RCT Discussion / MP Mini-Game - Empire Conquest (Voting Open)
10-September 19
dr dirt Offline
End of the Stone Age:
The Stone Age brought prosper to several of the initial settlements on the Island, while others faced the Retributions of their unappeased gods. The settlements of Nordhalvøya (CC9) and Jaguar (Jag) were blessed by their patron gods or saw expansion in hunting - possibly due to the skill of the Builders which founded these settlements or simply luck. An early Territory Skirmish instigated by Lily left the Kingdom of Ca Nada (Josh) in disrepair. Nordhalvøya prepared for the winter, but the Island's winters were mild during the century. The end of the age brought the Retributions of the patron gods of MK-topia (MK98) and Spoop (Scoop) and they faced the Flooding Fronts in the coming age...[Reminder: send me your settlement names if you haven't already so I may update this post with them.]
1) Rewards: CC9 & Jag - choose Blessed Spring of Plenty or Traveling Hunting Party (read above) as your reward to be utilized in the next round.
2) Retributions: Scoop & MK98 - receive Flooding Fronts (read above) for the next round.
3) Builder Cards: Josh - targeted with Territory Skirmish by Lily and must choose one structure from the Stone Age to demolish. CC9 - plays Preparations for Winter which remained inactivated due to receiving no Retributions.
Second Century, Bronze Age, Rising of the Nobles:
With the advent of greater technologies and stronger building materials, the six settlements on the Island grew and agriculture rose to prominence. Widespread fields covered the land. Each of the settlements saw a noble family rise to power, each of whom built an estate. The power of the cities hinged on the productivity of the farmlands, but a few settlements found opportunity to grow military might...
1) Build one Nobles Estate
2) Build three Farms (~7x7), clearing some forest near your settlement; you must plot and farm one grain, one livestock, and one unique crop; include farmers' quarters at each plot.
Minor Objectives: You may choose to update your Stone Age structures with Bronze Age materials. Name your nobleman's Estate and show a Coat-of-Arms
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however.]Reward: (choose)
A) Bountiful Harvest - your settlement produced surplus agricultural goods; build a Trading Post; OR
B) Rush Aggression - your settlement enacted an early military invasion of a neighboring settlement; choose one city to attack and the lower-ranked settlement in the coming round must choose one structure to demolish while the higher-ranked settlement may build one additional house.
A) Futile Bargaining - Due to low production of goods, your settlement was unable to found a Trading Route during the next century and one agricultural field was over-harvested; remove plants and lay barren one agricultural plot permanently and a trading route will not be built to your settlement.
[Reminder: there is now three rounds remaining to utilize Builder Cards, the fifth round will not have Rewards/Retributions or Builder Cards.]
dr dirt Offline
End of the Bronze Age:
The Bronze Age saw many changes amongst the settlements of the Island. Scoop, the Builder of Spoop, fell from power after establishing essentially no semblance of a settlement during the Stone Age. Spoop was leveled by RWE who then established Haithabu, a settlement based on the early civilizations of Northern Germany. Nordhalvøya (CC9) remained yet again at the forefront of development. The Kingdom of Ca Nada (Josh) advanced quickly in the Bronze Age despite losing an early territory skirmish to Lily; and was the only settlement to complete Minor Objectives of the last century. In retaliation, Josh began a brief military campaign with a Scorched Earth Policy . His actions left the settlements of Lilliput (lily) and Jaguar (Jag) in ruins as well as Ca Nada itself. Lilliput failed to establish a noble family and thus faced a Retribution along with MK-topia (MK98), a settlement hit with early Retributions, and the two settlements entered the Iron Age with Futile Bargaining...
Rewards: CC9 & Josh - choose Bountiful Harvest or Rush Aggression (read above) as your Reward to be utilized next round.
Retributions: Lily & MK98 - receive Futile Bargaining (read above) for the next round.
Builder Cards: Josh - plays Scorched Earth Policy against Lily and Jaguar; all three players must choose a structure to demolish each.
