Custom Scenery Exchange / RT12 Productions
28-July 18
FunTown1412 Offline
Hello! I've got my newest 3 objects for y'all to use—2 new paths, and 1 new water/color palette:
A blue-and-red path
RT12P-BLRED.DAT (103.01KB)
downloads: 6A green-and-red path
RT12P-GRRED.DAT (106.13KB)
downloads: 6A Bright Teal-based water/color palette
downloads: 6I do hope y'all will use these newly-created objects in your projects.
STAY TUNED for more to come! Thank You!
FredD Offline
Thanks for sharing this with us, new objects and such are always welcome. Tip: it might be handy to post a screenshot of those new objects. Then we immediately can see what they look like