RCT Discussion / MP Mini-Game - Empire Conquest (Expanded)
16-October 19
][ntamin22 Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1581445893' post='759468'] Tentative yes
Cancel that, not going to be able to participate this round. -
Liampie Offline
I'm in, but I can't actually do anything as long as my wifi is down. Could take up to two weeks, we'll see... -
dr dirt Offline
The Map:
Players will begin selection of settlement location starting now in a draft. The selection order is the order of sign ups which may be found on the first page and below. The locations will get a clearing to build the settlements at the start of Round 1. Additionally, the locations are each tied to a Faction, thus the selection will determine a) temporary 'teams' for the first two Rounds of play, b) style/theme of settlement, and c) priority in rank orders for selecting Trade Routes, Guilds, War Targets, and Industries.
It is recommended to glance over the Rulebook, specifically Factions, to determine the ideal location strategically.
Current selections:
1. CC9 - Spot #2, Asia
2. Josh - Spot #12, Africa
3. Otter - Spot #10, Africa
4. KaiBueno - Spot #1, Asia
5. Scoop - Spot #8, Americas
6. Steve - Spot #9, Americas
7. Leon - Spot #4, Europe
8. Liampie - Spot #11, Africa
9. AVC - Spot #5, Europe
10. ZxbiohazardxZ - Spot #6, Europe
11. Alex - Spot #7, Americas
12. Version1 - Spot #3, Asia
Card Distribution:
Stay tuned later the week, Builder Cards will be PM'd to you. Remember, you will get 3 this time around, to be played as you choose in 5 Rounds. It is recommended to strategize with others to best use your cards.
dr dirt Offline
Card Distribution (cont.):
The Builder Cards have been distributed. You may openly share your cards with whoever you wish - it is up to you to form your strategy in how to play them. The cards are played proactively - that is, take effect in the following Round and thus affect Rewards/Retributions received during the Round it is played.
Reminder - you will have 5 Rounds to play your 3 cards; you may only play one card per turn. Any cards which you fail to play are wasted.
Rule Change:
Because Builder Cards take place proactively, it has come to my attention it takes an additional Round to use the cards to repair your settlement, which makes repairs exceptionally slow. Change: the Builder Cards Hastened Repairs and Peace Offering will now take immediate effect, allowing you to repair the Round it is played. This will still count as your Builder Card played during that Round, so you are still only permitted to play one card per Round.
{ I had originally developed all the cards to be proactive due to the possibility a player not being available to demolish structures before a Round is over. However, because you will be doing your own repairs, this should not be an issue with Hastened Repairs. In the case of Peace Offering, other players will be affected and will be allowed a grace period in the following Round to make repairs as if the card was played proactively. }
dr dirt Offline
Round 1: Stone Age - This Town Ain't Big Enough...
At the heart of the Stone Age, four great nations settled in a distant land. Each nation sent three Founders to lead their colony, all vying for power for his people. The initial expansion was slow, supplies and materials limited, yet the Founders were able to stake a claim and raise their settlements, which dotted the horizon. In these early eras, each nation's colonies joined together and formed their own Faction. Together, the Factions grew and together the Factions fell. With limited resources dotted across the land, not every settlement and Faction came out of the Age prosperous...
[Reminder: you are building ONLY the Objectives below, Rewards/Retributions are given as results of Round 1]
1) Build a Town Center (~4x4 / 16 tiles) in your designated area
2) Build two Houses (~2x2 / 4 tiles)
3) Build a Farm (~6x6 / 36 tiles) (includes a farmhouse)
Minor Objectives: Choose your flag color and fly it above your Town Center; choose the name of your settlement (PM me).
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however. You may also make minor landscaping changes about your settlement.]
[The above are size limits, which are not 100% strictly enforced but provide a guideline for structure size and you'll have to rebuild if you completely exceed the limit.]
Reward: (choose)
A) Traveling Hunting Party - Explore the lands and expand your hunting operation; build a Hunting Camp (~4x4 / 16 tiles) outside the bounds of your settlement, but not within the limits of another settlement, OR;
B) Blessed Year of Plenty - Your settlement has been blessed with surplus crops and livestock; build a Storage Silo (~2x2 / 4 tiles) and build one additional Farm (~6x6 / 36 tiles).
A) Flooding Fronts - Decades of floods descend upon your settlement; Farms become barren for the next century (replace farmland with bare brown dirt); AND,
B) Founder Limitations - Due to a year of scarcity, your settlement must rebuild and refrain from trade; delay the building of the Trading Post for one round (you may not build a Trading Post in Round 2, but may in Round 3).
[Reminder: Builder Cards played during Round 1 will impact the distribution of the Rewards/Retributions above, taking effect in Round 2.]
