(Archive) Advertising District / BABYLON

  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    I started this park a while ago...April 20th to be exact...

    I got caught up with club parks and RCT2.com's VP and wasn't able to do anything with this park...now that I am done with my areas on my club parks (for the moment) and the VP is well under way, I am able to get back to this park...

    Obviously it is based on the ancient city of Babylon...it includes/will include the Etemenanki (Tower of Babel), various buildings that bear the famed Hanging Gardens made by Nebuchadnezzar II for his Median wife, one of the three grand palaces, the Ishtar gate, Esagila (a shrine to Marduk...their chief god), four coasters, one rapids, a marketplace, and a general town area...the park is 112x112...

    Although I am working on it...I am not going at a mad pace and am just working on it when I feel like it...so sometimes there will be a lot done and sometimes there wont...so...

    Anyway your comments would be appreciated and taken into consideration...now onto the screens...I have already shown many so I will post three I have already shown plus a new one...I think the limit is two per post so...here are two old ones:

    #1: the entrance to the park...the law making building of Babylon...

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    #2: some of the hanging gardens...

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  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    #3: A building that houses a 3d cinema the colors of which have since been changed to better fit...

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    #4: The new one, buildings located near the general town area...and carousel...

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  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Bah, I guess I'm gonna be a harsh little prick.

    The park sucks. . .bad.

    The theme (if there is one) is horrible. You're going for a Babylon theme, not some English Hanging Gardens (what you've got now). Change the land type to Red/Sand/Dirt rocks, and change the foliage to Egypt type. Use the Egyptian themeing for your major architecture and try to make a tribal feel for the smaller buildings. For this theme you want a real warm feeling, and you want the alley ways to be bustling with bazars and trading tents. Also, make your buildings tall and incorperate the awenings whenever possible.

    Just give it the clustered feeling and you'll be good.

    Be careful with the custom scenery. It seems that the ones that you've chosen aren't the best, especialy the red tree, they don't go with the theme.

    Major work to be done, get to it!
  • The Langolier%s's Photo
    ...I hope you seriously meant some other type of hanging garden, glitch.....havent you heard of the hanging gardens of babylon? ONE OF THE EIGHT WONDERS OF THE WORLD!?

    I think the park is pretty good, i guess....hafta wait till its finished...
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Yes, yes I've heard (and read) of them.

    And when I was reading through my history book in that dank dark 6th grade history class I also looked at the pictures, and it looks nothing like what he has.

    Tell me if I'm wrong, but last time I checked they didn't have Medevil castles in the Middle East untill after the crusades.

    I think someone needs to go back to their 6th grade history class.

    What I said about the park still stands.
  • The Langolier%s's Photo
    So you meant some other type of looking garden that doesnt look like Babylon?...i agree with you there glitch...It doesnt look like the hanging gardens of babylon....and ur right about the castles and such

    The park looks kewl still....if it wasnt for the medievil fact.
  • Butterfinger%s's Photo
    Ehhh........ this park doesent suck by any structural means, its just a bit off theme. VERY off theme really, but that doesent affect how it looks.

    Gotta agree with Glitch's suggestions though. This looks nothing like Babylon. Bazzars, trading tent marketplaces, sand/red land, ect. Use a few jagged rocks..... they wont hurt. The 'single-pathness' of this park is going to hurt it a lot. I dont know HOW you are going to make a good looking marketplace with just those stupid little skinny paths. Go for triple wide at the very least. This is RCT2 afterall.......... it was designed to house double pathing.

    Now, what I think you should keep the SAME is the hanging gardens (gotta have grass for gardens, not sand, ect.), and the buildings (Yes, you really do need a building alteration, but the ones you have now look sorta nice....... I wouldnt suggest re-doing THEM, just all the future buildings).

    About the hanging gardens........ well, I think they look rather cool. I dont particularly care if they dont look like the real ones, we can still tell what they are. If you are going to do anything to them though I would probably ditch the ornamental trees. Seriously, I have never seen those ugly things used well, and this is no exeption. I think you should replace them with bushes, shrubs, or something along those lines.

    Then again, if you DONT want to change anything, why not just re-name the park to suit its theme?!?! Just make it an "English Hanging Gardens" type-theme like Glitch mentioned......... it would fit!
  • RMM%s's Photo
    I agree with them. It's boring.
  • AustinPowers%s's Photo

    Bah, I guess I'm gonna be a harsh little prick.

