RCT Discussion / 2019 Screenshot of the Year: March and April Poll
- 07-January 20
Scoop Offline
Maybe not as much quantity as the previous two months but still some high quality screens none the less. Again be sure to look at each screen before voting and good luck to the nominees.
G Force Offline
The shogo screenshot is really pretty mindblowing from a detail perspective. Atmosphere in Jappy's screen is also pretty special IMO, would like to see stuff like that more often.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
Went with Liam/Shogo and Matt/][.
I simply love Liam's entrance there, and while Shogo's screenshot lacks some polish and the resolution is shitty, the technical aspects are truly amazing.
Matt shows a lot of great composition and just a really convincing area there, and ]['s take on Asian themes in LL is a nice touch.
mintliqueur Offline
So much good work being shown at the site the last year, really hard to choose both in this poll and the previous one!
Scoop Offline
Congratulations to Shotguns? and Jappy For winning their respective months! Great work for both of you and everyone else stay tuned for the next poll...
Highball Offline
I need more Highball screens in my life
I'll see what I can come up with.
Hell of a thread bump but I had no idea this was going on. Thanks for the votes!
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