H2H8 / H2H8 Round 1 Match 1 - The Replacements vs Strangelove
19-April 18
posix Offline
Tahendo Zoo is beautiful. I prefer it when people try to create actual parks for H2H. Worked well here. Well done.
dr dirt Offline
Thought about this one some more, and did some park exploring. I can easily see why someone would choose either one over the other in this match.
All Coasters was a great concept that is hauntingly beautiful. The strength of this park are the fact that there's 4 - technically 6? - major coasters, and they don't feel crowded. Really impressed with how you've fit them all in, and it never crossed my mind that one is intruding on the setting of the other. Dueling Dragons probably was my favorite of them, and I think it was a great interpretation. The differences in the actual layout didn't take away anything for me. Only things I noted were that Fire seemed to run possibly a tad bit fast (while Ice was better paced imo) and the decision to forgo regular lift hill supports. These may be more of a me problem than a you problem, though, and I don't fully consider them negatives. I thought Drachen Fire was effective, and probably looked the most beautiful especially in its settings for some reason. Hypersonic was executed well. The details added to Chiller were very nice. Where it fell a bit flat for me was, as I mentioned, the relative construction level between this and Tahendo. In actuality, this park felt far more flat. The height changes, mostly by Dueling Dragons, felt like additions rather than integrated into the original design. The best areas as a whole were more broken up by the top of clouds & black tiles, and I thought that look was underutilized for about half the park. The Chiller surroundings I thought were the most rudimentary, but it did have the most character for me. All in all was a bit of a mixed bag in terms of execution - the great included the RMC tree, Drachen Fire architecture, coaster 'extras'; the not so great included the cloud edges, ornaments at the top of the gate, dragons only discernible from 1 view, path detail there, and things mentioned previously. Overall I'd say this is a way more than cool park, and impressive with its coaster selection.
Tahendo is the revival of a certain someone's concept and that's no secret. This one was simply constructed to a higher level in terms of exactness and execution. As I mentioned before, I really, really was just wanting this to find a signature. It's weird because I'm not sure what I'll remember from this park even though I generally enjoyed it as a whole. My take is the signature may just be the tan grass, canyon rock, etc look, but I'm not how sure heavily I'd associate that as the 'Tahendo-look'. Again, probably a me problem, and a conscious decision - I'm just feeling the lack of 'branding' I'd normally associate with this kind of thing. But still, I can't deny the skill it took to build this, and there isn't too many overt flaws going on. My favorite things included the train station, distant station for the skyfari, about half of the asian area's architecture was next-level, and the polar area. Things I thought may have been lacking in execution were the tops of a few of the canyon rocks + the grass object's hard edges and those edges all over the park, and the Aztec/temple area didn't appear as strong as the rest. Really though, it's pretty damn great and it is cool to see a no coaster park.
G Force Offline
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Turtle Offline
Two great parks here, I feel like this will be a close matchup..
Just some thoughts -
Tahendo - Incredible detail, an amazing little park with superb atmosphere... it feels slightly cramped but i feel like it works with the scale so i'm not too worried about that. I'd love to see a large version of this, or a zoo/theme park hybrid, as this was so good. Clever ideas everywhere, every section is perfect looking with a really strong identity.
Personal highlights were the Chinese corner (although i'd like the animals to have been featured a little more), the tiger enclosure and the giraffe statues holding the sign in their mouths. Looking at this again, I feel like you took a gamble committing totally to realism on a guest level, because there's quite a few instances where i'm not sure exactly what i'm looking at... I have to do a little detective work to find the animal, as there's no signs visible for the viewer... however this may also be a conscious design choice, to be honest?
Overall a beautiful little park, VERY high skill level, strong atmosphere, but not truly memorable to me, really.
Coaster Heaven - Another great park, such a strong start to the contest! It's a really nice concept, and one that allows you to make basically anything you want and present it in any way, which is a very clever one. Obviously i've heard of most of these coasters before, but not being a coaster buff I have no idea how realistic they are... i'm guessing very? Either way I don't really care about that, they look great and they run great.