    The park sucks. . .bad.

    The theme (if there is one) is horrible.  You're going for a Babylon theme, not some English Hanging Gardens (what you've got now).  Change the land type to Red/Sand/Dirt rocks, and change the foliage to Egypt type.  Use the Egyptian themeing for your major architecture and try to make a tribal feel for the smaller buildings.  For this theme you want a real warm feeling, and you want the alley ways to be bustling with bazars and trading tents.  Also, make your buildings tall and incorperate the awenings whenever possible.

    Just give it the clustered feeling and you'll be good.

    Be careful with the custom scenery.  It seems that the ones that you've chosen aren't the best, especialy the red tree, they don't go with the theme.

    Major work to be done, get to it!

    Ok...it looks like I am going to have to explain the region of Babylonia to those that havent gone past 6th grade history class...it seems as though you think Babylon was a carbon-copy of Egypt as to surroundings and buildings and such...well, keep reading that history book and maybe you will learn more...have you ever heard of Mesopotamia??? or the Fertile Crescent??? or the Euphrates river??? Did you perhaps forget that Babylon was located just East of the Euphrates??? I don't know what rivers you have seen but a majority of the time the regions close to rivers are green...yes there are deserts near there...and I do have some sand located further away from the river that I have running through the middle of the park...after looking back at my buildings I did notice that I have those walls with crosses on them, they will be changed...I dont know what I was thinking there...I will also go back and put more palm trees in...but other than that...it is accurate...

    If you are thinking that the walls, which are found in the medieval tab, can only be used for medieval buildings...think again...perhaps try and get ahold of a seventh grade history book...if you dont believe me then here is a nice picture for you:
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    As you can plainly see there are those "castle walls" there...so I assume that there were more around then too...and if you think that the windows are for medieval only then again you are mistaken...they did not have round or square windows...they had tall skinny windows...so i used tall skinny windows...

    And here is a nice picture that can show you that Egypt and Babylon were indeed two different places with obvious reasons to have different styles of architecture...also you can see how the region of Babylonia would be more green than sand...again I do have some sand further away from the river...
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    As for the alleys and bazaars and trading tents...I havent started working on the main town area or the marketplace so I will be using those tips...

    I also don't understand what your talking about for english hanging gardens? perhaps the pillars? If that is it then I will explain some more history for you...a person named Alexander the Great (a greek) came and conquered Babylon...he then added on to the buildings and possibly the gardens (noone knows much about the gardens themselves)...so there are Greek pillars holding them up...

    Alexander next reorganized his forces and started for Babylon. In 331 BC he again defeated Darius, and Babylon surrendered.

    ^quoted from HERE

    Noone knows what the actual hanging gardens looked like so whatever your idea of them is...that is what it is...your idea...I have my idea...so...it can be different...Here is what I am somewhat using...a little anyways:

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    Butterfinger: thanks for the comments...I will try the triple wide in the town and marketplace area...and the ornamental trees...well I wanted other little trees up there but they cant be "lifted"...and I do want trees up there...but I wont use too many...

    For anyone who wants to post about the accuracy of my park please at least know what you are talking about...

    As for the relevant suggestions...thank you and I will definately try them out...
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    Talking about turning a blind eye.

    You show me the pictures and tell me that "this is what it looks like!!! You fool," yet you're not doing it in your parks.

    If you are thinking that the walls, which are found in the medieval tab, can only be used for medieval buildings...think again

    Yes, you're right, jolly good. But if you look at YOUR screens you will notice that they look nothing like what you have show us in these "nice pictures." You're using the walls under the Medievil tab wrong bucko.

    have you ever heard of Mesopotamia??? or the Fertile Crescent??? or the Euphrates river??? Did you perhaps forget that Babylon was located just East of the Euphrates??? I don't know what rivers you have seen but a majority of the time the regions close to rivers are green...yes there are deserts near there...

    Yes. I've heard of Mesopotamia, the Fertil Crescent, and the Euphrates River. And no I didn't forget that it was located East of the river. But that is of no relevance, what you have here looks nothing like what you're showing me. EVen in that picture at the bottom it doesn't represent what you've got. You have way too much green in there, it looks nothing like it.

