RCT Discussion / MP Mini-Game - Empire Conquest (Expanded)
16-October 19
dr dirt Offline
[additions/revisions from the Original Version are underlined]
Full Rulebook:
Setting Up / The Map:
A map is generated and twelve settlement areas are designated at the start of the game. Players take turns claiming their area prior to the map going online according to the sign up order. The building area is not strict, however players must keep building within the vicinity of their area. The rest of the map will be developed as the game progresses with trade routes, etc.
Each player will receive three Builder Cards at the start of the game which may be played during the rounds. (explained in detail below)
The Campaign - The campaign and storyline is written before the start of the game and followed during its course. This includes determined Objectives, Rewards, and Retributions which are to occur each round. The storyline is adjusted in accordance with the events as the game plays out.
Factions - At the start of the game, four factions will be formed based on location of settlement areas. Each faction has a common base-type of civilization as well as special priorities which benefit the player during the game. The factions are chosen from the Catalogue. In the first and second round, Factions are judged as a whole in determining the ranking order and thus receive Rewards and Retributions together. Factions are then dissolved but each player keeps the special priorities of his/her Faction.
Playing the Game / The Rounds:
There are a total of five rounds for each game. Each round will last one week which will end with the map being temporarily taken offline. Building takes place during the entirety of the round. Players build specific structures of their settlement required each round (ex, houses, stables). These structures are delineated because the game mechanics primarily deal with the building and demolishing of particular structures. No rides are to be created; though, trackitecture and moving parts is allowed.
The round consists of several parts:
Objectives - Players are given the requirements of what to complete at the start of each round. Typically, this consists of specific structures to build, changes to existing structures, or modifications to the settlements. All players have the same objectives. The objectives may not be exceeded during the given round so the players may not build additional structures during the rounds. Players may, however, add small details to their settlement outside of the structures (ex, sheds, gardens, etc).
Additional objects are provided during each round according to the campaign. Players may update previously built structures with new objects if they wish. Objects at certain points in the game may be more beneficial to certain Factions; an approximation of object progression for each Faction is provided in the Catalogue.
Judging - At the conclusion of each round, the settlements will be judged and ranked. The work will be judged on two primary criteria: 1) successful completion of the objectives and 2) typical RCT work judging. The specific ranking will not be revealed; however, the results of the ranking will be.
Rewards - Settlements will receive a predetermined Reward which are used in the next round as determined by ranking order and criteria for earning the Reward of that specific round. These Rewards typically consist of the objective to build additional structures or affect other settlements. The Rewards given each round must be enacted once received.
Retributions - Settlements will receive a predetermined Retribution which are enacted in the next round as determined by ranking order and criteria for receiving the Retribution of that specific round. These typically consist of the requirement to demolish specific structures or change the player's settlement. Retributions are required to complete. This is the primary way in which settlements are negatively impacted.
Ending the Game / The Voting:
The game is complete at the end of the additional week after the fifth round is concluded. This additional week is to give players time to enact Rewards or Retributions earned during the fifth round. This is different than the Original Version which concluded at the end of the fifth round. A public poll will be held to vote for the best settlement in typical RCT work judging by the community. The settlement which has the most votes will be declared the winner and will be offered a spot in the next iteration of the Mini-Game.
Additional Mechanics / Builder Cards / Other:
Builder Cards - Players receive three random Builder Cards from the 'deck' at the start of the game. Builder Cards may opted to be played at any point during the round via PM/DiscordPM. However, Builder Cards are applied at the conclusion of the round played and take effect during the following round. So, Builder Cards played during round one are revealed at the start of round two and affect round two play. Once a round has concluded, no additional Builder Cards may be played until the start of the following round. Players may only play one Builder Card per round. Builder Cards are listed in the Catalogue.
Trade Routes - Players will build Trade Routes which connect two settlements. The building of Trade Routes will be done by selection in order of ranking, with priority given to certain Factions. Settlements which are connected by Trade Route share Rewards. The effect of Trade Routes are applied before the effect of Builder Cards. Players may not receive multiple Rewards by via Trade Routes.
Guilds - Players will select Guilds at a predetermined point in the game. Available Guilds are listed in the Catalogue. Up to two Guilds of a single type may be selected amongst all the players. Each Guild provides the player with access to unique Rewards which become available during the course of the game. Guilds are selected in order of ranking, with priority given to certain Factions.
Industries - Players will select Industries at a predetermined point in the game. Available Industries are listed in the Catalogue. Each type of Industry will have four players which are competing in that industry; this is used to determine Rewards and Retributions during certain rounds of play. Industries are selected in order of ranking, with priority given to certain Factions.
Factions function in the mechanics of the game as described by the Rulebook. Factions have a common thematic style but players may confer amongst themselves if they choose to build a specific theme within that Faction. Factions are given a special priority during selections at certain points during the game. Factions each have unique object progressions that develop as the game unfolds. High object progression indicates few unique objects at the start of the game with more unlocked during its course. Low object progression indicates greater number of unique objects at the start of the game with less unlocked during its course. The Factions are:
- Asia -
Special Priority: selection of Trade Routes
Object Progression: Medium
- Americas -
Special Priority: selection of Industry
Object Progression: Medium
- Europe -
Special Priority: selection of Guild
Object Progression: High
- Africa -
Special Priority: selection of War Target
Object Progression: Low
Guilds function in the mechanics of the game as described by the rulebook. Each Guild offers unique thematic opportunities as well as access to unique Rewards. Guilds' Rewards have been reworked for the Expanded Edition. Each Guild's unique Reward targets an individual aspect of the game. The Guilds are:
- Scholars' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player will be notified of the play of all Builder Cards during the round of effect, before he/she may choose to play a Builder Card. This does not apply to other players with a Scholars’ Guild
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose to ban two players from using Builder Cards during the round of effect
- Merchants' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player may create an additional Trade Route between two settlements.
