General Chat / Most inspirational parkmakers

  • sircursealot%s's Photo
    Who are some parkmakers who have inspired you with their work, and have had a big effect on your style?

    For me, the most inspirational is PyroPenguin. He showed me the importance of themeing and architecture. Even by looking at his work has increased my level of talent at the game. He showed how to do a perfect layout, and how to make a wonderful atmosphere. However, I got a lot of inspiration by how he makes his themes flow, combining themeing, rides, archy, and landscaping perfectly. I learned from him how to make colours fit in.
    Next up, is Coaster Ed . He showed me you could have a different style and still make a great park. Without his owrk, my parks would probably end up being overtreed pieces of garbage. He also showed the importance of detail. I've looked at egypTopia for hours, and there are still millions of details I've missed.
    Finally, there's ToonTowner . His RCT2 work is astonishing. His work shows the importance of texture in archy. And of course, who could forget his great scenery. Without his scenery, I probably wouldn't touch RCT2.

    So yeah, post your list.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    i can't say any people because there is so many great parkmakers here at NE, that i don't really know witch would be the most insperational for me considering they all are.
  • fatkat61%s's Photo
    myn i RCTNW because he works very well wit the abstract theming if any of you look at his parks you will know what im talking about
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    I always get inspiration from peeps like mantis and ed and freak and kai, who arent in my top 5.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    When did this board become so hostile that posting your opinion seems to attract nothing but criticism? I think it's a relevent topic and while it is similar to your favorite parkmakers, it's still an interesting topic for discussion. The question is, which parks and parkmakers have helped you to find your own style and which inspire you to keep innovating and keeping trying new things. Here are some of the folks that have inspired me the most:

    The biggest inspiration for me has always been Joe Holland though I think by now I've sorta defined my own style, Joe's parks will always be special to me because they showed me how to make parks. They showed me the importance of interesting architecture and every building being unique. They showed me that very simple architecture is often more effective than elaborate architecture. They also taught me to love landscaping and trees above everything else.

    After Joe, I have to give praise to Gregg Reese for his incredible series of park recreations. I learned how to make parks by seeing what Greg had done and applying that technique to make Paramount's Great America. Greg showed me that any building in real life can be recreated in RCT and I still use pictures as reference material for making buildings.

    There were a number of other big influences at Danimation. SACoasterFreak of course with his amazing ability to create convincing atmosphere and thoughtful coaster layouts. Clockwork Dreams in particular was amazing in it's day and used color daringly. There was also Liquid Crash who made Evolutia and mrICE who's parks taught me to appreciate realism as a useful tool in fantasy parks. And Magnus Polypaston who taught me the importance of detail in making parks so realistic you could imagine yourself inside them.

    Then of course the next major inspiration was Nevis who had already impressed me with his resourceful use of coaster peices as theming in his collection of coaster recreations but stunned me with UIX, as he did everyone else. Nevis showed me that you don't have to keep making the same old rides, you can invent your own. He also showed me the limitless potential of RCT. Anything that can be imagined can be created in some way or another within the game if you're willing to put forth the effort to make it work.

    And such a list wouldn't be complete without Schuessler the zenmaster of RCT whose work is almost always deceptively simple but exceedingly skillful. He showed me that landscaping sculpture is an art form in itself. He also showed me that great parkmaking is not only skill, but the ability to know when enough is enough. The simplest approach is very often the best one.

    Basically all of the current parkmakers inspire me as well. Who hasn't been inspired by Grinch or RRP or Pyro or X-Sector or Natelox or aero21 or vTd or Corkscrew Ed at some point or another. Then the incredibly creative work of ToonTowner and Butterfinger and Harakiri and Evil WME and mantis and Timothy Cross. And the elegant theming of Posix and OZONE and Blind Gaurdian. And then all of the great screenshots being posted in the Ad. District. Wonderful inspiring work is being created more frequently right now than ever before.
  • TheGuardian%s's Photo
    biggest inspiration to me is probably Aero for his Cinescape parks, and his many other great parks....
  • x-sector%s's Photo
    Biggest Inspiration Is mantis and Coaster Ed they like to try new ideas and new themes and thats what made me break out of my boring traditional themes and try new things out and last one RRP showing me SWA and I realized I don't put alot of detail in to things.
  • Dantheman%s's Photo
    You could say that its Six Flags Emerald Coast by LAA. Everytime I look at the park I find something new and interesting and I love the colours he uses in the park.

