Custom Scenery Exchange / Xtreme97 Custom Objects Thread
27-September 19
Xtreme97 Offline
Hi everyone, I've decided it's worth making a master post for the objects I've created. Some have been released in workbenches and parks of mine but I'll start with the new stuff. I will of course update as I create more objects. A master download will be included at the bottom of the post for all the new objects.
Shallow Corrugated Roof: this is a shallow version of the 1K corrugated roof object by Kumba. It comes in 2 versions, one with a base and one that's thin and I'm working on corner pieces.
Shallow Corrugated Roof.PNG (1.88KB)
downloads: 10
downloads: 19
X97CRS2M.DAT (9.6KB)
downloads: 19
Large Curved Road Line Dashed: a dashed version of the 2x2 curved road line I made.
Large Curved Roadline Dashed.PNG (608bytes)
downloads: 25
downloads: 11
Large Curved Road Line with Various Path Trim: a modification of the 2x2 curved road line that removes path edges sticking out. Can also be used to make large circles of grass or other path.
So far I've made versions for tarmac, coloured tarmac and red brick. If anyone wants a certain path type of this just let me know.
Large Curved Roadline Trim.PNG (2.06KB)
downloads: 20
downloads: 13
downloads: 13
downloads: 13
Diagonal Catwalk: consists of two objects which combine to form diagonal catwalks. They are designed to work/connect with the straight catwalk pieces that lie outside the track tile.
Diagonal Catwalk.PNG (708bytes)
downloads: 19
X97CATD1.DAT (1.28KB)
downloads: 18
X97CATD2.DAT (1.09KB)
downloads: 17
Steep Catwalk: designed to work/connect with the straight catwalk pieces that lie against the edge of the tile.
Steep Catwalk.PNG (1.11KB)
downloads: 10
downloads: 13
downloads: 14Quarter Bamboo Base Block
Bamboo Base Block.PNG (769bytes)
downloads: 15X97QBBB.DAT (2.3KB)
downloads: 13Steep Thatch Roof Diagonal
Steep Thatch Roof Diagonal.PNG (988bytes)
downloads: 99X97STRD1.DAT (1.77KB)
downloads: 12X97STRD2.DAT (1.73KB)
downloads: 12Other objects that have been released through parks or workbenches:
Released Objects.PNG (6.36KB)
downloads: 106
Links to a couple topics with objects I've made:
ZIP file containing all new objects:
Xtreme97 New (21.27KB)
downloads: 37 -
Xtreme97 Offline
Some more objects below, some posted on discord and others I've made recently. Enjoy!
Ultra Steep Catwalk (modified from K0NG versions to line up with outside tile).
Ultra Steep Catwalks.PNG (1.8KB)
downloads: 1X97KCQUL.DAT (3.55KB)
downloads: 9X97KCQUR.DAT (3.55KB)
downloads: 9Ultra Steep Steps (plus half versions).
Ultra Steep Steps.PNG (1.75KB)
downloads: 3X97QSU.DAT (2.92KB)
downloads: 12X97QSUHL.DAT (2.37KB)
downloads: 10X97QSUHR.DAT (2.37KB)
downloads: 9Cauldron Colourable
Cauldron.PNG (984bytes)
downloads: 8X97CAULC.DAT (2.48KB)
downloads: 7AC Unit Up 8ht
AC Unit.PNG (913bytes)
downloads: 21X97QACU8.DAT (15.35KB)
downloads: 12RCT2 Base Palette: to make it easier to mix and select certain colours from other custom palettes.
Base Palette.PNG (1.31KB)
downloads: 23X97PALOB.DAT (2.04KB)
downloads: 9Spire Round 1x1 MT (since the only other large scenery version of this is 2x2)
Spire.PNG (1.49KB)
downloads: 16SPIR1X1M.DAT (14.22KB)
downloads: 9Full Zip of these objects:
Xtreme97 Objects (12.7KB)
downloads: 17 -
Airtime Offline
Cool objects Xtreme.
