Micro Madness 2023 / MM4 R1 Group M
18-January 23
Turtle Offline
Two great entries here, and two pretty good ones. Hank's won it for me, outstanding color scheme, very atmospheric. Reminded me of the restaurant at the end of the universe, or something. I also LOVED the botanical tower, so clean while feeling overgrown and natural too. Really nice work.
Liampie Offline
Document Match
ConclusionThe poll is now closed. The formula to derive the results is:
1st choice votes + ½ × 2nd choice votesPlayer Calculation Score Outcome RaunchyRussell38 + ½ × 18=47 (51%)Quarterfinal 5 bigshootergill23 + ½ × 33=39.5 (42%)Quarterfinal 6 RCT2Day1 + ½ × 8=5 (5%)Replacement Chance TheThrillman½ × 3=1.5 (2%)EliminatedAs replacement, RCT2Day is invited to submit a park for Round 2 (QF). If there is a drop-out their micro will be chosen at random as replacement.
ottersalad Offline
Sorry to miss voting by a few minutes..
BSG: Loved the diner.. so many neat details.. a lot of moving parts to this. The rotating sign was a nice touch. I think this had a good amount of kinetic energy without feeling too busy. Really enjoyed this.
Raunchy: Very pretty - and busy visually.. but I tend to like it here. The foliage is busy and colorful which I enjoy. Good archy as well.
RCT2Day: Goofy and silly entry with a great little coaster. Tough matchup for this one unfortunately. Close #3 in my book.
Thrillman: I think the shapes here are good - the coaster is a bit underbaked relative to other rides in this round.
bigshootergill Offline
Good match Russell, RCT2Day, and TTM!
Just about my park... as I mentioned at sign ups I didn't have a lot of time for MM, but I squeezed in enough time to get this little scene somewhat done, but not quite enough to clearly explain where the scene was. It wasn't intended to be in space, but when I submitted it I figured it would be taken as such. The charging station was the main feature, like a futuristic version of an old rusty gas station... but I wanted to add another section to the park of these two buildings hovering over the middle of the ocean with an under water bullet train passing through. I ended up building too close to the bottom of the map to even attempt this, but it didn't matter anyway due to time constraints. Essentially I was going for futuristic travel on earth, but space works too!
RCT2day Offline
Congrats bigshootergrill and Russell! Very well deserved to you both. Once I saw both your names in my group, I knew that I had no chance. But I'm totally okay with that! I had a lot of fun making my entry and its helped me push forward with my solo. Good luck into the next rounds! Now, onto reviews:
1.) Botanical Tower (RaunchyRussell) - a really cool idea which I think others have tried, but never executted as well as you have! It feels very much like what that festival pavilion was going to be like at Epcot, but in a more idealized and exciting form. The curved shapes here really break the grid and make everything architecturally feel more natural. Excellent job.
2.) Hank's Zippy Charge (bsg) - I had this being just a hair worse than RaunchyRussell's, but its really close for me. Anyway, the idea of an old rundown gas station brought into the future is not so original, but I think your gritty aesthetic is and succeeds incredibly well here. The details are what really evokes such an intriguing atmosphere that just sucks the viewer in. It felt like a Bucee's rundown after many years and trying to stay relevant. Loved it, keep it up!
3.) The White City (TheThrillMan) - The curved hotel architecture combined with a unique coaster weaving through it made for an interesting little snippet of something akin to a Vegas hotel! Very cool concept, although the idea has been used before so I think it could've used something else to make it more unique. It at least held my attention for a while there. Nice job, but I think the both of us just couldn't keep up with 2 experts.
Thanks everyone for the comments and feedback! Like I said at the top, I had a great time putting this thing together quickly over Christmas. It has helped me to enjoy the game again, which has felt like ages since I had that feeling. I knew there were flaws with this when I submitted (the composition, the trees blocking the temple, the shape of the whole thing, no peeps), but I was just happy that some of my ideas (boat, tree trunks, canoes on beach) worked out. Regarding the puns, I'm a big Jungle Cruise fan, which was (hopefully clearly) the inspiration for the narrative of the park. I couldn't help paying homage to one of my favorite rides once I started playing around with ideas for a jungle theme.
Ethan Offline
Bigshootergill - Feels like a cool approach to like an extremely futuristic realism. Really nice infrastructure and some really nice colors considering. The two floor drive-thru and car charging stations are just so awesome. The little two floor parking too. I love this kind of intuition on ergonomic design for something as hard ot gauge as a world of flying space cars.
Raunchy - This landscaping is incredible. Thre is a lot of different foliage but the crunch adn flow is so good. This structure and the roller coaster you did is really fascinating and well done. The way ride design, path interaction are so well integrated in this makesm it feel pretty cokmplete and full of life. The chair swing is really impressive, the hack you did with the top thing rotating is a pretty great idea. Despite no chains on the chars still this looks even more convincing. I love your setting areas with the CTR tables, really amplifies the extremely organic feel of this map.
rct2day - One if the first things i noticed was the swans/water tricycle ride used for trim on that tower, awesome! The composition is quite riveting and the large trees here has a classic vibe for some reason.ttm - Great showing, the hotel reminds me of some of the resort entries of the PT2 contest but with some nice modern techniques shown. Like the curvature, very nice for the modern look. I dig the extremely neutral color palette, allows your natural features to pop.
RaunchyRussell Offline
Great round you guys and thanks for the kind comments everyone! Also congrats to everyone who entered, every single one of you guys killed it!
BSG) Love the infrastructure here. The rotating sign long with all the vehicle movement really brings this to life! Reminds me of Futurama.
RCT2day) Great scene you have here. Some very clean and clever NCSO tricks you pulled off. I love the 'parrot' cycles you put in the tree. Great stuff
TTM) I like subtle curves you included on the main structure. The seating pavilion and rooftop pool are definitely a highlight for me!
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