Head-2-Head Classic / Round 2 | Match 2
10-August 22
Ling Offline
If you set the water to be opaque in OpenRCT2, I couldn't discern any difference between the two.
My main PC is down at the moment (well, my monitor died, and the first replacement I tried arrived DOA) so I only have access to Open on a laptop. I'll refrain from voting for now.
Both parks are incredible. Eden is just amazing, and feels the most PT2-esque of any of the parks I think we've seen so far. The single rail coaster is a little too modern for the style you're going for here I think, and while there is undoubtedly just an insane amount of stuff to look at, I found it hard to parse at times. The section around A Great Flood is my favorite, with all of the waterfalls. The white/peach and pink of the flowers makes a wonderfully lush and serene atmosphere.
In Between the Rivers the ziggurat makes for an epic structure, could have been the centerpiece. I really like the unconventional station on Succession, and as others have said the flow of those duelers is the highlight of the round.
I think I prefer the Barnacle Heads park just very slightly more, but it's extremely hard to call. Both parks are lovely and both nail the spirit of the contest.
Xtreme97 Offline
* One vote was submitted by a member of the participating team and has been deducted from the final tally.
posix Offline
I'm perplexed by this result to be honest as I thought it was going to be an easy win for Eden. No offence Sam.
Eden was genius and full of brilliant ideas, very good execution, very interesting map shape, successful experimentation, and that beautiful appeal when something outside the box just works like this. Reminded me of Micool's work a little bit.
I also thought the community meta jokes incorporated in the park's concept and custom music were totally genius and made me laugh a lot. Did you record these yourselves??
A really beautiful park.
Between the rivers has its own appeal of course. A lot of stylistic LL references mixed with SSS's wild animal that are his terraforming and layout making skills, combined with a healthy degree of experimentation itself (like Eden in a way), some set piece character with the pyramid like structure and maze, and a diagonal custom ride in LL. Latter is hard to do, and the execution here was very clean. It needs to be for custom rides to be successful, especially in LL, and it came together here. Pretty impressive, and super rare. My main take-away from this map was that LL is actually not totally done stylistically, as amazing as that sounds, and it was beautiful to see that demonstrated.
Sephiroth Offline
Oh my good lord the custom music in Eden, I was laughing so hard. Amazing. Thank you guys for that, I sat and listened like 3 times to the whole spiel.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Finally getting around to review. Eden is such a fun throwback to the era, full on with tongue-in-cheek jokes and over the top ideas. Really immersive, with almost too much to see and explore. The theme is fresh and done with a beautiful macro sensibility. The soundtrack was perfection and brought the immersion to another level, along with the huge list of little details. My one main detractor is that I’ve never been a huge fan of coasters like the ones here, I found them unwieldy and difficult to follow.
The main thing I’ll say about our park is that the mobius dueling woodie should hands down be nominated for Best Wooden Coaster. Beautifully flowing and sprawling while maintaining strong sightlines and pacing. Absolutely loved the work here! -
Cocoa Offline
between the rivers: definitely a cute little park. the massive woodies were the highlight for me, a lovely layout in a pretty landscape. I also loved the reference (i assume) to raindrop riviera at the entrance there? definitely a dense and involved park, although I got the impression you maybe ran out of time with the wheat maze there. still, a great submission.
eden: wow this park is beautiful and hilarious. can someone post a transcript of the soundtrack? I died when posix decreed that h2h parks would not be spotlights. on an rct level, a lovely + classic composition with some great new ideas. I was especially sold on the water over the paths. that is such an excellent trick and i'm so angry I never came up with it. I'm stealing it sorry
i'm also kind of baffled by the voting again, but I guess there is a kind of meta trend to vote for the most classic park, regardless...
Levis Offline
I had some time again to properly look at some parks so time to review some more. Let's start with these ones. I looked at the LL park in open rct2 (with LL linked).== Eden ==Pro's:- The custom music is just awesome!- The idea of coloring all the peeps is a fun idea too.- Is the joke that they only need coffee and tea in eden and therefore there are not other shops? If so that is very clever.- The use of many different foliage things (like pumpkins and beanstalks) I really like.- The archy allthough basic at times really adds to the atmosphereCon's:- The rapids ride goes to fast through some of it's corners, that can't be comfortable- Think exodus should run with one train less or the block sections should be set up differently because now the train is waiting a very long time before entering the station.- The rapids should probably run with a few less trains because the trains are waiting for a long time before entering the station- The part at the steeplechase where the path just stops and there is some water a level lower but nothing really where peeps can walk on feels like a mistake. It feels like somoene forgot to make something there.- Personally I feel like the red rocks are a bit out of place and at some parts feel to bare to fit with the eden theme.== Between the Rivers ==Pro's:- The custom flatride is done very nicely- I like how the water coaster interacts with the wooden coaster- The temple/pyramid looks very nice!- I really like the lay-out of the wooden mobius dueler- I like the detailing on the water canal for the farms, there seems to be some pumping mechanism to get it up a bit and have it flow nicely down the farms.- The overall atmosphere of the park is very nice.Con's:- To bad the only shops are used for theming and there doesn't seem to be any shops or toilets for the guests.- I feel the spinning coaster is a bit weak. Most of it seems to be indoor and would love to see more of it, and the lay-out feels like it doesn't really capatalize that much on the spinning.- I feel like the station for the woodie has a little bit to much foiliage on it, it feels a bit off.- I'm missing some rides, I would love to see one or two more rides (flat rides or something) in the park, or have the maze be functional.- Would have loved to see peeps in the park too.In the end two parks with similar idea's and theme's. I personally think I like eden a bit more. It feels like between the rivers is polished a little bit more as there seem to be some small oversights in Eden. But I think eden captures the overal atmosphere better and delivers a nicer experience. Both parks are really nice but my vote would got to eden. -
SSSammy Offline
Thank you for the design everyone! Thanks also for all the amazing feedback. Huge congratulations on the gold, Eden!!!!
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