which:


    - - -


    Gold Competition: Stage 2 (Play-offs)

    This prediction stage is fairly complicated (and difficult), so I'll go over the rules again. The Play-offs stage involves setting predictions for how the entirety of Play-offs will go, all at once. We're no longer going round by round here.


    In one comment, you need to predict the winner of each Semi-final (more on that below), the winner of the third place decider match (based on the losing teams you predicted), and, finally, the Grand Final winner and overall winning team of H2HX (based on the Semi-final winners you predicted).


    Note: in this format, there is no follow-through. This means that, if both your Semi-final predictions are incorrect, you stand no chance of earning points for the third place decider match or the Grand Final, as the team you chose for each one will not be participating in the respective match.


    For each correct Semi-final prediction, you get one Gold point. For correctly predicting the third place team, you get one Gold point. Finally, for correctly predicting the winner of H2HX, you get two Gold points.


    Alright, that's enough for the rules (which can also be found here - do let me know if anything is unclear). Let's move on to predictions! Although they haven't been officially announced yet (sorry admins), I'm positive that the Semi-final matchups will be Soda Jerks (1) vs. Dambusters (4) and Lonely Hearts Club (2) vs. Jazzcats (3). Based on that, set your predictions for the Semi-finals, third place decider match and Grand Final. Feel free to use the format in my next comment, for convenience. For one last time in this competition, good luck, and may the best analyst win!

  • GammaZero%s's Photo

    My Gold Competition Play-offs predictions:



    Soda Jerks > Dambusters

    Jazzcats > Lonely Hearts Club


    Third place decider:

    Dambusters > Lonely Hearts Club


    Grand Final

    Soda Jerks > Jazzcats


    Hopefully I'm not jinxing my team.


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