RCT Discussion / MP Mini-Game - Empire Conquest (Voting Open)
10-September 19
dr dirt Offline
With Land-Land hitting a bit of a slump, I think we're at a good point to take a break and beta-test this mini-game idea. I've talked to CC9 and if we reach the target six sign ups, we will switch the server over to this map. The course of the game will take exactly five weeks.
Players will build an ancient/medieval city week by week. Each week presents new challenges and sees consequences of previous rounds. You can sabotage other players. Not a lot of work required.
The Rules:
- Each player of the six players will be assigned a space on the initial map to construct a city.
- The players and their cities will progress from the Stone Age to the Gilded Age in a campaign each lasting one week for a total of five weeks.
- During each Age, the player will be presented an objective which involves building specific elements of the city. Each age will advance in terms of objects that will be provided in the bench in accordance with the building materials of that Age. At the end of five weeks, six complete cities will be on the map.
- The cities will be ranked at the end of each Age in terms of successful completion of the objective and immersiveness; the top two cities will receive an award to benefit their city during the subsequent age; the bottom two cities will receive a consequence which will negatively affect their city.
- At the conclusion of the game, a public poll will determine the winner with the most successful/immersive city.
- Each player will receive two Builder Cards to be used at the beginning of any two rounds of his/her choosing (with the exception of round one). Builder Cards will either provide benefits to that player's city or will sabotage another player's city.
- (There won't be any actual 'attacking' by the players, however, within the campaign storyline, battles may occur and have results on the respective cities).
Sign Ups:
The game should function ideally with six players. The first six to sign up will be the players for the first iteration of the game. If all goes well with this trial, a larger format will be planned with a different campaign (we have discussed Mars colonies in the Discord).
1. Scoop
2. CC9
3. Lily
4. Josh
5. Jag
6. MK98
7. RWE
We will begin the game and switch our server over this coming Sunday if we reach six players at that time. This will put the deadline of each round on Sundays. Go ahead and sign up if there are already six, and I will figure out how to run the game(s) if we need to cross that bridge. -
Liampie Offline
Sounds like it could be a ton of fun. Just curious though... Building a city in a week? What scale are we talking?
dr dirt Offline
Each week's objective will be the required additions to the cities. You are building the city in five weeks. For example, to start, it may be a town center and a few houses. The next week may require to build city walls, another house, and a stable. Players will not know what will come next, so some city planning will be a big part of the end result.
So, after five weeks, it would be rather small, say ~30x30 at the most.
Chocotopian Offline
This sounds like a fantastic idea for a game/contest. I really like the interaction concept, and the whole advancing age thing is very Age of Empires, which is great! I don't wish to join, due to busy IRL stuff at the moment, but I'll be following along with this - should be a lot of fun.
dr dirt Offline
Full Rulebook:
Setting Up / The Map:
A map is generated and six (or four) settlement areas are designated at the start of the game. Players take turns claiming their area prior to the map going online according to the sign up order. The building area is not strict, however players must keep building within the vicinity of their area. The rest of the map will be developed as the game progresses with trade routes, etc.
Each player will receive two Builder Cards at the start of the game which may be played during the rounds. (explained in detail below)
The Campaign - The campaign and storyline is written before the start of the game and followed during its course. This includes determined Objectives, Rewards, and Retributions which are to occur each round. The storyline is adjusted in accordance with the events as the game plays out.
Playing the Game / The Rounds:
There are a total of five rounds for each game. Each round will last one week which will end with the map being temporarily taken offline (Sundays). Building takes place during the entirety of the round. Players build specific structures of their settlement required each round (ex, houses, stables). These structures are delineated because the game mechanics primarily deal with the building and demolishing of particular structures. No rides are to be created; though, trackitecture and moving parts is allowed.
The round consists of several parts:
Objectives - Players are given the requirements of what to complete at the start of each round. Typically, this consists of specific structures to build, changes to existing structures, or modifications to the settlements. All players have the same objectives. The objectives may not be exceeded during the given round so the players may not build additional structures during the rounds. Players may, however, add small details to their settlement outside of the structures (ex, sheds, gardens, etc).
Additional objects are provided during each round according to the campaign. Players may update previously built structures with new objects if they wish.
Judging - At the conclusion of each round, the settlements will be judged and ranked. The work will be judged on two primary criteria: 1) successful completion of the objectives and 2) typical RCT work judging. The specific ranking will not be revealed; however, the results of the ranking will be.
Rewards - The two top-ranked settlements will receive a predetermined Reward which are used in the next round. These Rewards typically consist of the objective to build additional structures or affect other settlements. The Rewards given each round must be enacted once received.
Retributions - The two bottom-ranked settlements will receive a predetermined Retribution which are enacted in the next round. These typically consist of the requirement to demolish specific structures or change the player's settlement. Retributions are required to complete. This is the primary way in which settlements are negatively impacted.
Ending the Game / The Voting:
The game is complete at the end of the fifth round. No Rewards or Retributions will be given after the completion of the fifth round; thus, no additional building or modifications will be made. A public poll will be held to vote for the best settlement in typical RCT work judging by the community. The settlement which has the most votes will be declared the winner and will be offered a spot in the next iteration of the Mini-Game.