The round spire 1x1, have you done that in a quarter tile version or something similar? -
Xtreme97 Offline
Thanks! I didn't do it as quarter tile originally so I made that this afternoon. I also made a small quarter tile round base block to go with it since I couldn't find one like that. Hope this helps
Quarter Spire.PNG (1.05KB)
downloads: 3X97QSPIR.DAT (2.69KB)
downloads: 14X97QMBBR.DAT (1.91KB)
downloads: 15 -
Xtreme97 Offline
Did some more object requests today that I'll quickly add here too.
Jazzland Support Wall:
Jazzland Support Wall.PNG (2.35KB)
downloads: 6X97JAZZW.DAT (7.6KB)
downloads: 12Brick Block Diagonal with Wood Top:
Brick Block Diagonal Wood.PNG (1.85KB)
downloads: 5X97QBBDW.DAT (2.26KB)
downloads: 9 -
Xtreme97 Offline
Another object dump incoming, for stuff I've made over the past few months here and there. Enjoy!
1/4 Parrot Sitting
Parrot.PNG (3.12KB)
downloads: 23
X97QPAR1.DAT (925bytes)
downloads: 15
1/4 Fisherman Awning Droopy Canvas 32 Pixel Corner
DroopyAwning.PNG (2.64KB)
downloads: 24
X97QA32D.DAT (3.12KB)
downloads: 10
1/4 Fisherman Louvre 1
Louvre1.PNG (916bytes)
downloads: 6
X97QLVR1.DAT (1.71KB)
downloads: 9
1/4 Fisherman Clock Face Colourable 2ht
ClockFace.PNG (977bytes)
downloads: 5
X97QCLK2.DAT (1.67KB)
downloads: 10
1/4 Clocktower ms Colourable (Quarter tile and Centered)
ClockTower.PNG (1.81KB)
downloads: 8
downloads: 11X97QCLKM.DAT (16.12KB)
downloads: 9
Thin Rail Shallow 1ht Wall (Left and Right)ThinShallowRail.PNG (1.18KB)
downloads: 30
downloads: 9X97TRSRW.DAT (3.12KB)
downloads: 7
B&M Support Horizontal Connectors (Corner, Cross and T)
BMConnectors.PNG (2.07KB)
downloads: 26
X97BMSH2.DAT (1.39KB)
downloads: 7X97BMSHC.DAT (1.72KB)
downloads: 7X97BMSHT.DAT (1.5KB)
downloads: 6Zip of these objects:
Xtreme97 Objects (11.2KB)
downloads: 18 -
Xtreme97 Offline
Haven't done an object post in a while and quite a few have come out since then so this is gonna be a long one. Link at the bottom for the full set as usual.
Building Blocks Footers: further extensions of the square footers made by Gee. Includes diagonal versions, full block versions and 1/16 versions.
Building_block_footers.PNG (26.66KB)
downloads: 49 (4.93KB)
downloads: 15
Deco Trim Round: standard and inverted pieces for round deco trims.
Deco_trim_round.PNG (1.53KB)
downloads: 59 (3.08KB)
downloads: 6
Corrugated Roof Shallow - Corners & Trims: corner and trim pieces for the shallow roof pieces.
Shallow_roof_corners_trims.PNG (5.45KB)
downloads: 35 (15.51KB)
downloads: 15
Corrugated Roof 4ht: steeper 4 height versions of the corrugated roof. May do steeper pieces if anyone wants.
Corrugated_roof_4ht.PNG (4.67KB)
downloads: 33 (9.61KB)
downloads: 14
Corrugated Roof Corner Trims: corner pieces for the corrugated roof trim.Corrugated_roof_trims.PNG (1.91KB)
downloads: 31 (4.51KB)
downloads: 19
1/4 Kryptonian Rocks: these can also be found in Whispering Cliff Valparaiso, the first 6 that I've made so far.Kryptonian_rocks.PNG (5.31KB)
downloads: 50 (12.99KB)
downloads: 8Grass Trims: further expansions to the grass trim set that itm, phann and josh have made. This includes 1/4 straight pieces (standard, light and very light), diagonal pieces for light and very light and curved pieces for light. The light pieces match with the CC9 paths and very light match with the Josh sand objects.