Due Date: Sunday, March 8th, ~6:00 PM EST
{ Factions will be ranked from best to worst as a whole; the top ranked Faction settlements all get Rewards, the bottom ranked Faction settlements all receive Retributions. }
dr dirt Offline
End of the Stone Age:
The end of the Stone Age brought forth the rise of several colonies, and the harsh beginnings of others. With the aid of early technology and materials, the African settlements prospered with their fertile lands along the lakes amidst their dry plains. Unable to firmly establish a full set of settlements the American settlements fell behind as they entered the Bronze Age, and prepared for a struggle as Trade Routes amongst the settlements were established. Without the plentiful harvests as the other colonies saw, the American colonies were unable to build Trading Posts as the age of commerce began. Several Founders used their political power to affect the coming centuries: AVC invoked a Fatal Prophecy which prevented Liampie from receiving Rewards and Biohazard from facing Retributions; both CC9 and Scoop made a Vow of Silence and thus advanced to the Bronze Age without any outside effects; and Steve formed a Courtesy Pact with Alex, which prevented their two settlements against the other Founders to no avail.
1) Rewards: Josh & Otter - choose Traveling Hunting Party OR Blessed Year of Plenty (see Round 1 post).
2) Retributions: Steve & Alex - receive Flooding Fronts AND Founder Limitations (see Round 1 post).
3) Builder Cards: AVC plays Fatal Prophecy against Liampie and for Biohazard resulting in Liampie receiving no Rewards; Scoop plays Vow of Silence resulting in him not receiving Retributions; CC9 plays Vow of Silence which had no effect on the results; Steve plays Courtesy Pact which had no effect on the results.
[Reminder: if you choose Traveling Hunting Party as your Reward, you may not place the camp within another's settlement, but the area around it is available.]
Round 2: Bronze Age - ...For the Both of Us.
The new era dawned and the settlements, whether rich or poor, began an age of trading and economy. The settlements each entered agreements (with friend or foe) forming a network of Trade Routes, each marked by a Trading Post. The settlements which formed fortuitous routes and alliances rose to new heights during the Bronze Age, and entered the coming centuries prepared for what was to come. This age also saw the rise of Temples, new Farms, and additional Houses as the settlements expanded and grew. With the relatively quiet political age seen in the Stone Age, allegiances and oppositions became all the more important as tensions grew...
1) Build one Temple (~4x4 / 16 tiles)
2) Construct one Trade Route (see below) and one Trading Post (~3x3 / 9 tiles)
3) Build one additional Farm (~6x6 / 36 tiles) (includes a farmhouse)
4) Build two additional Houses (2x2 / 4 tiles)
Minor Objectives: advance your settlement with Bronze Age building materials, name your settlement if not already completed (will soon be used once players are solo), landscape your surroundings but do not interfere with others)
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however. You may also make minor landscaping changes about your settlement.]
Trade Routes:
We will be selecting Trade Routes at the start of this Round in a draft. The order is given priority to the Asia Faction, who will be placed at the top of the draft. Otherwise, the order is decided by Round 1 rank. Each player will select one other player as a trade partner, and the two will build a single Trade Route between their settlements (may go over water). This partner does NOT need to be of the same Faction. Once a player picks or is selected, they will be removed from the draft, so that six Trade Routes of two players are formed. Settlements which are connected by Trade Route share Rewards. The effect of Trade Routes are applied before the effect of Builder Cards. Players may not receive multiple Rewards by via Trade Routes. (See the Rulebook)
Selection Order:
1) KaiBueno (selects Josh)
2) CC9 (selects Liam)
3) Version1 (selects Leon)
4) Liampie (selected by CC9)
5) Josh (selected by Kai)
6) AVC (selects Otter)
7) Steve (selects Bio)
8 ) Otter (selected by AVC)
9) Leon (selected by V1)
10) Bio (selected by Steve)
11) Scoop (selects Alex)
12) Alex (selected by Scoop)
Reward: (choose)
A) Rush Aggression - your settlement enacted an early military invasion of a neighboring settlement; choose one city to attack and the lower-ranked settlement in the coming round must choose one structure to demolish while the higher-ranked settlement may build TWO additional Houses (~2x2 / 4 tiles); OR,
B) Unified Currencies - your settlement unifies the Island under a single currency and established the first Bank (3x2 / 6 tiles), and may switch trade partners with one other player (besides others using Unified Currencies)
A) Lifeseech Rot - the trees in and near your settlement are afflicted with a wasting disease and die for the last two centuries, but agricultural crops are spared from the disease; convert trees in and around your settlement to dead trees and you may not build living trees for the remainder of the game; OR,
B) Unquenchable Thirst - your area is cursed with an unending thirst as the rains never fall upon your lands and the rivers dry; remove any water within your settlement (does not include initial lakes on the map) and you may not use any water for the remainder of the game.
Due Date: Sunday, March 15, ~6:00 PM EST.
[Reminder: Builder Cards played during Round 2 will impact the distribution of the Rewards/Retributions above, taking effect in Round 3.]
{ Again, Factions will be ranked from best to worst as a whole; the top ranked Faction settlements all get Rewards, the bottom ranked Faction settlements all receive Retributions. }
dr dirt Offline
Alex has dropped out of the game. He has been replaced by Louis!. The Objectives for Round 1 are also to be completed by the end of Round 2, and the Retribution Alex received will still apply. Builder Cards are also transferred over to Louis!.
