Custom Scenery Exchange / Dirt's CSO Empo

  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Pathing Set:


    Attached File  Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 8.06.26 PM.png (1005.38KB)
    downloads: 144


    Below is a new pathing set meant to replace and expand the NCSO paths to give more "NE-like" options while staying true to the originals.  These paths replace the default queues with matching color/texture so the regular path and queues match.  The paths also all use the wooden lattice supports and standard rails.


    In-game names match the NCSO names (unless are recolored derivatives) and are translated.


    Attached File  Pathing Set - dr (390.89KB)
    downloads: 31


    Backstage / Utility Scenery:


    Attached File  Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 6.17.54 PM.png (37.45KB)
    downloads: 116


    Attached File  Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 6.17.36 PM.png (108.64KB)
    downloads: 40


    Below is the first objects in a set for adding simple options for making backstage and utility details - based on NCSO objects to fit into the original vanilla scenery.  Thus far, two dumpster objects (green and original purple) and two gravel blocks (colorable and original brown) are complete.


    In-game names are 'Dumpster' and 'Gravel Block,' in English and are translated into other languages.


    Attached File  Utility Set - dr (15.51KB)
    downloads: 26

  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Added first four objects of the Utility Set.  More to come once I can use the Object Editor again!

  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Here we have wooden railings colored to match the new umber color available in Open.


    Attached File  Umber_Railings.png (1.21MB)
    downloads: 21


    Attached File  dr_dirt.footpath_railings.wood_umber.parkobj (21.72KB)
    downloads: 10


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