H2H9 / H2H9: Round Robin - R3 Wrap-up
01-June 21
Liampie Offline
Round 3 Wrap-upBelow, you will find the standings for H2H9 so far. The top two teams from each division will proceed to the semi-finals. Ranking is determined by the number of wins first, with the average percentage of votes as a tie-breaker.
Instead of seeing an early pattern of well performing teams and poorly performing teams, in Round 3 we saw something more akin to a balancing; Round 3 cancelled out Round 1, as the R1 winners lost in R3 and vice versa. Some shifts occured mostly due to the dramatic match outcomes, with high scoring percentages skewing the averages.
The Cereal Killers yield their first place in the East Division to Logan's Run on their average win percentage. The Scream Queens solidified their position at the bottom of the Division table.
In the East Division, the Adventurers Club still lead (now also #1 in the overall leaderboard), while the Manual Laborers have overtaken the Tile Inspectors, who have suffered their second deep loss in a row.
East Division
Wins Losses Average score Logan's Run
2 1 61.17% Cereal Killers
2 1 52.41% Scream Queens 1
2 34.64%
West Division
Wins Losses Average score Adventurers Club
2 1 66.22% Manual Laborers
1 2 55.40% Tile Inspectors 1
2 30.39% Round 4 Preview
June 6th 12:00 GMT (Countdown)
In Round 4, an opportunity arises for one of the two lowest rankest teams, as the Scream Queens and the Tile Inspectors face each other in Match 1. One of these teams will get their second win, while the other will fall further behind! In Match 2, the Cereal Killers will try to stay ahead while the Adventurers Club will be looking to solidy their good position. Finally, in Match 3, Logan's Run, who are also on a winning streak, are facing the Manual Laborers who are trying to wash away the disappointing season start with another win. Surely the table will change after this round, and then we'll have to live with it for four weeks as we hit the mid season break.
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Liampie Offline
1. Lemuria
2. Christchurch City Centre
3. Le Coeur du Ciel
4. Papilio Valley
5. Stardust Circuit
6. Frontier's Keep
Can't believe Stardust Circuit is so far down, but Papilio Valley just resonated with me more. Incredible round.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
I can only decide on a top three (not including our park) - it's too hard to rank beyond that for me.
1. Le Coeur
2. Lemuria
3. Papilio
AvanineCommuter Offline
1. Le Coeur du Ciel - This park resonated with me on every level. It was also immaculately constructed and I can’t find many faults beyond them missing the opportunity to include CUSTOM FRENCH MUSIC FOR MOULIN ROUGE.... a travesty! Favorite park of H2H9 thusfar.
2. Stardust Circuit - Groundbreaking aesthetic and breathtakingly new atmosphere. A theme I’ve always wanted to tackle, and it was a beauty to behold with only a few critiques (coaster and archy). Top 3 of H2H9 thusfar simply based on the bold vision and atmosphere.
3. Christchurch - Realism with some genius innovative detailing that elevates it above most realism parks for me.
4. Lemuria - Gorgeous atmosphere and best ride design of H2H9 thusfar for that layout.
5. Frontier’s Keep - Interesting theme but lapses in execution, composition and content drops it far down the list for me.
Not ranking Papilio Valley but I loved our park too. -
RWE Offline
1. Le Coeur du Ciel
2. Nippon
3. Christchurch City Centre
4. El Dorado
5. The Good Death
6. Acqua Alta
7. Drowned
8. Lemuria
9. Frontiers Keep
10. Seven Liberal Arts
11. Stardust Circuit
12. Papilio Valley
13. Tomatina
14. Gauntlegrym
15. Lost World
16. A Day at the Races
17. Pirates!
18. Esoterra
Recurious Offline
Not ranking our own teams park because of obvious bias.
1. Le Coeur du Ciel
2. Papilio Valley
3. Lemuria, Christchurch City Center, Stardust Circuit
Honestly, all of these were about equal for me. It's hard to choose between these parks because I like them all for different reasons.
Mr.Brightside711 Offline
I feel like overall, this was a super strong round and alot of these are very close and maybe will change for me a bit.
