RCT Discussion / Babar World Tour
04-January 24
Babar Tapie Offline
I don't want to flood NE with my parks, so I'm opening this topic, which will contain my landscape/diorama projects. A kind of mix between MM and GT. These are parks for which I don't particularly want to see a rating or earn an accolade, just the pleasure of building. I hope they will be inspiring.
I. USA 19th - Flying Over The Cow-Cow’s Nest
Built quickly during my Christmas holidays, I really like this little park. It's inspired by a game I played, Desperados, and the Ken Burns documentary "The civil war" which I recently watched. Sometimes you don't have to look far to get inspiration; most of my parks come from films or games I've played.
This park is a panorama of the Far West and its clichés. As often in my parks, I started by building an element for fun (here the saloon), then it inspired me to work on a larger Far-West themed set. The park was built in 3 steps: mountain, town, then plain. I wanted to try out a new way of making visible interiors, and also improved my crunch rendering. It's also one of the first times I haven't used SM intensively.
Flying Over the Cow-cow’s Nest.park (9.08MB)
downloads: 77
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