I'd be interested to know why exactly you chose these coasters, as opposed to others? Are they the most famous, or something? The batman duo is definitely a weird choice, although I do like it a lot.
I don't think that the surroundings (castle, landscaping etc.) are exactly true to life, no? In which case, I think slightly more could have been done with them, to integrate all coasters into the same setting, maybe... it feels a little disjointed. This could also have been a design choice, though.
I'm guessing Son of Kumba is there as a nod to a little coaster Hell? It's a nice idea, you could have gone a lot further and more vertical with the Heaven/Hell theme really. Still a great park! I loved those Pearly Gates so much.
I'm voting for the zoo, as I think the atmosphere was so strong. Great work everyone!
Deurklink Offline
Clear winner for me in Coaster Heaven. I love the recreations of all these iconic and/or infamous rides. Also really liked the references to Son of Kumba, and Batman the Ride in SFNO which was mostly underwater (lol). Tahendo Zoo, while beautiful, lacked an iconic ride to keep my attention for a little longer.
Iron Rattler Offline
I'll type up full reviews tomorrow when I have more time. Overall these are two very even parks though, and I went back and forth on my vote a couple time. I could see either of these winning and I wouldn't disagree with either result.
One note though, if all coasters go to heaven, then why is son of kumba in hell? 25%
G Force Offline
I'll type up full reviews tomorrow when I have more time. Overall these are two very even parks though, and I went back and forth on my vote a couple time. I could see either of these winning and I wouldn't disagree with either result.
One note though, if all coasters go to heaven, then why is son of kumba in hell? 25%
Son of Kumba isn't a coaster, its an embodiment of evil.
Recurious Offline
Very interesting match up.
Tahendo Zoo:
+ A lot of great little details like the zoo sign and the giraffe statues holding up the area sign.
+ Liked the train
+ Architecture was really good.
+ Liked the chairlift.
- Could have used some more rides imo.
- Doesn't have a big wow factor.
Overall I really liked this park and everything is very well executed. The only problem this park really suffers from is that it doesn't really have a wow factor.
All coasters go to heaven:
+ Absolutely love the concept of this park, whoever came up with that, you are a genius.
+ Love all the little references and jokes in the park.
+ All coasters were good, but Drachen Fire stood out to me as the best coaster in the park.
+ Loved the dragon statues at the entrance of Dueling Dragons
+ There is nothing in this park that I do not like.
+ The RMC tree.
+ Loved the readme, thought it was pretty funny.
I fucking love this park, like absolutely fucking love it. This was my favorite park of round 1. It is so cleverly made with such a good sense of humor. There are so many little jokes hidden in this park that I just kept exploring. All rides were executed really well and really wowed me. There really was not anything that I did not like in this park. In short: Fucking love it.
Although I think Tahendo Zoo was probably technically better than ACG2H, I just found myself wanting to look at ACG2H more. I just liked it more, therefore I am voting for team Strangelove.
wheres_walto Offline
I can't seem to open any of the H2H parks, just getting error trappers after importing new objects. Anyone else having this issue?
saxman1089 Offline
Both of these parks were great, another matchup between opposites. Tahendo looks great, archy is on point, great atmosphere all around. Ropes course was particularly cool, and I found the monkey! ACGTH on the other hand, absolutely great concept, fantastic layouts (Drachen Fire was amazing), and pretty awesome execution. Ultimately, my vote went to ACGTH because I felt Tahendo could've used a signature coaster or other ride. Great job to both teams, should be a close match.
Iron Rattler Offline
Alright reviews as promised.
Tahendo Zoo
- The entrance is awesome, probably my favorite part of the whole park. The column is a cool touch and I liked the bus. Uber was a cool idea but i wish you had done more with it somehow. The train curling around the flamingo exhibit is great, really scenic.
- The rock work and landscaping throughout the park was really nice also, especially the use of the canyon objects. The polar section was really nice also.
- The architecture was really clean and well executed.