Third Century, The Iron Age, Dawn of Kingdoms:
With the great advancement in technology and building materials, as well as the growth of agriculture and trade, the settlements set their eyes on military might. Defense of the settlements became a priority as tensions grew, and each settlement inaugurated its own Guild - a specialized faction used for military and diplomatic strategy. Forests were cleared for trade routes between some settlements, but some settlements were left behind...
1) Build Walls around your settlement and include one Guard Tower
2) Build a Guild Quarters (read below)
3) Build two Houses
Minor Objectives: build a Gate as a part of the settlement Walls; you may choose to update your structures with Iron Age materials; complete/theme the trade routes to and from you settlement.
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however.]
Reward: (choose)
A) Unified Currencies - your settlement unifies the Island under a single currency and established the first Bank and collects agricultural taxes from the other settlements, and you may alter, but not destroy, trade routes; build a Bank and alter any trade routes this round.
B) Native Guilding - your settlement's uses its Guild's Native Effect (read below).
Retribution: (choose)
A) Lifeseech Rot - the trees in and near your settlement are afflicted with a wasting disease and die for the last two centuries, but agricultural crops are spared from the disease; convert trees in and around your settlement to dead trees and you may not build trees for the remainder of the game.
B) Withering Stone - harsh frosts of the coming winters reduce the stones in your quarries to dust, rendering your settlement unable to build with stone for the last two centuries; you may not use stone or brick textures for the remainder of the game.
We will select which Guild you will build with a draft, in order of the judged ranks of this round. Each Guild provides unique opportunities for theming your settlement. Further, each Guild has a Native Effect and a Foreign Effect which will be used according to Rewards/Retributions to benefit your settlement or sabotage another. Selection of the Guilds will take place on Discord, if you fail to make your selection in a reasonable time, you will lose your spot in the draft for the next person to choose (this is to provide all with enough time to complete the Objectives). The Guilds are as follows:
A) Blacksmiths' Guild - Native Effect allows you to build a Forge; Foreign Effect forces another player of your choosing to demolish half of their settlement's Walls. (selected by Josh)
B) Merchants' Guild - Native Effect allows you to build an additional trade route anywhere on the map; Foreign Effect allows you to demolish the trade route between any two settlements.
C) Sailing Guild - Native Effect allows you to build a Lighthouse; Foreign Effect allows you to demolish another player's shipyard. (selected by RWE)
D) Wizards' Guild - Native Effect allows you to build an Observatory; Foreign Effect allows you to choose another settlement to face permanent rain. (selected by Jag)
E) Scholars' Guild - Native Effect reveals the round's Builder Card plays to you before you may choose to play a card; Foreign Effect allows you to choose the Retributions which will effect other players that round, after Builder Cards have taken effect. (selected by CC9)
F) Thieves' Guild - Native Effect allows you to build a structure another player has earned as a Reward; Foreign Effect allows you to force another player to demolish a structure they have earned as a Reward.
Selection Order: CC9, Josh, Jag, RWE, MK98, Lily
[Reminder: this round you are building the Guild Quarters which may be themed to your liking; if you choose Native Guilding as your Reward, you are choosing to activate its Native Effect for the following round; the effects must be earned as Rewards.]
Xtreme97 Offline
Is it possible you could post screens of each settlement at the end of each round? It's pretty cool seeing the progress and changes to the settlements. -
dr dirt Offline
End of the Iron Age:
The Iron Age drew to a close and many cities developed trading alliances, while others became enemies as the Island approached the next century. At the forefront of trade, Nordhalvøya (CC9) and The Kingdom of Ca Nada (Josh) carried advancements during the Bronze Age and established the first trading posts. Nordhalvøya continued its hold on political and economic power, while Ca Nada spent much of its energies on massive city walls preparing for an age of war. The relatively new Haithabu (RWE) flourished at during the Iron Age, however late in the century enacted a Vow of Silence and failed to collect Rewards. The settlements of Lilliput (lily) and Jaguar (jag) had misfortunes in the later centuries possibly at the hands of Josh's Scorched Earth Policy and entered the Fourth Century with various natural disasters effecting the settlements. MK-topia (MK98) launched a small military campaign at the closing of the century against Jaguar, issuing a Detriment Bond; however, the settlement of Jaguar would have faced Retribution regardless. The lines between villages drawn, the Island entered the Dark Age on the brink of war...