Grass_trim.PNG (5.87KB)
downloads: 45 (23.88KB)
downloads: 11
Fire hydrant: comes in 1ht and 2ht pieces, both as corner and centered on a 1/4 tile.Fire_hydrant.PNG (1.6KB)
downloads: 46 (1.75KB)
downloads: 8
Half Planks Diagonal:Half_planks_diag.PNG (1.67KB)
downloads: 21
X97QHPD1.DAT (1.15KB)
downloads: 8X97QHPD2.DAT (872bytes)
downloads: 8
SF Arch Legs Half: left and right versions.SF_arch_legs.PNG (7.77KB)
downloads: 17
downloads: 8X97QAWHR.DAT (1.17KB)
downloads: 8
Toon Deco Trim Half: left, right and center versions.Toon_deco_trim_half.PNG (8.71KB)
downloads: 21
X97QDTHC.DAT (896bytes)
downloads: 7X97QDTHL.DAT (872bytes)
downloads: 8X97QDTHR.DAT (884bytes)
downloads: 8
2x2 Curved Cement Wall:
2x2_curved_wall.PNG (5KB)
downloads: 26
X97CTWC2.DAT (11.43KB)
downloads: 9
French Balcony Half:
French_balcony.PNG (2.4KB)
downloads: 24
X97QFB01.DAT (2.3KB)
downloads: 12
Land Arch Brown Rock 2x1:
Land_arch_2x1.PNG (12.06KB)
downloads: 19
X97LABR1.DAT (38.67KB)
downloads: 6
1/4 Wooden Wall with Window:
Wooden_wall_window.PNG (2KB)
downloads: 15
X97QWWW1.DAT (2.06KB)
downloads: 7X97QWWW2.DAT (2.17KB)
downloads: 7
LOTR Block 1/16:
Lotr_16_block.PNG (2.45KB)
downloads: 16
X97LBW01.DAT (1.73KB)
downloads: 12X97LBW02.DAT (1.22KB)
downloads: 12
1/4 Frontierland Square Window:
Frontierland_window_square.PNG (10.11KB)
downloads: 11X97QFWS.DAT (2.1KB)
downloads: 6
B&M Support Vertical Centered 4ht:
BM_support_4ht.PNG (8.98KB)
downloads: 16
X97BMV4C.DAT (18.77KB)
downloads: 6
Dotted Triangle Roadline:
Triangle_roadline.PNG (1.57KB)
downloads: 27
X97DTRL1.DAT (2.17KB)
downloads: 7
Wall with stars & wall with stripes:
Walls_with_stars_stripes.PNG (2.34KB)
downloads: 24
X97WLST8.DAT (2.7KB)
downloads: 14X97WLSR8.DAT (2.58KB)
downloads: 15
Zip containing all of these objects:
Xtreme97 Objects (100.79KB)
downloads: 26Thanks to all the peeps who requested these!
Xtreme97 Offline
From a recent request by CP6, I've made a set of intamin drop tower pieces with brake trims and cables (with checkered variants) that match the roto-drop ride. These are designed to be used in conjunction with a freefall drop hacked ride using vehicles Roomie made that can be found in Centurion 225, and which CP6 has made a tutorial video for (I'll link it below when it's published).
drop_tower.png (66.6KB)
downloads: 83Drop Tower (5.79KB)
downloads: 42 -
Xtreme97 Offline
New object post with some stuff I've not released. Some pieces were made during H2H for parks that didn't happen, others have been from requests.
I've included a full zip with all of these objects at the bottom of the post to download.
