Custom Scenery Exchange / Mulder's Custom Scenery Archive

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Making this thread to archive the objects I've made or edited, most of these in the first post were made in H2H9.
    More stuff coming in the near future.

    Attached File  Mulder objects 1 screenshot.png (101.34KB)
    downloads: 181
    Attached File  Mulder objects 1.rar (74.18KB)
    downloads: 46

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    Those hippie carpets are dope! Thanks for the share.

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Those hippie carpets are dope! Thanks for the share.

    Glad you like :)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Nice objects Mulder! Cool to see you have a topic now.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Thanks Arjan, appreciate it :)

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Hey again.

    I have made this 2x2 curved stair set with brick railings, they work almost without glitching, except for the railings. I have a guide here how to make the railings work perfect. Just fiddle in tile inspector removing a couple images from them and then they wont glitch through peeps.
    You can also try removing a couple images from the stairs also, but it's not much needed.

    If someone more versed in parkobj wants to add more types of railings, it would probably be a better result than these.


    Also made some half diagonal deco blocks. Hope you enjoy!


    Attached File  Mulder objects 2 screenshot.png (478.74KB)
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    Attached File  Mulder objects 2 railings.png (5.58KB)
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    Attached File  Mulder objects 2.rar (114.48KB)
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  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    These look great! RCT2 has become quite "rounded" lately with all of the new curved objects. I already have places where I can use these. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Hey Artist! Great work!


    Edit : You could also release a couple of versions with the stone railling attached to it. You could do that quite easy with gimp. I would even be willing to do that for you. Those stairs and stone raillings... awesome stuff man!

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    These look great! RCT2 has become quite "rounded" lately with all of the new curved objects. I already have places where I can use these. Thanks so much for sharing.

    thank you. enjoy!



    Hey Artist! Great work!


    Edit : You could also release a couple of versions with the stone railling attached to it. You could do that quite easy with gimp. I would even be willing to do that for you. Those stairs and stone raillings... awesome stuff man!


    thanks! yeah I tried to make the railings attached to the stairs, but I ran into some glitching problems that way, so decided to separate the objects like this for the least amount of glitching.
    Feel free to give it a go though! Maybe you'll have more success with it. The more the merrier.
    I also tried to add some thinner steel railings, but any further additions to these is a bit beyond my skill level and patience haha.


    Hit me up if you want the raw image files I worked with, so that you can draw more easily into the curves.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Okay, you already tried that. Peeps glitching through it probably? That will always be a problem. Also the fact that you explored the options with tile inspector. I don't think there's a better way then. Sometimes game limitations will just make it impossible to create the perfect object.


    Your skill level is awesome. Patience.... yes i know... I'm pretty sure that some objects take as long as building a small park. Lots of time for something quite small. It is what it is though. That's also a reason for many to not start editing.


    I might play around with it later though. Very interesting stuff you made there. Perhaps brick texture... i'll see. I'll hit you up for the raw images by then. Keep it up!

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    Arjan - these stairs do add a lot of usability to the large curved objects you recently released. In fact, I hit a dead end one a small project because I didn't think ahead and had large curved stairs in my head without having any in my tool box. These stairs would have been perfect.


    Mulder - thanks for putting the extra effort in to make various layers so that they are configurable in a number of ways. The base piece is really handy and I'm already using it in other ways. The 1/4 tile pieces with the odd diagonals surprised me. I made a cool 1-tile ticket booth That I'm really proud of. The whole set is really useful and flexible.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Yes they are very cool. You could give it another try with that project of yours. I'm also close to releasing the marble blocks set. Another handfull.

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Okay, you already tried that. Peeps glitching through it probably? That will always be a problem. Also the fact that you explored the options with tile inspector. I don't think there's a better way then. Sometimes game limitations will just make it impossible to create the perfect object.


    Your skill level is awesome. Patience.... yes i know... I'm pretty sure that some objects take as long as building a small park. Lots of time for something quite small. It is what it is though. That's also a reason for many to not start editing.


    I might play around with it later though. Very interesting stuff you made there. Perhaps brick texture... i'll see. I'll hit you up for the raw images by then. Keep it up!

    Yeah I tried several different versions, and landed on this one, it's not perfect, but manageable.

    It might be perfect with parkobj, but I don't have patience for it.

    Looking forward to what you come up with =)

    Arjan - these stairs do add a lot of usability to the large curved objects you recently released. In fact, I hit a dead end one a small project because I didn't think ahead and had large curved stairs in my head without having any in my tool box. These stairs would have been perfect.


    Mulder - thanks for putting the extra effort in to make various layers so that they are configurable in a number of ways. The base piece is really handy and I'm already using it in other ways. The 1/4 tile pieces with the odd diagonals surprised me. I made a cool 1-tile ticket booth That I'm really proud of. The whole set is really useful and flexible.


    Happy to hear it's useful for you =D

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Happy to present updated versions of the mayan trims, with more curves and angles than before + some smaller blocks.
    Been working on this for several months and it has been pretty difficult, so now I think it's time to let these go.

    The split half diagonal ones look a bit janky on some angles, but nothing I could do about that unfortunately. They look good when combined, as is their intended use.

    Also, the quarter curved one which is the same size as the quarter curved crown moulding gets clipped off depending on where you place it on the tile, again, nothing I can do about that, at least with my knowledge.
    So, you guys are probably used to a bit of jank from the crown moulding, just keep that in mind when using it.


    Hope these will be satisfactory to you guys, as it has been a labor of love and pain for the last months.



    Attached File  Mulder objects 3 screenshot.png (33.9KB)
    downloads: 74

    Attached File  Mulder objects (151.96KB)
    downloads: 42

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Such a pro. I'm very impressed by your work Mulder. Incredible skills! Thanks for the lovely objects. :)

  • OddmentsAlchemyLab%s's Photo

    I've never really liked the Mayan Trim which has consisted so far of a quarter piece and a curved piece remade over and over. This expansion is amazing, turning a floating detail into a full scenery group. It looks like you've covered all of the sizes and shapes walls and many deco types. I now like the Mayan Trim! :)


    Your work is so clean and detailed - you make it look easy. But no doubt this took a lot of work and will be all over future builds. Thanks for these. They're beautiful. Your work inspires.

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Thank you Arjan :D
    Glad to see you like the mayan trims now OAL, thanks for the kind words :D

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    I have made more versions of the curved stairs with small steps to fit with the often used Toon castle steps.

    Kind of a hybrid shading with the Tols wall and castle steps. Think it works. Could make a version of the castle steps to better match these, if desired, let me know. Maybe I'll make it later anyway.
    Also the shading has been altered a bit from the first set of stairs, and I think it looks better like this.
    Still not sure if 3 versions of these stairs are necessary, just want to make them as useful as possible.

    Attached File  Mulder objects 4 screenshot.png (34.69KB)
    downloads: 51

    Attached File  Mulder objects 4.park (223.19KB)
    downloads: 23

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Awesome work again! You're on a roll here. Thanks for the new stairs. :)

  • Mulder%s's Photo

    Thank you :) enjoy


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