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose one Trade Route to demolish.
- Thieves' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player may retroactively choose any one Reward available in previous rounds.
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose another player who must retroactively undo the effects of any one Reward received in previous rounds.
- Blacksmiths' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player may retroactively undo the effects of any one Retribution received in previous rounds.
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose player to be retroactively affected by any one Retribution available in previous rounds.
- Wizards' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player will be notified of the ranking order of the settlements during the round of effect, before he/she may choose to play a Builder Card.
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose two other players who will be switched in position on the ranking order during the round of effect.
- Clerics' Guild -
Native Guilding: the player may choose and immediately play one Builder Card previously played by any player. The player may not play an additional Builder Card during this round.
Foreign Guilding: the player may choose two additional targets for any Builder Card played during the round of effect. This effect does not apply to Builder Cards without a target.
Industries function in the mechanics of the game as described by the Rulebook. Player compete in the same Industry to determine Rewards and Retributions. Each Industry has its own primary Industrial Structure and supplemental smaller structures related to that industry. These are unique structures only available to those in that specific Industry. The way in which Rewards and Retributions affect Industries affords the player 'winning' that Industry with a much greater number of industrial structures. The Industries are:
- Lumber -
Industrial Structure: Lumberyard
Secondary structures: Lumber Mill
Hostile Takeover: the player may choose one Lumber Mill on the map to demolish; the player may then choose to build two Lumber Mills.
- Mining -
Industrial Structure: Refinery
Secondary structures: Mines
Hostile Takeover: the player may choose one Mine on the map to demolish; the player may then choose to build two Mines.
- Agriculture -
Industrial Structure: Cooperative
Secondary structures: Plantation
Hostile Takeover: the player may choose one Plantation on the map to demolish; the player may then choose to build two Plantations.
Builder Cards:
A total of 36 Builder Cards are in the 'deck.' At the start of the game, players will receive three random Builder Cards. These may be played during any of the five rounds of play. No Builder Cards will be played during the additional week of building after the fifth round. Multiples of the same Builder Card are present in the deck as indicated. The Builder Cards are:
- Courtesy Pact (3)- prevent any effects of other Builder Cards upon your settlement and a chosen player's settlement.
- Hastened Repairs (6) - rebuild any one structure previously lost to Builder Cards or Retributions.
- Preparations for Winter (3)- prevent any effects of Retributions upon your settlement.
- Detriment Bond (3)- choose any other player's settlement to be affected by Retributions.
- Territory Skirmish (6) - choose any other player who must select a structure to demolish.
- Scorched-Earth Policy (3)- demolish one of your structures and choose any two players who must each select a structure to demolish.
- Exchange Economy (3)- switch effects of Rewards and Retributions with a chosen player after the effects of Builder Cards are applied.
- Fatal Prophecy (3)- choose any other player to not receive Rewards and choose another player to not receive Retributions.
- Vow of Silence (3)- receive neither Rewards nor Retributions and be unaffected by Builder Cards
- Peace Offering (3)- rebuild any one structure previously lost to Builder Cards or Retributions and choose any two players who must rebuild one structure each.
dr dirt Offline
1. CC9
2. Josh
3. Otter
4. Kai
5. Scoop
6. Steve
7. Leon
8. Liampie
9. AVC
10. xBiohazardx
11. alex12. Version1
KaiBueno Offline
No time with NEDC5 and wanting to build solo too, but consider me a fan and wanting to learn so I can follow along. All the areas look great and in spirit of AoE meets RCT2, and the border wall cracks me up. -
In:Cities Offline
^Kai - this is a new map with new challenges, new rules, and more people! I think you can definitely be a part of this
KaiBueno Offline
How much time a week is this realistically, understanding that rolls up to a round per week. -
dr dirt Offline
Kai, I think we've been averaging about 3 buildings or structures per week. I'd say that could realistically be done in 1-2 hours per week, as you are also theming small details around it and such. The guys who've played this round might be able to comment more accurately, but I'd guess it depends a lot on how much you want to spend building.
ottersalad Offline
Count me in. Won't be the most productive since I wanna do well with NEDC.. but this looks fun!
KaiBueno Offline
Count me in. Won't be the most productive since I wanna do well with NEDC.. but this looks fun!
This is my issue too, I don't want to fail this if I committed, but have to the suspended first.
When to decide by? -
dr dirt Offline
The first iteration will still have two weeks until it ends. Because the winner gets first pick we cannot select spots until that is finished. So two more weeks at least. -
KaiBueno Offline
Sure why not...worst case scenario I get 12th or not invited back. As long as this wraps up before Dec 20... -
KaiBueno Offline
Is this still happening, or delayed until when?
I am still working on my NEDC5 entries, but was curious -
dr dirt Offline
Okay guys! The plan will be to get this going by the end of next week, with the changes described above to the original game.
We're looking to reach 12 players this time!! We have 5 signed up, who I will keep on unless you comment or let me know you will not be participating.
TLDR: sign up, it's a small amount of building each week.
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