Custom Scenery Exchange / CHE's Customs
26-April 20
CHE Offline
Hey everyone,
here you find custom content that I created, enjoy!
123.PNG (17.9KB)
downloads: 16A slightly modified version of the honey locust and additional leaves to create 3x3 trees. Place the tree and leaves on the center tile and add leaves around it. Also available is a 2x2 version.
downloads: 27CHETHL2.DAT (17.98KB)
downloads: 27CHETHL3.DAT (72.42KB)
downloads: 29I also made a slightly darker version which might look better in some cases, e.g. when coloured light olive.
downloads: 26CHETHL2D.DAT (18.06KB)
downloads: 27CHETHL3D.DAT (72.52KB)
downloads: 29 -
CHE Offline
Hey there, some new path objects!
Outside curves matching the flat roof texture and SF path block 16:
turns3.PNG (3.8KB)
downloads: 2CHEFROLF.DAT (11.46KB)
downloads: 11CHEFRORF.DAT (11.49KB)
downloads: 11They also come in a version without the red part which can be filled with a diagonal path object:
turns.PNG (10.24KB)
downloads: 4CHEFROLD.DAT (10.14KB)
downloads: 11CHEFRORD.DAT (10.2KB)
downloads: 11Bigger turns with white line. They match the CC9 light path coloured black:
turns2.PNG (10.55KB)
downloads: 6CHERD1A.DAT (10.99KB)
downloads: 16CHERD1B.DAT (9.7KB)
downloads: 16CHERD2B.DAT (9.7KB)
downloads: 16CHERD2E.DAT (10.99KB)
downloads: 16 -
OddmentsAlchemyLab Offline
Curved flats! Straight to the toolbox with 'em. Thank you for sharing these.
CHE Offline
A full set of Liampie's roof voliere, slanted and diagonal versions.
voliereobjects.PNG (1.96KB)
downloads: 16CHERFVO1.DAT (1.76KB)
downloads: 17CHERFVO2.DAT (1.27KB)
downloads: 18CHERFVO3.DAT (1.19KB)
downloads: 17CHERFVO4.DAT (1.2KB)
downloads: 17 -
Terry Inferno Offline
Rarely do objects appear that I know I will use in every subsequent park I build, but these new volieres certainly qualify!
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