H2H8 / Round 4 wrap-up
06-June 18
Liampie Offline
Round 4 Wrap-up
Below you will find the current standings for H2H8. The four teams with the most wins will proceed to the semi-finals, with the average vote percentage used as a potential tie-breaker. With its hard-fought, narrow win, Heaven's Gallery has already secured a spot in the play-offs. Strangelove, despite suffering their first loss, are also ensured of making the semi-finals, with a vote percentage that's only three percent being that of Heaven's Gallery. These teams will go head-to-head in round 5, so that match will determine who will come out of round robin as the #1. With two wins, Team Spacecrab and The Replacements are currently sitting at 3rd anf 4th. However, all of that could change in round 5 as they are playing the fifth and sixth teams, respectively the UltraRealists (who got their first win!) and the Icons. Because Spacecrab's strong R1 and R4 wins, their vote percentage is virtually impossible to overtake for two teams. The Replacements, however, are more vulnerable. A strong win by the Icons or UltraRealists may just knock them out. Round 5 will be more exciting and important than ever before...
* The Replacements and Strangelove both received a 25% penalty on their R1 score
What do you think of round 4 as a whole? Share your observations, rank the parks, vote in the poll! -
saxman1089 Offline
Liam touched on it, but here's a breakdown of how things will play out for the playoffs:
To read the graph, figure out what you think percentage of vote the Replacements will get, and what percentage of the vote you think Team Spacecrab will get, and find out which area in the graph the point falls in. For example, if the Replacements get 55% of the vote and the Spacecrabs get 60% of the vote, move across the bottom of the graph to 55%, and up the graph to 60%. Under this case, the Spacecrabs and Replacements advance, and the Icons and UltraRealists are out of luck.
saxman1089 Offline
My ranking of parks this round:
1.) Billy Wonka's2.) Ruigrijk
3.) Guell
4.) North Fork
5.) Grand Central
It's pretty crazy that with R4 over, we still have 4 teams that are fighting for two playoff spots. We're headed for an exciting conclusion of Round Robin for sure! -
Six Frags Offline
^wtf Haystack so low???!
1 Hayslack
56 Marerijk
62 Geill
69 Billy Bonkers
72 South Knife
75 Trains
G Force Offline
I had a hard time picking a favorite park, none of them really stood out in that sense to me. Went with Ruigrijk but honestly I probably would have null voted if it were an option.
Terry Inferno Offline
Mount Haystack Ski Resort
Incident at Billy Wonka's
Curtis Granderson
Liampie Offline
1. Ryuhikhhoy
2. Hydshtsggs
3. Ghijlliuygleb
4. Gdrtvdh Cetnbahk
5. Nouy Ftkds Miitessvj -
GammaZero Offline
1. E
2. E
3. E
4. E
5. E
6. E
There, we reached the absolute end of this shitpost chain.
Recurious Offline
Hmm why is this post suddenly in news instead of in the H2H8 subforum?
1. Mount Haystack (by far)
2. Grand Central
3. Ruigrijk
3. Billy Wonka's
3. Guell
Last 2, maybe 3 are all about the same for me, which is a positive thing, they are all great parks. I also really liked grand central, in contrast to many other people apparently.
zxbiohazardzx Offline
Can i suggest that all polls for Round5 open&close together so that the outcome of match A wont affect tactical voting for Match B (at least will be harder to predict both simultaneously)
Julow Offline
1. Guell
2. Ski Resort
3. Billy Wonka's
4. North Fork
5. Efteling
6. Grand Central
Excellent parks -
bigshootergill Offline
Can i suggest that all polls for Round5 open&close together so that the outcome of match A wont affect tactical voting for Match B (at least will be harder to predict both simultaneously)
Maybe the poll could be non-public... idk, just a thought. Though enough warnings were sounded in R4, I would hope we wouldn't see a repeat in R5.
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