General Chat / Eulogy

  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo

    I also being the very first one to download a spotlight from new element, the night before iris finally opened it and he was testing something, and had the UIX download up for like, five minutes, luckily I was on and got it, I felt so exclusive,

    I broke into NE a week before it opened, and downloaded UIX.

    I'm a naughty boy.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    I got UIX before any of you ever downloaded it. :p
  • iris%s's Photo
    I helped in construction.
    So suck it.
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    I had nothing to do with UIX, and im still cooler than you all.

    Im Fatha, so YOU ALL suck it.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    what? WHAT?

    Damn I wish I had my original New Element member# Me and Jalle. Old School :D
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    Blame iris for bringing me back into the fold...

    I seriously had an uber-long post, but I will save that for my next article...

    But for now to make a long story short, I was browsing the D-Net forii one day randomly to see how all things RCT were going, and boy were they going...

    Out of the blue...I get an accept message from one "iris2486". I figured it was a random chick or something, but it turned out he remembered me from way back in the day at D-Net and my old site. He told me about New Element and I haven't looked back since...

    God damn you iris...

    BtW, who the fuck is Member #3 on here?

  • Radu%s's Photo
    Member Numbers:

    3) PyroPenguin
    2) Nessy: Ride of Steel
    1) Adix

    83) Radu
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    I have no fucking idea what the hell UIX is.

    So THERE!
  • JFK%s's Photo
    Universal Island XTreme.

    That is right. I am the Golden doG of RCT knowledge.
    My new park should be cumming out next month.
  • Tyler%s's Photo
    I remember, back in the day, when I had the Orange Valley goodness going for me. Shit, they couldn't touch me because I was beloved by everyone. Then an asshole by the name of Stupid Git came along. It started by me correcting his fucked up grammar and spelling. Then he recruited me to kill all that was good and decent in the Danimation world. He, Harakiri, and I were unstoppable. Whenever I insulted the mods, or other members, they took it as a positive thing. Or just disregarded it. I got my words of hate in under the radar for a very long time. Until...

    AirBoss went all apeshit on me. Because he is a cocksucker. Kill him.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo

    He, Harakiri, and I were unstoppable.

    you got kicked out of the smart group.
    dumass :'(
  • Andrew%s's Photo

    I remember, back in the day, when I had the Orange Valley goodness going for me. Shit, they couldn't touch me because I was beloved by everyone. Then an asshole by the name of Stupid Git came along. It started by me correcting his fucked up grammar and spelling. Then he recruited me to kill all that was good and decent in the Danimation world. He, Harakiri, and I were unstoppable. Whenever I insulted the mods, or other members, they took it as a positive thing. Or just disregarded it. I got my words of hate in under the radar for a very long time. Until...

    AirBoss went all apeshit on me. Because he is a cocksucker. Kill him.

    what the hell did the name Launched 2_40 mean anyway
  • Nic%s's Photo

    He, Harakiri, and I were unstoppable.

    Don't forget Chauncy Gardner. And Citizen Kane.


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