H2H8 / H2H8 General Thread
18-February 18
Louis! Offline
For the draft. 1) Only the captains and the ref need to be present, anyone else watching is just a bonus. 2) It won't be a voice chat, it wouldn't be exciting, there would be lots of long silent pauses as captains deliberate and privately message people. 3) Captains need full concentration, I don't want to be trying to think about who the fuck I'm going to pick next cause all my options have just been take, whilst idle chit chat is going on in the background, it's distracting.
Liampie Offline
H2H8 Draft Date & Procedure
It was a bit harder than usual, but we found a suitable moment to have a live draft, in contrast to rumours about a 'slow draft'. The draft will take place on Monday March 5th, at 23:00 GMT (18:00 EST, 15:00 PST, 0:00 CET). The draft will take place on discord, in a channel that is closed for comments for everyone but the captains and the referee, but otherwise publicly viewed. The draft is traditionally one of the most exciting moments of H2H, so everyone is invited to come watch the draft and discuss it live.
The draft order is as follows:
1. Liampie
2. ][ntamin22
3. alex
4. G Force
5. nin
6. Louis!
We will employ a serpentine draft style as always, meaning after each round the order is reversed so that in round 2 the captain that picked last in round 1 gets to pick first and so forth. 54 players will be drafted in a total of 9 rounds.
After the draft, there will be a brief trade period that lasts from a few hours up to a few days. After the trade period, the teams are complete and final, with vice captains and floating players designated. The team forums will open and the teams can start building! -
disneylandian192 Offline
Hell yeah! I'll be in California on a work trip but will try to keep up to date at night.
Jappy Offline
Oh, I'll be at home alright. It's just that I have to get up at 7 on Tuesday morning, so staying up late for the draft is detrimental to my beauty sleep. And my general morning mood.
Stoksy Offline
Liam picks first, hmmm hahaha - very excited for this.
Will hopefully be around to see the draft, if not I'm looking forward to the competition and uh rebooting the ol' RCT
Impulse Offline
Crap, I'm not available at that date. Everything is of course logged and published on the site, right?
Kumba Online
I'll be able to stay for an hour, but then I need to go into a real H2H match-up on the flag football field. I might not be a captain in H2H8, but I am there and we're pretty much have the strongest co-ed flag football team in South Florida. I think I can honestly say that H2H helped me sharpen my leadership skills since it's harder to do in person and deal with playing time issues, but we have got better every season.
See you guys for the draft. No delays please!
Liampie Offline
I don't know what flag football is but I wish you good luck. We'll try to wrap up the draft really quick so you can be there when you get picked in the 7th round! -
Kumba Online
Here's a blank draft sheet with the correct serpentine order. 9 rounds in all. Might mess around and fill it in later with my guesses. Have fun with it...
1.1 Liampie
1.2 ][ntamin1.3 Alex1.4 G Force1.5 nin1.6 Louis2.1 Louis2.2 nin2.3 G Force2.4 Alex2.5 ][ntamin2.6 Liampie3.1 Liampie3.2 ][ntamin3.3 Alex3.4 G Force3.5 nin3.6 Louis4.1 Louis4.2 nin4.3 G Force4.4 Alex4.5 ][ntamin4.6 Liampie5.2 ][ntamin5.3 Alex5.4 G Force5.5 nin5.6 Louis6.1 Louis6.2 nin6.3 G Force6.4 Alex6.5 ][ntamin6.6 Liampie7.2 ][ntamin7.3 Alex7.4 G Force7.5 nin7.6 Louis8.1 Louis8.2 nin8.3 G Force8.4 Alex8.5 ][ntamin8.6 Liampie9.2 ][ntamin9.3 Alex9.4 G Force9.5 nin9.6 Louis
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