Custom Scenery Exchange / Split's Splendid Scenery Stuff
21-January 22
Splitvision Offline
Hi all,
Gathering up my release-ready creations in this post. Several objects listed are not quite ready for release (or a part of a set though not yet created), but are in the works as part of my solo - these objects are marked "U" for Unfinished. I hope to be able to release a majority of these objects way before I'm completely done with my solo, which I project will be finished sometime in the year 3873.Adding downloads and cleaning up post in a moment
Road arrows (path object)
downloads: 25Straigt arrows are obtained by checking the box corresponding to the direction you need. For turns, the box opposite of the traveling direction needs to be checked, together with the middle box on the side you want the arrow to point and the corner box corresponding to the end you want the arrow to point.
Crosswalk Path
downloads: 25A path with a crosswalk look. Has crosswalk sprites for straight and diagonal.
Offsets to correspond to a 1/4 tile placement can be obtained by checking all boxes along the side you want to offset to. This also means that 2-wide paths will be centered along the inside of the two tiles.
Diagonal paths are obtained by building in a zig-zag pattern.
Manhole Cover (U)
Need a bit more contrast.
Simple Streetlight (U)
Centered along tile side, centered diagonal, corner diagonalSimple-looking streetlights.
Decorative Streetlight (U)
Centered along tile side, centered diagonal, corner diagonalDecorative streetlights
3x1 Large Streetlight (U)
3x1 large streetlight centered on the middle tile, for use on highways etc
Road Refuge Blocks (1.25KB)
downloads: 171/4 long, 1/8 long x2
Set of narrow road refuge blocks, one 1/4 object and 2x 1/8 objects. Pairs well with the crosswalk path.
Colorable Brick Path Raised (U)
Brick path texture curved set raised 1h.
Sidewalk Curb Set (U)
Straight 1/4, Straight Tile-length wall, Diagonal 1/2, Diagonal Full Tile, Curved Inner 2x, Curved Outer 2x, Half Diagonal, Gentle Slope 2x
Half-Diagonal Dotted Road Lines x2 (1.14KB)
downloads: 17Shallow Slope (U)
Lead-In, Lead-Out, Single-tile Lead-In & Out
Needs some more shading work before release-readyness.
Road Signs (U)
2x1 Centered, Wall
These are mostly Mulder's signs centered on the edge of a 2x1 area. Some of them such as the crosswalk sign are double sided, as they can be placed in between lanes. I have also made an arrow sign (double-sided 2x1 and wall), as well as modified the yield sign to be yellow, which are used in Sweden. More signs might be planned.
Traffic lights (based on Six Frags traffic lights) with poles (U)
Wall object aligned to Mulder's road signs, 2x1 centered
Free-standing traffic lights. The 2x1 object has mapping for an upper green (or whichever color you like) and a a lower red (or whichever color you like)
Slanted Roof Detail (U)A slanted (normal steepness) chimney or vent-like roof detail. Will probably make more variations.
Centered Awning
downloads: 17
Centered Small StepSVSMSTEP.DAT (1.25KB)
downloads: 18
Thin Round Pole (Use for vertical gutters on buildings, for example) (775bytes)
downloads: 151h & 4h
One-way gates
downloads: 28LED String Lights set (4.15KB)
downloads: 21Straight 1/4, Straight tile-length wall, Diagonal, Half Diagonal, Gentle slope (u), Normal slope (u)
Scandinavian Animated Recolorable Flag & Lighter Centered Flagpole (U)Flags with an offset lying cross symbol, as often featured in Scandinavian flags. Based on RCTNW's flag, however I thought the flagpole was too dark so I lightened it up, which in turn required a new flagpole object. I could probably be convinced to adjust it back to the original shading in order to remove the need for yet another pole object, but someone would have to convince me as it'd be a bit of work.
3x3 Cylinder (U)
A hollow, complete 1h 3x3 cylinder, shading intended to match vanilla plain walls.
Simple Bench & Table
downloads: 18
Container Texture Set (3.82KB)
downloads: 181/4 block, 1/4 wall, 1/4 wall corner, Wall, Flat 1/4 roof aligned to bottom of clearance, Diagonal (U)
Glass Tunnel (7KB)
downloads: 20Straight, Straight End-Piece, Diagonal, Curves x6
A rather large set of objects to construct glass tunnels which can follow flat track (except S-bends). It can be difficult to find the correct combinations for curves, but it has all the pieces needed.
Persian Rug
downloads: 14
Liampie Brick Wall Triangular x2 (2 sides needed) (5.78KB)
downloads: 17Liam's Brick Texture triangularized (normal slope), for finishing up gabels.
Queue Railings Gentle Slope x2 (2 sides needed) (U)
Gentle-sloped queue railings. I recently noticed the shading might be based on the wrong railing object and needs to be fixed first.
Turnstile (wall object)
downloads: 25Multi-color pebble path:
downloads: 22Similar object already exists but I modified the mapping to cover more of the original pebble sprite, and now it's possible to achieve more subtle variations:
Several seating & table objects, mostly for outdoor settings
Several custom signs
OddmentsAlchemyLab Offline
Thank you! I have pieces of these sets and they are some of my favorites. Your work is fantastic. Looking forward to see your larger project.
G Force Offline
Great stuff split, looking forward to the shallow slope objects and curb object sets! Want to use them in my park!
AmusementParker Offline
Love the decorative Streetlight. Any idea when the rest of the items are going to be released?
Kumba Offline
Great work! In addition to each object having a DL, could you please put all these objects on a park file and post that as a single DL to everything?
Six Frags Offline
Yeah, or just put them all in 1 .zip? Great work, just a hassle to download everything separatelyGreat work! In addition to each object having a DL, could you please put all these objects on a park file and post that as a single DL to everything?
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