Custom Scenery Exchange / Realsteels Custom Content
14-January 21
SSSammy Offline
Log Flume Boat with steeper Sprites is now online
genius - why hasn't anyone made one before?
AmusementParker Offline
Probably a stupid question, but how do I add these correctly to my object data folder? I have added the downloads to the folder, but they do not show up in my ride selection list like other custom data files do. Is there something special I need to do with these files?
kenos Offline
genius - why hasn't anyone made one before?
good question think it was too easy
the shame is that i canĀ“t use the orginal model
maybe it is even possible to add the sprites manually to the original log flume i will test it
Don't do it it crashs the game so hard
Probably a stupid question, but how do I add these correctly to my object data folder? I have added the downloads to the folder, but they do not show up in my ride selection list like other custom data files do. Is there something special I need to do with these files?
1st you copy the DAT files into the object folder than start openrct2
2nd open "objectselection" switch to "all rides" then search for the specific ride by the DAT name or by the term search
important is that your filter has custom rides enabled think this is your error
kenos Offline
now i changed the splash boat ride with powerd flag that you don't need a cheating lift
AmusementParker Offline
I confirmed that I have the custom content checked. I believe it is how the files are being downloaded. When I click the link it downloads as an .RAR file and not a .DAT file. I am not sure how to change this since the link provided automatically downloads the .RAR version.
Xtreme97 Offline
The RAR is a compressed file containing the object dat. A file managing program such as 7-Zip should be able to extract the file which you can place in your object folder.
kenos Offline
Right every dat file was compressed as a rar file you must extract it into the object folder of open rct2 than it works. In German we use often win rar or you can use winzip and so on. I must save space to get more downloads on gidhub because it's a space where the downloads stay save and I had a fixed space there because it's a free account.
Hope you like the work than -
zackrctgame1999 Offline
Realsteels, Can you make Intamin Space Diver Coaster Trains?
and even lap bars.
zackrctgame1999 Offline
Hey realsteels, can you make Arrow Stand-Up coaster trains 2 styles, Corkscrew style:
and Mine train style:
kenos Offline
So now i tried a lot of things i can say we had newer better Logflume boat. It is now ready
look at my page 1 there you find all downloads
hope you like it
more comming soon...
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