Rewards: CC9 - choose either Unified Currencies or Native Guilding to take effect in the next round.
Retributions: Lily & Jaguar - choose either Lifeseech Rot or Withering Stone to take effect in the next round.
Builder Cards: RWE - plays Vow of Silence and thus fails to collect a Reward; MK98 - plays Detriment Bond against Jaguar who had already received a Retribution.
Fourth Century, The Dark Age, Heroes Get Remembered:
War broke out amongst the settlements during Fourth Century, and many enemies were fought and allies betrayed. The Guilds expanded and prepared to enter the wars; directly or indirectly, shifting the tides in their favor. Despite the wars, the settlements expanded as militaries grew and allies developed stronger economic ties. It was an age that brought more destruction to the settlements than seen before, but from the ashes several of the cities rose to new heights...
1) Build a Citadel
2) Build a Barracks
3) Choose 2 of the following: build a Stable; build an Armory; build a Shipyard
Minor Objectives: you may choose to update your structures to Dark Age building materials.
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however.]
Reward: (choose)
A) Spoils of War - you may choose to build the third military structure from Objective 3; choose the flag color of your defeated enemy.
B) Foreign Guilding - your settlement uses its Guild's Foreign Effect; choose the flag color of your defeated enemy.
A) War Reparations - you must demolish your settlement's Citadel; you will be unable to build one Objective structure of your choosing for the next round.
This round we will be selecting an enemy on which to wage war. The winner of the battle will be determined by ranking order with the higher rank defeating the lower rank settlement. The victors will receive Rewards and the defeated settlements will face Retributions; thus, 3 Rewards and 3 Retributions will be distributed this round. We will select you choose to battle by ranking order of the previous round. If you were selected by another player, you will be unable to choose who you will battle (ex: Rank 1 choose to battle Rank 2, then Rank 3 will choose the player they wish to battle of the remaining players). This will create three battles each between two players.
Selection Order: RWE, CC9, Josh, MK98, Jag, Lily
[Reminder: this is the final round to use your Builder Cards; you may only play one Builder Card per round, so if you have two remaining you will have to select only one of them.]
Cocoa Offline
it seems like its getting exponentially harder for the bottom 3 or so settlements to actually fare against the top 3, especially as rewards and retributions seem to keep stacking in this ranked order. wonder if that's somehow balance-able in the future
dr dirt Offline
it seems like its getting exponentially harder for the bottom 3 or so settlements to actually fare against the top 3, especially as rewards and retributions seem to keep stacking in this ranked order. wonder if that's somehow balance-able in the future
My thought was that the Builder Cards are there to deflect or at least mitigate facing lots of retributions, however only having them for half of the rounds, as well as a few of them not having an effect due to certain circumstances, might have not been enough. I'll give this some more thought.
dr dirt Offline
End of the Dark Age:
The wars amongst the settlements lasted for a full century. Many were left defeated in the aftermath and lost a great deal of their military might due to War Reparations and destruction during the battles. The city of Haithabu (RWE) trampled Lilliput (Lily) as the latter failed to develop a military campaign. Nordhalvøya (CC9) leveled MK-topia (MK98) in a long and harrowing battle. And in a deadly campaign that lasted the greater half of the century, Jaguar (Jag) defeated the Kingdom of Ca-Nada. The defeated cities entered the next century struggling to survive while the victors enjoyed the Spoils of War or began Foreign Guilding. Several of the settlements enacted policies during this century, including a Peace Offering, Courtesy Pact, and a brief Territory Skirmish. Only the settlement of Jaguar saw the effects of these with Hastened Repairs. And so the six settlements of the Island came to its final and most beautiful hour as they entered the Gilded Age...
Rewards: RWE, CC9, and Jag - choose either Spoils of War or Foreign Guilding to take effect in the next round.
Retributions: Josh, MK98, and Lily - receive War Reparations to take effect in the next round.
