Wow, ambitious. You need some compound objects of entire houses and things to make this work out for you. Let me know if you need help with that. Good luck, this is looking like a good start!
The beginning of my 9-maps non-park project. I'm trying to bulid a whole ancient Chinese capital city in this game. Next I need to create some Chinese character objects on the blue sign.
May Chris Sawyer bless me.
Wow, ambitious. You need some compound objects of entire houses and things to make this work out for you. Let me know if you need help with that. Good luck, this is looking like a good start!
Got major ATLA vibes from this. Great stuff!
Yeah this is sick! love the scale
Impressive idea!
TV drama: The Longest Day In Chang'an
This is excellent! 9-maps sounds like a very ambitious plan. Looking forward to following you progress on this.
Very ambitious idea! All the luck to you in finishing this...
omg this is awesome, make non parks great again
My brother in 9-mapping, I bestow upon you the great totem of power that is the "rct-gods help me" tag