H2H8 / H2H8 General Thread
18-February 18
Fisch Offline
hey! if we're going to talk about the shortcomings of h2h, can we talk about the popularity contest vote incentivizies teams to follow a formula to succeed in exchange for actual creative expression? do you know how many ideas our team shot down (or I have shot down) because they're too ambigous or complex for the rest of NE to properly appreciate? a lot. not that they wouldnt be amazing works of art if they were done, but NE as a whole really doesn't give a shit about that anyway.
first of all, you have to "parkify" EVERYTHING even when it makes literally zero fucking sense. zezura? really nice worldbuilding right? they *had* to shoehorn a fucking rollercoaster and some realistic flat rides in so that half of this community (you're damn right i'm being fucking condescending right now) would vote for it. even if it kills the worldbuilding, doesn't matter. must have rides because *that's what people expect*
can you think of a park that was fucking amazing and lost because of their correctly made decision to not shoehorn a fucking ride in? i can! remember who got a significantly better accolade score that matchup.
and then you have the themes you're allowed to do in h2h. dont *dare* do anything abstracted or ambiguous or expressive for a contest park theme, because you will lose your ass every time to a park that did a "HMM WHAT ABOUT THIS BUT WITH A TWIST LOL" or one of these ideas that clearly panders to the community. every single successful h2h park of the last decade, barring ones that went up against parks so bad that it didn't matter (colorflood), its concept can be summed up by three or less words.
there's a few of my opinions here:
1. appreciating rct like any form of art takes skill to do properly with harder subject material. people who dont have that skill still can appreciate things, and this is in no way a gatekeepery argument, but *how* they appreciate things is fundamentally different.
2. in h2h you must appeal to the masses to win. you have to commit demagoguery-via-parkmaking to win.
3. micro madness is the best contest format on NE because it's literally the only one that encourages self-expression, more detailed subject matter, and divergent aesthetics than what people are used to. you cant really do those things in h2h because of how much of a gamble it is.
4. can we retire h2h as a contest format please
I dont see why NE should retire h2h just because you personally take it too seriously and keep overly analyzing it like when a 15 year old boy gets a meaningless text back from his crush.
RCT is an art form for NE, and thats fine. But overall h2h is just a contest within a video game. But within any contest there are rules. People are supposed to stick to these simple rules. If they dont, they kinda spoil the idea of the contest. Its even dumber, because by now most of us here are adults and have been for some years. One would think that adults dont have to cheat in a video game contest. People are rightfully irritated. Luckily there are enough people out there that didnt cheat, to still fill the roster for a new h2h in a couple of years. -
RWE Offline
I agree with Fisch here.
Looking at last H2H we see some teams worked and some didn’t. Also how the ref’ing was done played a huge part in everything. Let’s just all chill and trust in the admins to make the right chances considering on what the rules are and also how we can make sure they are followed. Maybe we will need to break with some traditions here, but the community and the game itself definitely isn’t what it was years ago, that’s something we always should be aware of looking at a format like H2H.
Another point other than the rules I think is also how the teams themselves work. MP servers and discord were great tools but also made some things difficult. It was shown again that good and experienced players don’t automatically make good captains.
All in all H2H is still a contest i like and i can’t wait for the next edition! Keep up the great work, everybody! -
posix Offline
Shogo, I think your views are over-simplified, drastic and pessimistic. Basically populistic, with an undertone of "I'm opening your eyes because you're too shallow to see". I find it arrogant and mostly destructive. Everyone here is expected to show a certain degree of politeness, and if you refuse to then there's a problem. Faas, sadly that goes for you too. You're reacting here, but please drop the hatefulness.nin, I appreciate your honesty. I don't appreciate the insult to the community that people are immature. Just totally unnecessary. I think that goes for anyone else bringing this argument. If you're emotionally involved in something, it doesn't really matter how old you are. It's just human to get worked up, and I don't want to be a monk either.I'd be sad to see you go, and I hope in a few weeks time you'll have changed your mind. It's your responsibilty too to make this community the one you wish for. -
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
"but please drop the hatefulness" yes yes for everyone
Please excuse me, I do not know what is happening but I was very sad about what I read here.