- Overall this park feels like it accomplished everything it tried to do, its a great example of a zoo pulled off at a high level. I think this park could have really used a centerpiece to draw the viewers attention. I'm not sure what the standout moments or features from this park were.
- Like most other people I think this park could use some rides, but that clearly wasn't what the park was trying to be so fair enough.
- I liked the monkey hunt idea, but unfortunately I found the monkey before I looked at the staff list so that was kind of a bummer.
All Coasters Go To Heaven
- The concept is great. Definitely the most original on round one. I have no connections to any of these coasters, but I'm sure if I did, then I would enjoy this park even more.
- I really liked the gates at the entrance of the park. I think the park was much more successful when it embraced the heavenly parts. It seemed weaker towards the middle when it felt more like a real life amusement park. I also really enjoyed the area by timber tower because of this.
- A cool coaster lineup. Fitting six different coasters into one map without any of them feeling shoehorned in is nice. Dueling dragons was definitely my favorite of the bunch. It was a lot of fun to watch.
- Lots of fun small details, Son of Kumba, the coaster years, the staff names, great stuff.
- I really liked the dragon faces. They were pretty fun.
- Architecturally its not up to par with Tahendo which is this parks biggest weakness.
I went back and forth on who to vote for on this match. Tahendo is better executed and built at a higher level, but the more I thought about these two parks I kept wanting to look at ACGTH more. It's pleasant concept and charming atmosphere ended up winning me over, so it won my vote.
ottersalad Offline
Can't review ACGTH, but heres some stuff I enjoyed in Tahendo Zoo!
+ the ropes course was nice
+ the train's interaction with some exhibits was good.. I can picture myself on the train overlooking the flamingoes and the elephants
+ every waterfall looks beautiful.. not sure why, but each one is well placed and the rockwork around them its done quite well too
+ the archy everywhere is stunning.. extreme attention to detail and the themes are distinctive
+ It's amazing how much color is in the park.. the carousel fence, the rock climbing wall, the zoo entrance, even the chairlift supports pop. Love it.
+ awesome school bus
- Not a major issue, but a small coaster or something wouldve been nice. The zoo concept was executed perfectly.
- The polar bar is super contrasting. Not a fan.. but I do like the other half of the exhibit a lot!
- very cramped, but not a huge criticism because Dig Site 4 and this are good examples of cramped yet full of cool little details.
I don't understand the monkey hunt.. could someone explain for me? I just assumed it was the monkies in the Chinese area.
Camcorder22 Offline
Accidentally voted null but my vote would've gone to Tahendo Zoo. Just in case admins want to change it.
saxman1089 Offline
I don't understand the monkey hunt.. could someone explain for me? I just assumed it was the monkies in the Chinese area.
Do you think all the security guards are looking for monkeys safely in their enclosures?
Coasterbill Offline
Good god, I swear I almost null voted on this. I hate that either park has to lose.
Initially I wanted to vote for All Coasters Go To Heaven. It has a wonderful concept, everything in it is done really well and the coasters "in hell" really made me laugh. I almost spit out my beer when I saw Son of Kumba.
When I first opened Tahendo Zoo I thought this was an easy win for the other park but then it started to suck me in. The exhibits are great. It's clear that whoever made this has a great understanding of how zoos work and how they're laid out. The atmosphere is phenomenal, the little details (like the veterinary office) are great and it really just oozes atmosphere.
What really pushed me over the edge was that entrance area though. So much thought went into this. You really thought about how this place would look from the peeps perspective. I could absolutely see walking into a zoo and seeing a beautiful flamingo exhibit front and center with great detailing and that cute little train ride. It's a great focal point. It just feels so incredibly real.
So in the end I voted for the Zoo. Both parks are fantastic though. I've never struggled this much on an H2H vote. Great job by both teams.
AK Koaster Offline
Back as essentially a defunct member (who's profile pic is now defunct mreh) pretty clear choice
I liked the Shockwave reference, shame you couldn't sneak in something for SoB or Mean Streak, unless I missed it
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