Builder Cards: Josh - plays Courtesy Pact for himself and RWE, thus both players are unaffected by Builder Cards this round; MK98 - plays Peace Offering for himself, Josh, and RWE, the latter two players are unaffected due to Courtesy Pact, and MK98 may rebuild one previously lost structure; CC9 - plays Territory Skirmish against MK98 who must demolish one structure; Jag - plays Hastened Repairs and may rebuild one previously lost structure.
Fifth Century, The Gilded Age, ...But Legends Never Die:
From the dust of war the six settlements began recovery and saw economic and industrial boom during the final century of existence on the Island. Each of the settlements chose to focus on a given industry and production of unique and useful good spread throughout. Merchants set up shop, and, despite previous military and political turmoil, trade finally blossomed amongst the settlements. It was during this era that the six settlements rose to their greatest heights and created their final legacies on the Island...
1) Build an Industry (one production structure of your choosing)
2) Build two Merchant Houses
3) Build three Houses
Minor Objectives: if receiving a Reward, choose the flag color of your defeated settlement (via Discord); route carriages between your settlement;
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however.]
[Industries, Merchant Houses, and additional Houses: these may be built outside the Walls of your settlement and Merchant Houses may be build on the waterfronts.]
The victor of Empire Conquest will be slated for the first sign up spot for the next iteration of the contest; this will come with the bonus of picking first for settlement/colony position.
Final Voting:
At the conclusion of this round, a public poll will be held to determine the victor who has created the best settlement. Failure to complete the Objectives for this round or comply with Retributions will disqualify you from the poll. The poll will be held for one week and voting will be as follows: each vote for favorite settlement will earn one full vote; each vote for second favorite settlement will earn one half vote; and, the settlement gaining the most points will be crowned the victor.
[Reminder: there will be no Builder Cards this round as there are no Rewards or Retributions to affect the settlements.]
dr dirt Offline
Yes this is the final round of building, voting will come after they’ve completed the objectives. -
dr dirt Offline
Voting is now open to the community.. Due to Lily not completing the Objectives, her settlement is not eligible for the poll. Voting will be open for approximately a week and totaled as described above.
The MP server will remain open for the voting period to view the park. The surroundings are not finished, so if anyone wants to help do some underwater work and foliage detailing or even some landscaping, anyone may do so now. After the voting we will submit this to the database.
In:Cities Offline
This really was a fun project. I definitely got carried away a bit, but its because I was enjoying the process so much.
Big thank you to dirt for putting this together, and all of the other players who played. I think everyone did a fantastic job.
RWE's plot is my personal favorite.
KaiBueno Offline
OK, should have posted this last night, but got tired. Where's the DL to view so I can vote? I will vote tonight - don't think an aerial will do this justice for voting.
KaiBueno Offline
Hey Dirt and crew...Nice map, nice looking contest.
Not to overstep, but seeing as I tend to like to go with a robust package for parks, had a few suggestions. For the average viewer long term, how I'd include the following:
-Round summary that includes Results/rewards/repercusions.
-Park File per each Round (if you kept them)
-Final results summary.
Just what I'd do, but I'm sure you've got it covered.
Congrats on a well run project/game!Oh, and I voted.
dr dirt Offline
Final Results:
1. Nordhalvoya by CC9 (6)
2. Ca Nada by Josh (4.5)
3. Haithabu by RWE (3)
4. Jaguar by Jag (1)
5. MK-Topia by MK98 (0.5)
6. Liliput by Lily (DQ)
Congratulation to CC9 for winning the first iteration of Empire Conquest and well done to all the contestants. In five weeks we managed to create a pretty great looking map, and I think the game went pretty well and had some interesting twists and turns in it. CC9 will have the first location pick for the next iteration and I hope to see the rest of you guys in it as well.
I will work on finishing the underwater areas. I've been too busy recently and will probably not be able to complete this until sometime in December.. We will then discuss how we will submit the park!
CoasterCreator9 Offline
Many thanks to all who voted for me, and excellent work by everyone in general! Looking forward to the next iteration.
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