Ask the Experts / Apex Valley and others
13-July 20
wee988 Offline
VERY longtime lurker here. I've been around since the mid 2000s. I created an account more recently but never used it. I've tried building parks like you guys but a lack of patience prevented anything coming from it. Hence the lurking and the park browsing...
Anyways, I remember there was a member of RCT Fusion named supertrooper. The current database here has some of his/her work, notably Big Top Circus Park and a few of his/her club creations, but it's missing a number of his/her works such as Apex Valley. I found a link to it in the Place to Release your Parkland forum but the link is dead. Does anyone have Apex Valley or of supertrooper's other parks from RCT Fusion?
Liampie Offline
Behind the scenes Ive been making an effort to locate and secure parks like this; if you look at the Newsflash posts in the 'News' forum you'll see that dozens of parks are added each quarter. This one wasn't on my radar yet. I'll see if I can find any information regarding the park and maybe maybe locate it - don't get your hopes up. At the very least, you put it on my radar now.
Do you just miss this one, or did you lose all your savegames? If you have a lot of other savegames still, Im interested in taking a look and seeing if we can fill any gaps in our database with it.
wee988 Offline
These really is the only ones I've been looking for. As for my collection, I don't have that many old parks at the moment, since my current rig is new. I do have two older computers with RCT2 parks on them. I can fire them up and see what's on there. If I remember correctly, there are a lot of them. I'll give them a look see and post back.
Edit: One of the old PC's has been cleaned off, the other doesn't have as many parks as I remember on it. Most are either already on the database, or are made by creators who never registered here. I don't think you can post those due to legal issues if I'm correct?
Edit 2: Have you ever tried the wayback machine for old files? I was able to retrieve a few older park links, I even found RCT Fusion's old website, but parts of it don't work correctly, including the links to supertrooper's page! Is there another service like that?
posix Offline
Hey there, and nice to see this. We've been waybackmachining our way heavily for years, and combine it with the resources people offer to us through their collections.