Trade Routes: (replaced 3/18 with Unified Currencies)
KaiBueno <---> Josh
CC9 <---> Liampie
Version1 <---> Leon
AVC <---> Otter
Steve <---> Bio
Scoop <---> Louis!
The Map: (courtesy of Josh)
dr dirt Offline
End of Bronze Age:
The Bronze Age changed the economic landscape of the colonial land for years to come. The European settlements exerted great influence amongst the trade network and dominated the political landscape. Meanwhile, the Asian settlements fell behind and prepared to enter the age of the Guilds with steep repercussions upon their settlements. American settlements dug themselves out of the harsh beginnings in the Stone Age with the help of Louis, who rapidly built a flourishing settlement. Additionally, with strategic trading, several other builders saw benefits thanks to negotiations with the European settlements. Steve invoked a Detriment Bond onto CC9 who already faced Retributions. Otter gave a Fatal Prophecy and prevented Liampie from receiving Rewards and AVC from receiving Retributions.
1) Rewards: Leon, Biohazard & AVC; (Trade Routes) Version1, Steve & Otter – choose Rush Aggression OR Unified Currencies.
2) Retributions: KaiBueno, CC9 & Version1 – receive Lifeseech Rot OR Unquenchable Thirst
3) Builder Cards: Steve plays Detriment Bond against CC9 resulting no changes to the results; Otter plays Fatal Prophecy which has no effect, as neither Liampie nor AVC received Rewards or Retributions, respectively.
[Reminder: send me your Rewards choices for this Round, so that I may record Rush Aggression or Unified Currency changes; if you choose Unified Currencies, we will make the trade partner switch process based on the Round 1 draft order.]
Round 3: Iron Age – The Rise of the Guilds.
As the edges of the map were drawn and the settlements entered a new age of technology, each settlement built a Guild, a specific group of talented individuals who brought powerful skills and abilities to their cities. The Iron Age was the first sign of political turmoil, as the Factions officially dissolved, and political allies became the decisive relationship. The Founders saw the beginnings of military might and the tensions that came with it. At the conclusion of the era, the colonies and their people were on the brink of war…
1) Build a Guild (4x4 / 16 tiles)
2) Build a Guard Tower (2x2 / 4 tiles)
3) Build one (final) Farm (6x6 / 36 tiles) (includes a farmhouse)
4) Build two additional Houses (2x2 / 4 tiles)
Minor Objectives: Build an additional Trade Route if you choose Unified Currencies as a Reward; send your settlement’s name if you haven’t already.
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however. You may also make minor landscaping changes about your settlement.]
{ Those who received Founder Limitations will now be able to build a Trading Post }
We will be selecting Guilds at the start of this Round in a draft. The order is given priority to the Europe Faction, who will be placed at the top of the draft. Otherwise, the order is decided by Round 2 rank. Each player will select a Guild, with each type of Guild limited to two across all the players. The Guilds are detailed in the Rulebook and are used to determine the Rewards of the subsequent round(s). Players that have the same Guild do NOT have any link to each other in Rewards and Retributions as Trade Routes do.
Selection Order:
1) AVC (selects Wizards' Guild)
2) Leon (selects Wizards' Guild)
3) Biohazard (selects Scholars' Guild)
4) Liampie (selects Thieves' Guild)
5) Louis! (selects Merchants' Guild)
6) CC9 (selects Blacksmiths' Guild)
7) Steve (selects Thieves' Guild)
8 ) KaiBueno (selects Blacksmiths' Guild)
9) Josh (selects Scholars' Guild)
10) Otter (selects Merchants' Guild)
11) Version1 (selects Clerics' Guild)
12) Scoop (selects Clerics' Guild)
A) Native Guilding – receive the Reward as outlined by your specific Guild in the Rulebook (see page 1); AND,
B) Reinforcements in Times of Need – your settlement begins its military development early, in preparations for the coming age; build one Stable (4x4 / 16 tiles); OR, one Shipyard (4x4 / 16 tiles); OR, one Archery (4x4 / 16 tiles).
Retribution: (choose)
A) Harbinger of the Dying – the surrounding lands become cursed with the dead; replace any grass, grass/dirt, dirt, or sand land texture with grey rock under and around your settlement and you may not build with those land textures for the remainder of the game (does not include farmland); OR,
B) Flash Flooding, Cold Front – your settlement faces an occluded cold front and becomes under permanent rain; the animated rain object is placed in the air above your settlement, permanently; however, this will undo Unquenchable Thirst and you will be allowed to use the water tool.
{ Factions have been dissolved for Round 3, TWO players will receive Rewards via ranking and THREE players will receive Retributions via ranking (with Trade Routes, 4 players will receive Rewards) }
Due Date: Thursday, March 26, ~6:00 PM EST.
[Reminder: Builder Cards played during Round 2 will impact the distribution of the Rewards/Retributions above, taking effect in Round 3.]
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