Hi-Rollers / Official Hi Rollers Updates Thread
22-July 03
Corkscrewed Offline
If you feel like updating us on your park, put it here. You can be super detailed and give a "Corky-styled" update, or you can just say something brief like, "My park is now 70% done."
Anyway, yeah. This way, we know who's really working and who's just straggling. -
Corkscrewed Offline
BTW, I think I'm about 70% done with mine in terms of land area covered, but not in terms of time spent on the park. Barring any catastrophes, I SHOULD be able to actually finish a park, though. *gasp!*
Also, I might have built the best ghost town area ever.Maybe... but that's just silly me talking. Knowing the talent in this community, I'll prolly be buried. There are a lot of very nice entries out there.
x-sector Offline
mine about 20% done (better get my ass moving) Its because I'm trying to put alot of detail in.
hmmm I'm not going to tell you whats in the park as I want to keep it secret (don't ask me y, as I don't know) so I'll say this
Plants and trees are planted
theres buildings
and one great kinda sculpture thing that I'm quite proud of -
Scarface Offline
About 40% done now.
One coaster so far, nice entrance area, lovely hotel and some beautiful theming. All very detailed -
JBruckner Offline
I spend way to much time looking at my own work. Talk about narrsisitic(sp?).
Oh well, I shall finish. -
hpg Offline
I'm about 30-40% done. The main theme will be tropical, so no, the theme isn't at all original, but the main attraction will be the revolutionary way of 'realistic-izing' 4D coasters. I hope to squeeze in another, much more original theme. But you'll have to wait until it's released to find out more about that. -
Rct Flame Offline
I'm about 30% done...but that's about 2 weeks worth of non-heavy work, so I should finish easily. -
mantis Offline
I landscaped mine, and have the idea, and most of the plan. Now I just have to make it. -
sloB Offline
not that anyone really cares but...
Id say im about 70% done with mine. Its all mistical creatures and there are 4 themed areas (REALLY SMALL):
Octopuss(Candypuss)-- 90%
Witchcraft and Wizardy--80%
Beast of somesort...--20%
Its goin extremely well for my standards and im havin a good time makin it so placing doesnt really matter to me. Like corky said, i just really wanna finish it... -
Aeroglobe Offline
I have to say I'm around 50% done. I've got three sections.
[*]That Dark Section -- 100%
[*]A Lighter Section -- 50%
[*]A Really Light Section -- 0%
I'm trying to go generally in a large movement across the map, so I don't have to go back to anything. Normally my parks are way less swift, but it seems to be working really well, since I expect to be done with my second section soon.
Aérôglòbe -
JBruckner Offline
Finish it dammit.Told ya we wouldn't get more then 9 or 10 entries. Everyone around this site is all talk, but never really do anything. Someone is gonna walk away with $50 for a mediocre park, watch.
I want to see some good parks, or else! -
Butterfinger Offline
10-15% done.
My park has a big wall, and its subject starts with a "T".
I bet you guys are just quivering with exitment after that intricate review............ -
Corkscrewed Offline
Not to say that Foozy breaking his ankle is good (hope you get well soon, buddy), but my chances are getting better and better! RRP and CoasterEd aren't in. Toon dropped out. And yeah. Pyro's barely started. $50 here I come!!!!I've broken my ankle, and am in no mood to complete it.
Get well soon, Foozy. Broken bones suck... I had a broken pinky once, but I didn't know it till it was too late. Now my pinky is deformed 15-degrees off of its regular direction. It's kinda cool, tho. -
x-sector Offline
You wish its coming your wayNot to say that Foozy breaking his ankle is good (hope you get well soon, buddy), but my chances are getting better and better! RRP and CoasterEd aren't in. Toon dropped out. And yeah. Pyro's barely started. $50 here I come!!!!
Scarface Offline
u still have competitionNot to say that Foozy breaking his ankle is good (hope you get well soon, buddy), but my chances are getting better and better! RRP and CoasterEd aren't in. Toon dropped out. And yeah. Pyro's barely started. $50 here I come!!!!
Get well soon, Foozy. Broken bones suck... I had a broken pinky once, but I didn't know it till it was too late. Now my pinky is deformed 15-degrees off of its regular direction. It's kinda cool, tho.
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