General Chat / Danimation Junkies & NewElement Fanbois

  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    I guess there are alot of people that want to give me some information about thier happenings at(with) D-Net.

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    And by version one I mean the version before they redesigned it, back when they had spotlights.

    Anyone have pictures of NE V.1?
  • Adix%s's Photo
    You don't want pictures of it - it looked horrid.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    It's not a matter of want, rather, need.

    I know you have some Adix, I've seen them.

    Oh, and Frog-er-Ty has them too.
  • Rct Flame%s's Photo

    hey there is nothing wrong with yoopers, two of my best friends are from Escanaba, then again, they are weird, and I only live like 2 hours from there........................

    Well I'm a we don't have a good name. A lot of my extended (Grandparents, Unlces. I despise it) family hunts, so me and my Mom found the movie hilarious. My Chevy Shooka Shit.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    Actually, it happened in reverse, you biohazard stealing bastard.

    You're full of shit.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    I signed up in Sept. 2000.
    Oh well. I remember all of that DENT Nation shit.
    I think Glitch will "interview" me. I am not really biased right now... I used to be, though.
  • Radu%s's Photo
    I've been around Danimation since about November 1999, and have been a member of NE since it opened. I wouldn't mind being interviewed, but I've always been biased towards Danimation.
  • JFK%s's Photo
    If we're comparing temporal penii: July1999.

    I'd let you interview me, Glitch, but my mother told me never to speak to fags.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I was around D-Net since June of 1999...


  • cg?%s's Photo
    I started visiting Danimation around, oh, I think maybe a day or two before Greg Reese (I think it was Greg Reese) released his amzing (then at least) Cedar Point recreation.

    So when was that, exactly? A long fucking time ago is all I know.

    I joined the forums shortly after the first redesign, when the site was begining its post-Eyeball period (and things have gone nothing but downhill since, bring back the Eyeballs!).


    Danimation Nation was actually one of the last parks I saw prior to me more-or-less leaving Danimation (I thought it was perminent, guess not).

    So, um, uh, yeah, whatever.
  • Totovita%s's Photo
    I just thought of N.E. Version 1 back when UIX was first released boy has this place changed over the time :lol:
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    I was there long before the Danimation Nation park was released, I just wasn't worth a shit then (or now) and therefore wasn't included in that park.
  • Mike Robbins%s's Photo

    I guess there are alot of people that want to give me some information about thier happenings at(with) D-Net.

    I could tell you the story of when I was a mod there and Termite cried to Alexandria and complained to me. She fired me as a mod and blocked me from AIM without hearing my story......... She's worse than Dan in my opinion. 8@
  • Andrew%s's Photo


    I was around D-Net since June of 1999...



    same here, well, not June, more like....September, or October or something
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I've been at DNet since last November, man.

    I came to New Element before Danimation. Way before.
  • Andrew%s's Photo
    holy crap this brings back memories

    My old DNet profile
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    I never really got into Danimation, I was at RCTUK though...
  • JFK%s's Photo

    I could tell you the story of when I was a mod there and Termite cried to Alexandria and complained to me. She fired me as a mod and blocked me from AIM without hearing my story......... She's worse than Dan in my opinion. 

    I quite like Dan, actually. He's fairly witty.
    Alex was always the evil one.

    PS - Qotsa? Offspring sucked megadick.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    I quite like Dan, actually. He's fairly witty.
    Alex was always the evil one.

    PS - Qotsa? Offspring sucked megadick.

    Yeah, but I was 11 or 12 or something. Cut me some slack, dude.

    I remember the day I came home from FYE with a pair of 17.99 CDs, one being Linkin Park's first one, the other being Radiohead's "Kid A". Guess which one is still in my collection.
  • Arslock%s's Photo
    I will never understand why people reminisce about a website.

    Go outside more often, there is a world beyond a computer screen.


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