    On a park I am making at the moment Mala has been pretty insirational.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Definitely Schuessler.
    Ed described it pretty well. Although I'd say that Schuessler's landscaping is the best ever, I think it's not what he's best at. To me his parks are so aesthetic that it's breathtaking somehow. Layout, colours, rides, stalls... it all fits. I've always been trying to approach this ability but don't think I'll ever manage. A genious guy called Frédéric Chopin once said "Simplicity is the real art. Only achievable when having gone through all possible difficulties." I'm not sure if it's well translated but I think Schuessler could have said that.
    Another big influence on my style was the guy who made "Calidona Lake". I forgot who that was but I remember seeing it in the AD on my second day on NE. I tried to make buildings like they were on the screens and so on. Kelaxis Globe shows how it turned out.
    SACoasterFreak is another guy whose parks I've always been looking up to. Mostly atmopshere-wise.
    I still like his legendary parks better than most of the recently released Spotlights.
    Before my time at NE there've been Sanctuary and BlindGuardian to impress me with their 4Wizards Parks. I guess I took something from them with me too.
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    On a park I am making at the moment Mala has been pretty inspirational.

    and that makes you "theman", dan.
  • Nic%s's Photo
    Mala and Magnus Polypaston. Both brilliant in different ways.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Natelox, Schuessler and SAC inspired Tioman Island. I put that whole park down to them.

    WOMB takes something from everybody, I think. I tend to draw loads of things from loads of different people, which is maybe why what I build often ends up looking like other peoples' work....there's no tangible "mantis" impression in there...but it works out in the end because, because I like everyone else's work, I like my own even more because it's...*ahem*...."more like anyone else....than anyone else". KLON. Clone radio. This is Kit Kasper.

    Anyway, I think I can answer this question by saying 'everyone'. I've spent the most time studying work by...Harakiri, Ed, Schuessler, Mala and Natelox. But that's probably because during my time in the community they have made the parks that have affected me most at certain points, meaning those were the only parks I looked at for a certain period of time. All the other parks on my hard drive have been studied, but nothing like in as much detail as ones like Malaworld, Oceania, egypTopia and The Westcoast.

    The parkmaker who i've been paying the most attention to recently, however, is WME. You'll probably find out why pretty soon.
  • natelox%s's Photo
    -Nevis, definetly. He's probably one of the most creative people who has touched RCT. Almost everyone loves creativity.
    -Mala, for his incredible coasters. I try to reach the speeds and keep the ratings, but its so incredibly difficult!
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    mantis, x-sector, pyropenguin, OZONE, fatha'....ect

    Mantis- He has inspired me to hack a little more than I do in my parks now...I still haven't got it quite right, cause I'm the worst hacker in the world...but yeah. I'm inspired.

    X-sector- My favorite parkmaker. His work is so perfect down to the every detail, it has made me strive for perfection in my parks also.

    PyroPenguin- Creative themer. Has inspired me to work on other themes and theme them....creatively.

    OZONE- Not afraid to try new things, and very fast. He has inspired me to...try new things, faster.

    Fatha'- Awesome in every aspect. His Thebes originally inspired my area in Fizz...great themer, with my style of archy, very small and compact but with a pleasing effect (a somewhat pleasing effect with my work tho).

    Great parkmakers here.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    I'm gonna be very mad of X-Sector doesn't list me. :p

    Personally, I was greatly inspired by:
    - Duke02
    - SACoasterFreak
    - Jack Schuessler
    - Nevis
    - Fatha'

    My style tries to incorporate what I like into what I make and add my own personal take on it.
  • x-sector%s's Photo

    I'm gonna be very mad of X-Sector doesn't list me.  :p

    I'm Sorry Corky you should be on my list when I first started playing RCT your parks were the ones I looked at alot.
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo

    biggest inspiration to me is probably Aero for his Cinescape parks, and his many other great parks....

    I too must agree here. I usd to look at his parks all the time and just get inspired. I also use to look at Mike Robbin's and Kai's parks. Sometimes I'd be overworked and do like 6 projects at a time. Now I just look back at my own work and from what I see decide whether I want to imprve on things in that park and move it to a new park or expond upon another style based on one of my past parks.

    --Junya Boy :|''''
  • Elmnopman%s's Photo
    Right now it doesn't really matter for me, i just like to see something interesting everyonce in a while. I just started getting back into rct so it doesn't take much.
  • Hyper Helix%s's Photo
    I'd have to say the 2 that inspired me the most were Liquid Crash and sacoasterfreak
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Its either NeViS, or faggot Prince Ashitaka, that whore. ;)


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