    I also don't understand what your talking about for english hanging gardens? perhaps the pillars? If that is it then I will explain some more history for you...a person named Alexander the Great (a greek) came and conquered Babylon...he then added on to the buildings and possibly the gardens (noone knows much about the gardens themselves)...so there are Greek pillars holding them up...

    Maybe if you made it look a bit more Babylon-ish I wouldn't be so damned confused. Stop trying to give me a history lesson and look at the picture you gave all of us to look at and try to emulate them. Not that hard, Mister History Buff.

    It's sad when people are ignorant about suggestions to parks. Oh, and if I'm wrong so is Butter, because, if you read his post he agreed with me.

    Now get to work.

    Just trying to help, yo.
  • sloB%s's Photo
    have you guys forgot about sacoasterfreaks rivers of babylon? I think this isnt bad at all but that one is a better recreation. AustinPowers maybe you should check that out. its layin around here somewhere in the forums
  • CoasterWizard%s's Photo
    Do they have pine trees East of the Euphrates???


    And those pillars are definitely not Greek in nature. The ones you used came from a later time period during the Middle Ages.
  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    I never said this is what it looks like...I just pointed out how you were wrong in assuming that it was all desert and egypt-like...

    the two screens I showed you are just two pictures that I am loosely looking at for ideas...not copying exactly...it doesnt have to look exactly like the pictures that others came up with does it?

    I dont think I have too much green...it was green...the city was built right next to a river...if you look at the map I posted again you will notice that the persian gulf comes up pretty far...then you can see a line further away from the land that says "present coastline"...since the water has receeded since the time of Babylon it makes sense that today that area would be more desert covered...maybe thats where you are caught up?

    It is Babylon-ish...that is why I am explaining the definition of Babylon-ish...
    I am not ignorant about suggestions to my park...I appreciate them...your comments have allowed me to maybe get people to understand how Babylon actually was...

    Yes I have seen sacoasterfreak's Rivers of Babylon...I liked it...and I noticed that it was mainly grass too...the mayan section was desert...but the babylon areas were mostly grassy...also he used "medieval" stuff...even the cross walls...he used egypt stuff too...now I am not trying to compare our parks in anyway but I am just pointing out some similarities...

    CoasterWizard: LOL...I do all this about accuracy and then have pine trees...I feel bad now...they will be quickly changed to palm trees...thx for bringing it to my attention...but the pillars IMO can be associated with Greek type buildings...

    Anyway, I hope that clears up all this...I mean what are you going to say when I show a coaster? "well they didnt have coasters back then did they?"...I'll show three more old screens and a new one tomorrow...

    Thx again for the help :)
  • Butterfinger%s's Photo

    Oh, and if I'm wrong so is Butter, because, if you read his post he agreed with me.

    Bleh, I dont know what I'm talking about anyway. I just thought bazzars and marketplaces might be what babylon was all about.

    Did you guys really study stuff like Babylon in the 6th grade?!?! All we studied was American history, American wars, 1800's- early 1900's, ect.

    And Glitch, he didnt complain to me just becasue you are more fun to pick on and manipulate :p

    Just face the facts........
  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    I promised new screens and now you will get them...I have changed many trees to palm trees and have taken out the cross walls...

    These two old screens incorporate a little more modern Iraq feel to them...with the domes...TT made them possible from WW screens...

    #5: A small shrine to the gods...the cross walls have since been changed...

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    #6: Some more archy located near the Hanging Gardens area...

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  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    #7: The Station to a woodie named Nebuchadnezzar II...

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    #8: A new screen...Some archy near the dock area...

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  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    Other than saying you should change the name to 'Camelot' and not BABYLON, I like it.
    The architecture needs some revamping, and maybe a higher tree selection, but I absolutely love the flowers and gardens.

    The more the better...

  • Adix%s's Photo
    I like the way it looks... a lot. However, those that say that the park theme isn't following the name are on to something. "Lost City Of Mesopotamia" or something might work better *shrugs*
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    why is your land so boring? o.O
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    I think you should forget Babylon, and go for a colorful, flowering castle type thing. Right now Rivers of Babylon's Babylon is rapping yours.

    $Hevydevy B) $


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