Micro Madness 2023 / MM4 Bonus Round Announcement
04-March 23
Xtreme97 Offline
Document Bonus RoundWe've seen an incredible variety of micros through the course of this competition, with just four more competitive ones to see in the Grand Final. Not every micro makes it in however, be they replacement entries that weren't chosen, practice micros, ideas that didn't get fully fleshed out or simply maps that eliminated players may have built in readiness. Regardless, we want to offer those micros a chance to be seen and taking a page from Micro Madness 3, a Bonus Round has been added.
The rules for this round are far more relaxed and we want to offer an anything-goes approach - anyone can participate and there's a suggested tile limit of 400 tiles (though we won't be counting), the same as the Grand Final. The deadline is one week after the Grand Final deadline but if you're a little late submitting it'll still be accepted, and the rules around what you can build won't be enforced. You can submit as many entries as you like, so feel free to let loose!
Tile Limit (unenforced)
20x20 or 400 Tiles
2nd April 2023
23:59 GMT
Liampie Offline
This was the bonus event last time: https://www.nedesign...m3-bonus-event/
Entries ranged from low effort to really cool. There were pre-MM practice maps, a disqualified map, Kai and Jag both squeezed out two micros, and a few of us (me, V1, Scoop, others?) did a 1 hour challenge. I think I live streamed? Not sure. Anyway, it was fun! Have fun!
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