Micro Madness 2019 / MM3 Bingo
20-March 19
RWE Offline
31 squares
0 boats
180 units
Extra: at least one submission that is heavily based on a new custom ride
Recurious Offline
Extra: no Brexit until end of the contestHaha this is my favourite extra yet!
I updated the list with everyone's guesses so far.
Also @ RWE, 0 boats!?!
Jaguar Offline
4 squares
36 Boats (I'm counting on you, CC9 and Scoop)
254 Base Height (Please build on a larger map with lots of blacktiles)There will be at least 5 giant sculptures
6crazy6king6 Offline
36 squares
14 boats
88 units high
Free space: Someone makes a park in the shape of a frikandel speciaal
Recurious Offline
Updated the list. Also am putting my own guess in:
37 squares
21 boats
181 tallness
Extra: My final four prediction comes trough (Cocoa, Liampie, Shotguns? & dr dirt)
In:Cities Offline
34 squares
12 boats
175 tall
Shogo will quit RCT again because of this contest, but then release Coors South a few months later.
spacek531 Offline
40 squares
14 boats
150 units
Extra: someone intentionally uses disaster bench-like bench
Camcorder22 Offline
29 squares
8 full size boats (69 counting small boats)
(whatever the maximum height is) units tall
Free space: a 7/8 seed finishes in top 8
Recurious Offline
I have updated the first post with everyone's guesses. Guessing will stay open until the first match release!
Since some of the bingo squares involve cheating, I will also say that if you know of one of these events to have occurred you can discreetly PM me and by the powers invested in me by the holy bingo gods, I will not tell anyone. Because remember, while you can cheat in the contest, you can't cheat in bingo!
Edit: Except if you are cheating against me, in that case you are going down.
Jene Offline
10 boats
Free space: the term 'dirty American realism' is used at least five times during the contest.
Recurious Offline
The updated bingo charts, things which were left white are not yet determined or are things that I don't know. If you have insider information let me know! By the powers of the holy bingo meisters I will not tell on you if you have cheated and full anonymity will be guaranteed.
At the moment 29 bingo squares have been fulfilled with another 8 which can possibly still be fulfilled for a potential of 37 squares to be fulfilled plus the one bonus square!
Bonus squares which are deemed correct are higlighted in boldface below:
50 - gdb
49 - Merzbow666 (ll in the finals)
48 -
47 -
46 -
45 -
44 -
43 -
42 - Chorkiel (more than 5 NCSO entries)
41 -
40 - Jene (the term 'dirty American realism' is used at least five times during the contest)
39 - Cocoa (more than 2/3 of parks are non square or rectangle) Maybe?
38 - Tolsimir (no Brexit until end of the contest)
37 - Recurious (final with Cocoa, Liampie, Shotguns? and dr dirt)
36 - 6crazy6king6 (Someone makes a park in the shape of a frikandel speciaal)
35 - FredD (a 225 one tile wide micro)
34 - Xtreme97 (At least 30 new objects) Maybe?
33 - CHE (at least 3 new custom palettes) Maybe?
32 - Liampie (at least 10 multi-level parks)
31 - RWE (at least one submission that is heavily based on a new custom ride)
30 - inthemanual (No 1 seeds in the finals)
29 - Camcorder22 (a 7/8 seed finishes in top
28 - AVC (more than 3 movie-based parks)
27 -
26 - Dr_Dude
25 - Faas (Someone will be slightly upset)
24 -
23 -
22 -
21 -
20 -
19 - RCT2Day (Ireland wins, but Krum catches the snitch.)
18 -
17 -
16 -
15 -
14 -
13 -
12 -
11 -
10 -
9 -
8 -
7 -
6 -
5 -
4 - Jaguar (There will be at least 5 giant sculptures)
For right now it seems that while Camcorder was not able to re-secure his parkmaker status, it might be that he will be securing something way more valuable: MM3 bingo winner. Although this could maybe still change if extra information comes to light and depending on what happens after the bonus round. Feel free to discuss!
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