Contests / New Element Flash Challenge
26-March 20
Liampie Offline
It's new, it's fast, and it's simple
logo by in:cities
Welcome to a brand new official contest. Introducing: the first edition of the New Element Flash Challenge. This format is focused on speed and fast building: therefore it is NCSO no-hacks only! Yes, that's right. Whereas with NE Design Challenge, you would usually be given a layout to build a small map around, in Flash Challenge you are given just a keyword.
The circumstances that are currently affecting all of us reveal new ways of staying connected, and underline their importance. We lose some connections, while others are strengthened. Connections are on all our minds, but what is connection to you?
The goal of this contest is to create a small park, using the keyword:
' Connectivity '
You may interpret this in any way you like, but it has to be reflected somehow. This can be however abstract or concrete as you like. To help you get started, we offer anOfficial Contest Bench (60x60). You may also use a bench of your own, as long as there are no custom objects in your submission.
(1) You must include an interpretation of the keyword 'connectivity'.
(2) You may cooperate with other players to create your entry. You can send in as many solo or group entries as you like. However, it will be the admins' discretion to choose which and how many of your entries will enter the contest.
(3) Your map can be no smaller than 40x40 tiles, and no larger than 60x60 tiles.
(4) You are not allowed to use any objects that did not come with the original base game from 2002 - including palettes and objects from the expansions.
(5) You are not allowed to use any cheats that enable you to do things the base game wouldn't allow you to do. Adding money, changing the water and enabling the mountain tool for example are allowed, while merging rides, changing train types and using zero clearances isn't. When in doubt, ask.
Note that any violation of these rules may result in a penalty or total disqualification
(1) Submissions are due by Sunday April 12th, 23:59 GMT.
(2) Submit your park by PM addressed to me, CoasterCreator9 and posix.How to win?
After the deadline has passed, we will select and assemble all entries into a big poll on the site where everyone can have their say in who should be the winner.No Sign-Ups, just go! Don't lose time, and surprise yourself with how fast you can build. Best of luck.
Splitvision Offline
Cool! And tough, haha. I've never tried my hand at NCSO before (I mean except for when I bought the game when I was like 10 years old) and to do it for the first time with these restrictions (no hacks!) would be a challenge. Definitely thinking about entering!
Liampie Offline
As a fervent ncso-sceptic I might join this and show you kids how it* is done.
*coming in sixth or something like that
savoytruffle98 Offline
just checking, I've seen people argue that trackitecture isn't the intended way to play rct2 or whatever
][ntamin22 Offline
Snappy logo, nice job!
I'm intrigued by the format and also a little curious about the long-ish timeline for a rush build themed contest.
Seems like an interesting opportunity to LL-ify 2, but much of the fun in LL is breaking it... so I don't know. We'll see. -
Terry Inferno Offline
What are the specifics when it comes to map size? 3600 is obviously the maximum, but are we allowed to shape that map any way we want, i.e. 90x40, as we did in H2H? I only ask because altering the map size during the building process was impossible in the base game.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
What are the specifics when it comes to map size? 3600 is obviously the maximum, but are we allowed to shape that map any way we want, i.e. 90x40, as we did in H2H? I only ask because altering the map size during the building process was impossible in the base game.
We're planning to allow this within reason, as long as there is no black tile use.
Kumba Offline
I think I would enter this if I had a partner to make it a duo. Maybe best with a non-American to take advantage of time zones. PM or DM me if you're interested.
posix Offline
are ll land textures allowed
Would say no because they aren't Vanilla RCT2. Also you run the risk no one will see your park as you intend.
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
I liked it, good initiative, I think this challenge at that moment helps to distract the head.
I will just follow, and I know it is going to be exciting. -
Recurious Offline
I have a question regarding the hacking part. Is it allowed to change stats on a ride? I know this is not really part of the base game but it doesn't really affect the aesthetics of the game at all. It will just make my guests actually queue up for the death machines I made.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
I have a question regarding the hacking part. Is it allowed to change stats on a ride? I know this is not really part of the base game but it doesn't really affect the aesthetics of the game at all. It will just make my guests actually queue up for the death machines I made.
I'd say this is probably fine, as it seems to fall under the same vein as removing park fences. If Liam or posix thought otherwise I'd say their judgment prevails over mine, but I don't personally see an issue with it.
Chocotopian Offline
Does the interpretation of the keyword have to be clarified in any way with submissions, or are points likely to be given based on how obvious it is?
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