Additional Mechanics / Builder Cards / Other:
Builder Cards - Players receive two random Builder Cards from the 'deck' at the start of the game. Builder Cards may opted to be played at any point during the round via PM/DiscordPM. However, Builder Cards are applied at the conclusion of the round played and take effect during the following round. So, Builder Cards played during round one are revealed at the start of round two and affect round two play. Once a round has concluded, no additional Builder Cards may be played until the start of the following round. Players may only play one Builder Card per round. The 'deck' is as follows:
- Courtesy Pact - prevent any effects of other Builder Cards upon your settlement and a chosen player's settlement.
- Hastened Repairs (2) - rebuild any one structure previously lost to Builder Cards or Retributions.
- Preparations for Winter - prevent any effects of Retributions upon your settlement.
- Detriment Bond - choose any other player's settlement to be affected by Retributions.
- Territory Skirmish (2) - choose any other player who must select a structure to demolish.
- Scorched-Earth Policy - demolish one of your structures and choose any two players who must each select a structure to demolish.
- Exchange Economy - switch effects of Rewards and Retributions with a chosen player after the effects of Builder Cards are applied.
- Fatal Prophecy - choose any other player to not receive Rewards and choose another player to not receive Retributions.
- Vow of Silence - receive neither Rewards nor Retributions and be unaffected by Builder Cards.
- Peace Offering - rebuild any one structure previously lost to Builder Cards or Retributions and choose any two players who must rebuild one structure each.
a. Players must choose the target(s) of Builder Cards when they are played before the conclusion of the round
b. Cards which nullify other Builder Cards take precedence; so, if Player A plays Exchange Economy to switch with Player B, but Player B played Courtesy Pact, the players do not switch their Rewards or Retributions.
c. Cards which nullify other Builder Cards may prevent beneficial mechanics; so, Courtesy Pact may prevent you from receiving Peace Offering.
Other - There may be very small additional mechanics that come up according to the storyline, but I do not have this planned for this campaign.
dr dirt Offline
And we've reached six for the first Mini-Game! Anybody else interested, please sign up and you will be put on the list to play in either the next iteration or we will consider a second game get started, depending on the numbers.
Players, expect the map to be put up shortly in the Discord, and we will select plots based on sign up order.
dr dirt Offline
And it begins...
First Century, Stone Age, The Builders and The Gods:
The six Builders founded the Great Cities on the Island, which began as small settlements built of stone and wood, each with its own culture and peoples. The first temples to the Gods were established - one in each settlement to honor its patron god...
The Map:
The Builders have chosen where to establish their settlements:
1) Build the Town Center within your designated area;
2) Build a Temple to honor the patron god of your settlement;
3) Build two Houses.
Minor Objectives: Choose a name for your settlement; choose a flag color for your empire and fly it at the Town Center
[Reminder: you may only build the structures given in the Objectives, from Rewards/Retributions, or from Builder Cards; you may add additional small details to your settlement, however.]
Reward: (choose)
A) Blessed Spring of Plenty - The patron god bestows upon your settlement a spring of plenty; build a Storage Silo and build one additional Farm; OR,
B) Traveling Hunting Party - Explore the lands and expand your hunting operation; build a Hunting Camp outside the bounds of your settlement, but not within the limits of another settlement.
A) Flooding Fronts - The unappeased patron god sends decades of floods upon your settlement; Farms become barren for the next century with the exception of livestock.
[Reminder: Rewards/Retributions will be distributed at the end of Round One to take effect in Round Two; ranking and Builder Cards played during the round will determine who receives Rewards/Retributions.]
dr dirt Offline
The map will be ready to go online before this Sunday. The due date for the above Objectives is the following Sunday, however (9/22); this will occur when I'm around to take the map offline temporarily and rank the cities, I'll try to post the approximate time each week.
Builder cards will be distributed via PM shortly.
Rule Notes / Reminders:
- You may play only ONE Builder Card in a given round.
- During Round Five you will not be able to play Builder Cards as there are no Rewards/Retributions given (voting instead).
- The Rewards/Retributions will be posted for each week, use it to decide which Builder Cards to play, if any.
- The 'target' of your Builder Cards must be decided before the conclusion of the round.
Notes on Alliances:
These are allowed and encouraged; many Builder Cards may not see huge payoffs unless you are scheming with another player. (ex, you may use Scorched-Earth Policy and an ally can protect you from losing a structure with Courtesy Pact; resulting in two enemies losing structures without any cost to you.)
Cocoa Offline
what does town center mean? Is that considered one structure? (but can be made from multiple smaller structures perhaps)
RWE Offline
This is such a great idea, i would love to participate in the next edition! Sign me up, please!
JJayMForce Offline
I wish I had the means to participate, sounds legit. Reminds me of one of my favorite games of all time, Stronghold. What kind of cities will we see, I wonder.... -
posix Offline
What I find remarkably clever about this is that no matter how unfinished people's stuff is, due to the pre-finished map, it'll never look actually look unfinished.
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