Custom Scenery Exchange / The WouterVL Palette
06-March 18
ida Offline
I've shared my custom palette file here and there before, but i thought it would be more useful to create a topic for it. So here it is!
I was messing around with a water/palette creator one day. While i've seen a lot of custom palettes that just add a filter to the colours, i've never seen anyone use it to create custom colours. So i thought i would swap out the (in my opinion) most useless colours in the game's palette with some ones i was missing, and adjust a few smaller things here and there as well.
What does it change?
- Reds are more vibrant/contrasted.
- Yellows are slightly less brown.
- Dark green has been swapped for a really dark purple colour. It's even darker than black!
- Light green has been swapped for a greyish purple colour.
- Brownish green has been swapped for light beige. This colour was added to go along with various custom off-white path and base blocks.
Here's a comparison:
Download it here!
As with all .DAT's, it can be placed in your game's object folder. Ingame you'll find it under the water tab when you're selecting scenery for your park. -
GammaZero Offline
Great color changes! Not too sure about changing the saturated and light greens though, those are both relatively popular colors. I know it's for your park, but oh well
Stoksy Offline
The thought to ditch useless colours and replace them with better ones crossed my mind ages ago. Issue is finding those colours because I reckon I've used all of them at varying times in most/all parks.
I can only think of three options which I could generally live without: one of the 'ice' blues, the darkest green, and olive green. Definitely think off-white/beige is a great replacement, not sure what the others could be. I personally wouldn't use either of the purple replacements but haven't seem them in-game so not sure.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Issue is finding those colours because I reckon I've used all of them at varying times in most/all parks.
You don't have to find colors you haven't used ever, you only have to find colors you're not using for the current park. These are object files, so you can use a different palette for every park.
bigshootergill Offline
Terra cotta would be amazing
Is there a free program to use to create my own colors that you could recommend?
X7123M3-256 Offline
Is there a free program to use to create my own colors that you could recommend?
There's this one, though I've not tried it.
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