European Windows: requested by hydro, these are based on the "georgian wall" expansion pieces, with shading adjustments. Come in 1/4 tile and wall pieces, with the wall pieces have a recolourable top bar.
euro_windows.PNG (1.83KB)
downloads: 36Diagonal Shallow Corrugated Roofs: diagonal versions of the shallow corrugated roof objects, with end pieces.
diag_shallow_roof.PNG (2.6KB)
downloads: 40Deco Trim Megalite: steep trim that matches the megalite support objects.
megalite_trim.PNG (8.81KB)
downloads: 24Thin Window: 1/4 tile version of the double thin window objects by ms.
thin_window.PNG (766bytes)
downloads: 311/4 Vertical Crossbar Support Corner: corner version of the vertical crossbar piece by ja227.
crossbar_support.PNG (17.29KB)
downloads: 33Chinese Lanterns: 1/4 tile chinese lanterns in centered 1/4 tile and edge of tile versions.
chinese_lanterns.PNG (1.23KB)
downloads: 291/4 Ornate Marble Wall: includes diagonal.
ornate_wall.PNG (1.47KB)
downloads: 19Arabian Deco Diagonal: diagonal version of the argonath 54 wall object.
arabian_deco_diag.PNG (863bytes)
downloads: 17Arabian Dome 2x2 and 3x3: resized versions of the large scenery arabian dome object.
arabian_dome.PNG (37.88KB)
downloads: 14Arabian Arches: wall arch in the style of arabian horseshoe arches.
arabian_arches.PNG (1.76KB)
downloads: 44Deco Block Wall Thick: pieces made for Tokyo Dome. Only some of them were included in that park so this includes the full set with both left and and right hand pieces for each steepness.
deco_thick_wall.PNG (22.08KB)
downloads: 40Download for all objects below.
Xtreme97 Objects (55.01KB)
downloads: 54 -
Xtreme97 Offline
Made a set of diagonal table and chair objects, as well as some 2x1 tables and chairs.
Screenshot.PNG (23.16KB)
downloads: 54Xtreme97 Tables and (13.69KB)
downloads: 31 -
Xtreme97 Offline
New year, new objects! Been meaning to post some of these officially for a while. All of them can be downloaded from the zip at the bottom of this post.
Half Diagonal Queue Railing:
Queue_railing_halfdiag.PNG (3.38KB)
downloads: 142x1 Curved Queue Railing:
Queue_Railing_2x1.PNG (4.34KB)
downloads: 17Half Diagonal Fence Columns:
Column_fence_halfdiag.PNG (3.75KB)
downloads: 56Liam Rock Wall Deco set:
deco_blocks_rockwall.PNG (4.44KB)
downloads: 61Liam Brick Deco Set (Liam's already made the 1/8 block):
deco_blocks_liambrick.PNG (3.76KB)
downloads: 62Light Marble Deco Set + Diagonal Light Marble Block:
deco_blocks_lightmarble.PNG (3.32KB)
downloads: 59Funky Brick Deco Set + Diagonal Funky Brick Block:
deco_blocks_funkybrick.PNG (3.65KB)
downloads: 56Half Diagonal Dark Brick Path:
dark_brick_path_halfdiag.PNG (4.46KB)
downloads: 50Curved Dark Brick Path:
dark_brick_path_2x1.PNG (14.64KB)
downloads: 281/4 Corrugated Roof Shallow (Upper and Lower):
shallow_roof_quarter.PNG (11.59KB)
downloads: 311/4 Iron Railings + Diagonal:
iron_fence_quarter.PNG (3.18KB)
downloads: 221/4 Picket Fence + Gate:
picket_fence_quarter.PNG (2.13KB)
downloads: 39Ride Storage Bins (single, double horizontal and double vertical):
ride_bins.PNG (2.21KB)
downloads: 321/4 Catwalk Railing Diagonal:
catwalk_railing_diag.PNG (965bytes)
downloads: 461/4 Fruit Tree Bush Colourable:
fruit_bush.PNG (3.27KB)
downloads: 28Download for all objects:
Object Post (76.31KB)
downloads: 69
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