H2H8 / H2H8 General Thread
18-February 18
Xeccah Offline
I want to preface that I'm totally competitive this H2H. I'm really in this to win; in fact one of the reasons I've put in so much effort to "get good" in 2017 was to be in a good position this season. I know "chill teams" exist, and I'm fine with not having a lot of stress in a team, but I really do want to be competitive.
Liampie Offline
We realise that one of the downsides to H2H is the player limit. Even though this is what ensures the high quality RCT work that we're used to from H2H, it is always painful when talented new players do not get picked. We have closely examined the list of sign-ups and concluded that there was good reason to expand the team size to ten players, in addition to the captain. Because of the 'floating' player concept, this does not add any additional pressure to a team schedule compared to earlier H2H seasons. Just more people, more productivity, and more creativity! -
Lotte Offline
Amazing announcement! The mid- to lower tier picks are quite competitive this time around, so its definitely good to see more players getting a chance. Congrats on the lucky 6 R10 players! -
SSSammy Online
yeah there's definitely a high population of mid draft picks so im glad newer players are less likely to get nudged out as a consequence
Milo Offline
Cool announcement. My analysis of draft potential in my writeups was based on the old rule so everyone can take that with a grain of salt now. I'm excited to see this come to fruition because I felt like I was bumping into a lot of names that I was worried would miss out on participating.
][ntamin22 Offline
Copying over my bit on this rule change:
We originally were looking at ways to include more players, and particularly those from the large group of highly-motivated but less-skilled newcomers who found us through ORCT2 multiplayer, reddit, etc. The floating builder rule makes the bottom of the draft more interesting and more valuable, but we have enough signups now that floating builders (9th-round picks) are likely to be more established builders who are perhaps more valuable than we intended and could push out the people we were intending to include.
We still want the rookie group involved, and we still think the "floating builder" role is a great way to make sure they get a lot of experience working with better players, but we now have enough signups to increase team size to 11 total - 1 captain and 10 players. The floating builder would now be chosen from the 9th and 10th round picks instead of the 8th and 9th round picks, which is important to balance concerns over how big that r8 pick could be.
So instead of -
Cap + 9 with one of the last two picks designated flex-builder
it would be -
Cap + 10 with one of the last two picks designated flex-builder. -
Seb Offline
Good luck to everyone participating in H2H8. It was fun to be a part of last H2H, too bad that due to personal circumstances I was a complete letdown for the team ,especially FK and Rob. I know I could do better, or maybe not. At least Archelaus proved that I was a lousy fantasy builder. There's loads of better RCT players on NE since. -
Liampie Offline
Hey, it's Seb! Shit happens man, don't worry about things not having worked out. I'm not going to urge you to sign up for H2H8 last minute, but please tell us if another park is a possibility for the future!
bigshootergill Offline
Just wanted to thank the admins for all their work in getting h2h ready, I'm sure there's already been a ton work behind the scenes to get the team forums ready, plus you're all captains. It's just a ton of work. I think the whole community appreciates it. -
Kumba Offline
Draft Recap:
1.1 Steve (Liampie)
1.2 Fisch (][ntamin)
1.3 Shotguns? (Alex)
1.4 Cocoa (G Force)
1.5 Whosleon (nin)
1.6 trav (Louis)
2.1 robbie92 (Louis)
2.2 pacificoaster (nin)
2.3 Stosky (G Force)
2.4 AC (Alex)
2.5 Tolsimir (][ntamin)
2.6 CP6 (Liampie)
3.1 BSG (Liampie)
3.2 BG (][ntamin)
3.3 inthemanuel (Alex)
3.4 Ziscor (G Force)
3.5 Bubbsy (nin)
3.6 recurious (Louis)
4.1 CoasterBill (Louis)
4.2 GBD (nin)
4.3 Roybiv (G Force)
4.4 Kumba (Alex)
4.5 dr dirt (][ntamin)
4.6 Sulakke (Liampie)
5.1 Ruyatax (Liampie)
5.2 Faas (][ntamin)
5.3 FK (Alex)
5.4 CC9 (G Force)
5.5 SSSammy (nin)
5.6 RWE (Louis)
6.1 Terry (Louis)
6.2 Poke (nin)
6.3 Jappy (G Force)
6.4 Julow (Alex)
6.5 disneylianian192 (][ntamin)
6.6 Roomie (Liampie)
7.1 IonZero (Liampie)
7.2 Coupon (][ntamin)
7.3 Rene (Alex)
7.4 Maverix (G Force)
7.5 RCT2Day (nin)
7.6 FredD (Louis)
8.1 Scoop (Louis)
8.2 Casimir (nin)
8.3 In:Cities (G Force)
8.4 Jaguar (Alex)
8.5 SpaceK (][ntamin)
8.6 Six Frags (Liampie)
9.1 Che (Liampie)
9.2 Saxman (][ntamin)
9.3 biohazard (Alex)
9.4 Wouter (G Force)
9.5 Austin55 (nin)
9.6 Mr. Brightside (Louis)
10.1 Version1 (Louis)
10.2 GammaZ (nin)
10.3 Ottersalad (G Force)
10.4 Iron Rattler (Alex)
10.5 Cam22 (][ntamin)
10.6 Ultro (Liampie)
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