H2H8 / H2H8 General Thread
18-February 18
SSSammy Offline
A little sad, but not surprised to see no LL parks through 4 rounds. And with a lot at stake for Round 5, I don't think we'll see one this round either.
the sad thing is that with openrct, LL is a borderline throw due to the amazing versatility, efficiency and usability of open
Liampie Offline
I think it also depends on the team composition. In this H2H, the LL players are so spread out that there's not a lot of options for collaborations.
Roomie and me was an option, but we both worked on Bonka. UltraRealists have alex, Kumba, Merzbow and Iron Rattler, but 3 of those worked together on EVIL and I don't see Iron Rattler being a #2 to alex. Icons was also possible on paper, but with trav and Recurious still having to go, it'll be RCT2. Replacements is looking like our best bet with Poke and SSSammy for R5. Sens also still has to go but I can see them finding a creative solution to include Sens in a LL park, like how bigshootergill contributed a layout in H2H7.
csw Offline
Well, even if LL is approaching the end of its useful H2H life, I'll still keep it afloat. LLLL! -
dr dirt Offline
Pregame time, big round coming in the next few days boys & girls.
We've got a match to determine the 1st seed going into the playoffs in Heaven's Gallery vs. Strangelove. Required builders are 1st overall pick Steve for Heaven's and Stoksy for Strangelove, so I foresee two strong parks here even if both teams are already in the playoffs. It'll also be nice to see a match with less pressure here, and see what the teams do with more freedom to experiment without the risk. As far as the supporting cast for this match - who knows? I could see both players fitting comfortably with anyone else on their teams. I was hoping to see some more Maverix work come out, so I'd be happy if that was in the cards for Strangelove. I would still imagine them still wanting to use cocoa in the semis, and the whole team has been impressive so where I once thought the team would be spread thin through the season now seems to have a lot of good options. For Heaven's, they have a good roster ready going into the playoffs - Steve on r5 might fit him into the finals, with semis bringing us a strong concept with Liam's stamp of approval. I'd like to see a revival of a Steve/Liam park thrown in there, and I think Sulakke could fit in there to make something beautiful. There's also a number of players I'd like more from like CP6 and the older players who have certainly shaken off the rust in Roomie and Six Frags. Here I predict Heaven's taking the #1 spot and winning RR with a strong Steve-led park (finally), but I do have high hopes for a strong park by Stoksy & the boys.
Onto the more interesting matchups, first Ultrarealists vs. Spacecrab. Here, UR needs a big win over us, especially if the Replacements win the other match. A loss for UR puts us in 2nd place I believe regardless of outcomes of other matches, and as long as we get over 5% of the vote, Spacecrab will be in the playoffs. We have already had the entire team go in the first 4 parks, and that's all I'll comment on for us. UR has to have Rene build, a builder I'm not all that familiar with. There's been comments that an LL park is probably not happening this season, but I can envision it here. The 3rd? pick Kumba (who I somehow always expect to build each round) could theoretically have gotten one off the ground by now, but I'm not sure how Rene fits in and alex can't get thrown in there. There's also a weird thing where FK seems to have not built much. My working hypothesis is that the thought may be it's an alex/ITM semis with a AVC/FK finals planned. I'd guess this round we'll actually see a pretty wild Kumba and FK park, with Kumba sticking with his original comment and playing backup on his second park in the playoffs. Either way, a must win for UR here.
Probably the most crucial match is Icons vs. Replacements. A win for the replacements puts them through to the playoffs, with a loss leaving playoff chances into a narrow margin based on the % votes of these two matches. The Icons need a win with something like 66% of the votes at minimum with the exact determination there coming from % relative to what UR can accrue. Anyways, a (nearly) must-win for both teams, so it should make for an exciting match. From Icons we're going to see trav and Recurious. I'm excited to see what this one is and how it turns out. Trav is a player I've really enjoyed since his Project K that can deliver some really great artistic work that is somehow just so cool. Recurious I feel has a potential that hasn't been realized - the vibe I'd gotten from his work is like a more daring Ripsaw. I can't wait for what they put together here. There's also a lot of guys at the back of the roster I still want to see again - essentially the squad from Motherland. I hope they find their way into a big role on their potential parks. I'll standby my prediction that robbie is slated for the playoffs for them. The Replacements will have to bring Poke and Sens into the ring. To be fair, I'm curious to see what Poke will build - something like his designs? I think they were strong works, no doubt, but how would something like them go over this season? There's been debate on that macro style particularly in H2H, so it's largely unproven. Nin could potentially fit into something like that, however. For playoffs Pac's built quite a bit recently so might not land into the semis, where nin might make more sense to me. But, he consistent quality of their parks shows any of the Replacements could produce a great park for the semis. I predict the Icons with the W here, with trav proving why he's a 1st round pick and Recurious showing us his stuff. If a poke-lead traditional/macro parkmaking park is delivered, I'll be very glad to see it, but will also prepare for the debate to really heat up.
saxman1089 Offline
I assume we’re getting an update on the state of the contest after voting closes for the Spacecrab UR match?