--- LOVE these:
1. Nippon
2. Lost World
3. Papilio
4. France Air
5. Lemuria
6. Acqua Alta
---liked these alot:
7. CCC
8. Stardust
9. Pirates
10. El Dorado
11. Good Death
12. Frontier
13. Drowned
--- not my taste:
14. Races
15. 7 Arts
16. Gauntle
17. Tomato
18. Esoterra
Scoop Offline
1. Le Coeur du Ciel
2. Lemuria
3. Lost World
4. Nippon
5. El Dorado
6. Stardust Circuit
7. Acqua Alta
8. Papilio Valley
9. Christchurch City Centre
10. Pirates!
11. La Tomatina
12. Liberal Arts
13. The Good Death
14. Drowned
15. Day at the Races
16. Frontiers Keep
17. Gauntlegrym
18. Esoterra
wheres_walto Offline
Don't take these rankings too seriously, all but one park this season has been gold quality in my opinion
Spotlight Contenders (it's time to break the glass ceiling)
1. Le Coeur du Ciel
2. Nippon
3. Christchurch
4. Stardust Circuit
5. El Dorado
6. Lost World
7. Acqua Alta
8. Lemuria
9. Papilio Valley
10. Pirates
11. The Good Death
12. Liberal Arts
13. Gauntlegrym
14. La Tomatina
15. Drowned
16. Day at the Races
17. Frontier's Keep
18. Esoterra
G Force Offline
Super strong round, these rankings are getting really tough:
1. Lemuria2. Le Couer3. Lost World4. Pirates!5. Nippon6. Christchurch7. Dorado8. Good Death9. Acqua10. Stardust11. Tomato12. Drowned13. Arts14. Races15. Frontier16. Gautlegrym17. Papilio18. Esoterra -
Fisch Offline
1. Stardust Circuit / Le Coeur du Ciel / Lost World / Acqua Alta5. Nippon6. Seven Liberal Arts / Christchurch City Centre / El Dorado10. Papilio Valley / Drowned / The Good Death / Lemuria / Pirates!14. Tomatina / Frontiers Keep16. Gauntlegrym / Esoterra / A Day at the Races -
Cocoa Offline
I cant decide between stardust and le French. One is superbly new and full of ridiculous marvels but so rough, and the other is the cleanest fantasy I've ever seen and a true joy atmospherically.
After that:
Frontiers keep
Papilio -
CoasterCreator9 Offline
An overall ranking aside from my team's parks helped me think about it a little more; still couldn't decide once I got past 10 though.
1. Nippon/Le Coeur
3. Lemuria
4. Acqua Alta
5. Papilio/Christchurch
7. El Dorado
8. The Good Death
9. Eau de Tomate
10. Stardust Circuit/Pirates!
I'm on the fence about 8-10.
Kumba Offline
1. Lost World
2. Acqua Alta
3. Le Coeur du Ciel
4. Pirates!
5. Christchurch City Centre
6. La Tomatina
7. The Seven Liberal Arts
8. The Good Death
9. Drowned
10. Stardust Circuit
11. Lemuria
12. Nippon
13. El Dorado
14. Day at the Races
15. Gauntlegrym
16. Frontiers Keep
17. Esoterra
FredD Online
1 Lemuria – Logans Run
2 Stardust Circuit – Adventurers Club
3 Acqua Alta – Tile Inspectors
4 Lost World – Adventurers Club
5 Le coeur du ciel – Manual Laborers
6 El Dorado – Adventurers Club
7 Pirates! – Manual Laborers
8 A day at the races – Cereal Killers
9 Nippon park – Logans Run
10 Christchurch city centre – Cereal Killers
11 Papilio Valley – Tile Inspectors
12 The Good Death – Logans Run
13 Gauntlegrym – Manual Laborers
14 Drowned – Scream Queens
15 Frontiers Keep – Scream Queens
16 Seven liberal arts – Tile Inspectors
17 La Tomatina – Cereal Killers
18 Esoterra – Scream Queens
bigshootergill Offline
Yeah what Fisch said, looks probably how I would rate the parks so far too1. Stardust Circuit / Le Coeur du Ciel / Lost World / Acqua Alta5. Nippon6. Seven Liberal Arts / Christchurch City Centre / El Dorado10. Papilio Valley / Drowned / The Good Death / Lemuria / Pirates!14. Tomatina / Frontiers Keep16. Gauntlegrym / Esoterra / A Day at the Races -
chorkiel Offline
1. Papilio Valley
2. Christchurch City Center
3. Stardust Circuit
4. Le Coeur du Ciel
5. Lemuria
6. Frontiers Keep
Xtreme97 Offline
This round:
1. Le Coeur
2. Stardust
3. Lemuria
4. Christchurch
5. Frontiers Keep
6. PapilioOverall tiers:
Le Coeur du Ciel
Nippon/Tokyo Dome
Acqua AltaChristchurch
Lost WorldPirates!
Seven ArtsStardust
El Dorado
Frontier's Keep
Good Death
Day at the Races
Tomatina -
Dr_Dude Offline
stardust circuit
lost world
el dorado
la coors de cool
7 lib arts
good death
aqua alta 1996
papilo valley
a day at the races
frontiers keep
granted i feel like any park here could beat most parks from last season
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