General Chat / The kind of people that watch NASCAR
- 26-July 03
Houston Thrills Offline
This is a prank call to a NASCAR fan, who happens to meet the swhite trash stereotype of NASCAR fans.[1].swf
BTW, There's nothing to watch, there's just audio. -
JBruckner Offline
That was fucking great.
Sorry for the double post.
But whatever.
The Langolier Offline
That was fuckin priceless
But remember...not all NASCAR fans are racsist
Im a NASCAR fan and Im not a rascist, white trash, DEMOCRATIC BALL SUCKER (well i am democratic)
But hey, it was hilarious. -
Jellybones Offline
Since when are NASCAR fans Democrats? I always find them to be psycho-brainwashed, Christian fundamentalist, redneck Americans, actually. In other words, Republicans.
I kid. Because I care.
I love NASCAR fan stereotypes, because I go to races in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and even there, half the fans fit the stereotype. It is hilarious. -
Aeroglobe Offline
Oh, shit, I haven't laughed that hard all week.
Damn, that's good.
*edit* -- anyone have an .mp3 of this? -
The Langolier Offline
well, if Crank Yankers could get the Touchtone Terrorists on their show, why not the people that did this. Unfortunately, most fans are stereotypical.
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