General Chat / The Osbournes

Are the Osbournes as a family Fucked or Fabulous?

  • i c ded pplz%s's Photo
    After being introduced too the Osbournes as a family, and seeing inside the lives of a VERY wealthy "hollywood" family, i ask your opinion.

    The Osbournes:

    Fucked or Fab?

    Yes = Fucked
    No = Fab
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    Yes, fucked but fab as well. More fab than fucked. Its a good programme though I think its quite funny at times, when Ozzy falls back on that chair that was pretty funny.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I absolutely love the show. Whoever had that idea should be praised.
    Sharon and Kelly are my favourites.
    And I agree with CoasterctNick. They are both.
  • i c ded pplz%s's Photo
    someone voted for *snubbles mantis*? ???
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    someone voted for *snubbles mantis*? ???

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    *snubbles mantis* is a popular choice XD
    i hope it keeps winning!

    as to the osbournes: Fucking boobs, fuck the lot of em.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I should never have mentioned the snubble :(

    I voted 'Yes', even though it doesn't answer the question.

    I like them most of the time, but it can grate a little.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    I have to go with *subbles mantis*. Because that right there sums up the meaning of life.

    Back on topic...

    The show it's self is pure genius. It's funny and stupid, and it has a sense of familiararity that other eality shows don't have. Yay.

    $Hevydevy B) $
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Ozzy is a walking model of the results of drugs...because if you do drugs, you too may well live in a giant fucking mansion in Beverly Hills.

    That said, the show is retarded, just like everything else on the insult to television known to most as MTV. Really, the whole fucking family is a bunch of douchebags. Gary Busey is far more entertaining.
  • i c ded pplz%s's Photo

    I should never have mentioned the snubble :(


    Just being curious, what is a snubble?

    i thought that was one of them pokemon things? ???
  • The Langolier%s's Photo
    The Osbournes before the show was introduced-fab
    The Osbournes after the show was introduced because of MTV-fucked

    Seriously, because of the show, more people hate the Osbournes because of the way they are able to say fuck or shit or any other cuss word and drink and smoke whenever they want...the rich soccer maom and dad-type parents dont allow it in there house, which is obviously stupid...but the part that pissed me off was the the critics saying that Jack is boring and should be kicked out of the house(like he said in his after rehab special episode). That was the part that had Jack go suicidal. and when Sharon had the cancer, MTV didnt mind airing shows if it gave them gross money. The Osbournes, on the other hand, reallydid not want MTV to be in the hpuse at the time. im not saying the Osbournes are more or less saying MTV is fucked....
  • Ablaze%s's Photo

    Just being curious, what is a snubble?

    snub - to rebuke: to take up, cut short, rebuff, in a humiliating or mortifying manner: to check: to bring a sudden stop : to cut or break short : to make snub.

    snubbed - an act of snubbling

    snubble - a snub stag, knob - flat, broad and turned up.

    snubber - one who snubs - a device for stopping a rope, a shcok absorber.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I can't believe you deconstructed my word...MY WORD!

    And none of those get ANYWHERE near what it means to me :'(

    I'd link you to the original thread where it came about but it's been's caused so much trouble though.


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