I do not know you, but somehow I have some respect for all the players I see here in the NE it is like a family, of course we are not fools and we realize +or- the member of this site by the way of speaking, but ok, but even if we do not speak verbally I believe that all of us here have the same passion for RCT.
I do not understand these rules and what cheating has happened, but what I can say is that I see administrators and members being attentive, doing their work I believe everyone is trying to do the best they can.
Participating in this international community has done me good, helped me a lot in the fight against stress, understand what I say.
It is very cool to participate in our ideas/works in RCT because it passes a vision of the things that we think or imagine (I am not necessarily speaking of parks), and there are also other diverse subjects that I see in the forum, therefore we are community.
I am 55 years old and here I feel like a kid, I am not ashamed of it but in real life I am a family man.
I am not being naive, search love (I believe they understood), take hatred from the heart, search harmony, peace, search solution and apply humility does very well the soul and health of the body.
We all live in countries that certainly have some kind of social problem, corrupt governments (I'm not generalizing), life is difficult on planet earth, do we really need to fight? I hope you will not be irritated by these words.
After all this discussion I've seen things will improve. -
Faas Offline
Faas, sadly that goes for you too. You're reacting here, but please drop the hatefulness.
Sorry posix. -
posix Offline
I've loved you from day 1 MTC. Also it's amazing how your English has improved so much.
ottersalad Offline
Big hugs Mr Tycoon Coaster. I love your positivity and your heartfelt words. You’re the man.
I’ve said it in the discord, but I just want more good vibes. I love the passion and commitment for a game that’s 20 years old and that should bring us together, not tear us apart. I hope I can be a more positive member of the community myself. -
trav Offline
So, first time visiting NE again in almost a year. Popped on to download a couple of the Micro Madness parks that people have told me about, but I see this, feel like I have to say something.
At the end of the day, everyone here is here to have fun. Everyone has fun in different ways, and that's fine. However, when individuals in a community stop having fun for one reason or another, that community will start to fall away.To everyone who's commenting in here, just take a step back and ask yourself, are you really having fun debating this a year later? I've seen some people saying it's 'good to keep a record of what happened', but I don't see how that correlates to getting pissed off over it.
I pity whoever has to referee next. Trying to keep tabs on 30+ parks being built on by 60 people while having 30 of those 60 people bitching to you about literally everything you can think of is exhausting. That amount of negativity is enough to turn anyone away, and it literally soured my entire 15 years of being on NE. Just for the record, I knew nothing of any building shares being manipulated. If it was posted on Discord, it was well hidden from me, and unfortunately, I just didn't have time to check every single save that was posted for every park. I tried to go on a rota of checking every save file for anything weird maybe every 4 - 5 days on average, but trying to be as up to date with the forums/discord as possible, going through every chat log every morning before work.I don't think I have anything great in my history on this site, I don't think I've ever been an important person to NE or it's users, so just imagine how horrific it would be when someone more important to this site is in the same situation as me in the next H2H.
Or maybe not. Maybe they can get through the negativity, the bitching, and the stress of having to be vigilant pretty much 24/7. If they can, then they are a better man than I.Peace out NE, remember to have fun.
saxman1089 Offline
nin, just wanted to pop in and say I really enjoyed your explanation of Tahendo and it totally makes sense to me. I think if this were to happen again, a post up front saying, hey, we didnt cheat on this, things just got crazy with scheduling and some of bubbsys work ended up in the final park, were going to modify the builder shares because of this. I just dont understand why you altered the builder shares first and waited for all hell to break loose instead of just coming clean in the beginning. It makes things look really shady even if there was absolutely no ill intent at all.
EDIT: Just realized you said you were leaving the site. I know weve had our ups and downs recently, but I wish you the best. -
posix Offline
trav, very happy to see you drop by and post something. I was a referee before you, and I know how toxic it can be. But back then there was no discord, so I probably had an easier time. I did manage to start liking NE again after, and I wish you may do the same one day. Perhaps those micros can helpBest to you. -
csw Offline
Aw shit. Y'all really just pissed off nin, one of the most helpful, outstanding, valuable members of the community for a decade, and made him quit. Whatever argument this is, I guarantee it's not worth that loss.
nin, if you do change your mind, just do what I do and ignore the contest threads and the discord. Way easier that way.
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