We need a new ref at the very least, it seems. -
posix Offline
Round Robin completed
After the somewhat inappropriate end to the final match-up, the UltraRealists have declined the offer for a five team Play-Off solution, and so we now have four teams advancing to the Play-Offs:
(1) Strangelove, (2) Replacements, (3) Heaven's Gallery and (4) Team Spacecrab
To restore some of the damage, the Replacements will be refunded for half of their extension: 36 hours. They will now have a single-use 36-hour extension available for the Play-Offs.
inthemanual has volunteered to become referee after trav, and all four captains have agreed on him. He will be given respective permissions.
Refer to the contest schedule for the remaining upcoming matches. After the semi-finals, the two losing teams will decide together if they want to hold a 3rd place match. -
MK98 Offline
Thanks for the effort you guys put in organizing the contest! It was fun.
Also ITM, good luck dude! -
In:Cities Offline
Predictions for semis.
Heaven's Nursing Home will release a beautiful park set in the American Midwest. Roomie will make custom powerchairs for peeps. Steve's dog will make an appearance. Cp6 will build something with excellent supports. Six Frags builds Liam style better then Liam. The entire park is ADA compliant.
Replacements will release Tahendo Space Aquarium. Nin builds rockets with animals inside. Austin builds 85% of the park. Djbrchusheche12354 places 4 bushes and one tree.
Despite a valiant voting effort by Whitehawk, Liam's senior citizens take the victory, kicking out the controversial Replacement squad first round. Nin goes on a sassy rampage, revealing himself to have been Kumba all along. Is immediately reinstated as an admin.
Strangeglove finally releases the highly anticipated "Universal's Parking Lot Complex", with 5 levels of realistically placed traffic cones, handicapped spots, elevators, and custom vehicles. There is a chipotle on the bottom level. Otter builds a Haagen Dasz. Ziscor builds an actual theme park below the complex that's only visible in cutaway view. Stoksy and Cocoa are nowhere to be found. No roller coaster in this park, but at least there's a functional moving walkway.
Spicecrabs submit a single ride object instead of a park. They still win.
Let's do this -
ottersalad Offline
A space aquarium would be awesome. Also, I’m not sure how realistic our parking lot is with a Hagen Dasz on the bottom level. Probably should’ve brought up that concern sooner.
I do expect another custom ride in the semis. Just not sure if it’ll be Roomie or Spacek. Imagine how realistic G_Force’s parks can be if he has a powerchair custom ride? Total game changer. -
Coupon Offline
seeing as the park threads are locked for some reason, are all the builders that cheated going to get reprimanded in some way? such as not being able to participate in the next H2H seeing as they couldn't follow the simplest of rules?
Coupon Offline
great response from an admin. great to see that cheating goes unpunished and is actively supported by an admin unwilling to take action.
please ban me.
EDIT: why not hand the bans out to those that cheated instead of those calling it out?
Liampie Offline
are all the builders that cheated going to get reprimanded in some way?
No, but we will take measures to prevent this from happening in the future. Mostly preventive, because it's rather senseless to drag people through the dirt now for some collective failures that happened (over) a year ago. I can see how we could've publicly responsed to the cheating better, but I also guess it's easy to forget how exhausted the community was after H2H8. It needed to recover from drama and reacting to cheating as the facts came out after H2H8 would not necessarily help.
You're very welcome to discuss the nature of cheating and how it can be prevented, but without making it personal and demanding retrospective punishments. Let's look to the future!
saxman1089 Offline
I’d just like to quickly say that I’m glad the threads are being unlocked, and the cheating issues are being documented on the site. While some of these things were discussed on discord, unfortunately discord conversations get lost to the sands of time. If they’re here, at least they’re archived, so in two years the staff team can look back and see what the problems were and better inform their solutions.
I’m not trying to make this personal, but I’m pretty shocked at G Force’s behavior. I was never complaining or bitching, I was trying to make it clear to the site as a whole that these things, which may have easily slipped others by (or remained as discussion only in Discord), happened in H2H8. Now at least there’s some easily seen evidence that the builder rules were being broken by at least one team, and that evidence will help inform changes to the next H2H. -
MK98 Offline
Thats the explanation I needed to hear. It's not something I would do but at least you're making a clear vision. Thanks for explaining this. I was very worried about the behavior of the admins, but at least you think a little further than just saying "I don't care, shut up".(...) but I also guess it's easy to forget how exhausted the community was after H2H8. It needed to recover from drama and reacting to cheating as the facts came out after H2H8 would not necessarily help.
bigshootergill Offline
The only thing that really came to mind here for future H2H's... the team captains should be more responsible to make sure their own team doesn't cheat, they should really be their own team's referee. They're picked to be captain because they're long time members of the community, they should have more respect for the rules of the contest and keep their own teams in check. That way every team really would have 2 refs monitoring the team's activity. This can be a larger factors as to who serves as captain's. The same could be said for vice-captains as well, also acting as referees within their team...
Nice to see that cheaters don't prosper... Heaven's Gallery and Space Crabs didn't cheat and they're the 2 teams that advanced to the finals...
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