H2H8 / H2H8 Sign Ups
18-February 18
Liampie Offline
Some great sign ups already! Camcorder, Kumba, Tolsimir, dr dirt, Maverix, Wouter, Poke, very happy to see you all in the contest. Not a lot of absolute top tier players yet, but the middle of the field is looking to be huge. It's a great start to the sign ups for sure!
To those in doubt: as stated elsewhere, if you're uncertain about your schedule, sign up and state your estimated availability. Is any player ever active for the entire contest? One or two weeks of productivity can make all the difference. Sign up, and the risk will be for the captain that drafts you. -
G Force Offline
Also: please include something in your sign-up on if you can HOST multiple on your system. It will be helpful for captians as Multiplayer will surely be a big part of the contest. Those who have already signed up can edit their post.
Please do not say you can host without checking beforehand. Any future discussion on how to host or MP topic should be directed into the H2H Gereral Discussion Topic, as we want to keep this exclusive to singups. -
chorkiel Offline
Another reason for signing up; if you get drafted in Team Liam there is a 5/17 chance chance you'll win spotlight after. Unless it's an upward trend which means it'll be either 7/10 or 16/10. Getting picked last by him increases your chances to 1/2 or if it's an upward trend: 2.
Liampie Offline
I:C, gdb, yay!
General announcement: if you don't state which games you're willing to play, it's assumed that you will only play regular rct.
SSSammy Offline
openrct2, and if anyone has a decent way to get LL working on windows 10 i'll do that as well.
Pros: generally excellent
Cons: I think i've lost every matchup ive ever had a major role in
- I am a final yr uni student so im not free at all until mid may, but i think the first matches are june/july??
it would be a big mistake to draft me higher than round 5 or something. i can promise im not that valuable. I am however great at giving feedback and planning and teamy things. Might be a sleeper pick in that regard
id still rather be a referee
Deurklink Offline
Ok fine, I'll give it a go
RCT2 NCSO and CSO player.
I'm usually hosting multiple servers.
spacek531 Offline
Spacek is the odball candidate:
Player/OpenRCT2/NCSO/Custom Rides
I can make custom rides but I am not very experienced at RCT. I don’t typically spend a lot of time in RCT for the sake of parkmaking, usually ride testing or title sequence creation. The parks that I do make are NCSO and usually pretty spread out because of it. I have used some CSO but I am more comfortable with NCSO. I’m in university and this year’s H2H is a spring contest instead of a summer one, so I won’t have much time to devote to RCT.
Do you bank on custom rides? Do you plan on blocking other teams from custom rides? Can you manage an inexperienced floater?
In:Cities Offline
To clarify, I'll only play rct2 cso.
I suck at layouts, but I'll build cool scenery things all day.
Also, I'm starting my next contract on the cruise line next month, so I'll have limited Wi-Fi. I can still download/comment/message, but I have to pay extra for the data lol.
I'd still love to be a part, but just know that I'll do best in a role where I can help with scenery, detailing, and themeing as opposed to layouts and hacking.
Miss you guys. Some of you. I think -
AvanineCommuter Offline
Coming out of my hiatus and signing up with conditions:
I am working full time now and cannot contribute as much as I would like to. I absolutely cannot solo or lead a park under any circumstance; with Arcanis in the last H2H I unexpectedly ended up being the lead and that resulted in an unfinished Park
The ideal situation is to be on a park with a strong lead, as secondary support to fill out areas with detail, architecture, and theming. Ive been sitting on a lot of ideas and have been inspired by the amazing work put out by the community this last year, but havent had the time nor motivation to build. Hopefully this H2H can be the catalyst to getting those thoughts on paper, so to speak!
So for any captain who decides to draft me, please pick me strategically as a support builder on a fantasy / semi realism style team, and know that although I wont be able to build in huge quantities, whatever I do build Ill make it worth the pick.... -
BelgianGuy Offline
count me in, not the most available member of the site since I've become a dad but can still do good work.
CSO only though
Sulakke Offline
I like to sign up as RCT2 player. At the moment my RCT laptop is broken, but I think I will have it fixed by next week. Otherwise I might still drop out.
shnupz Offline
Things have recently gotten really busy and I don't think I will be around enough during h2h anymore to participate, so I'm going to have to drop out before it starts. Thanks for all the encouragement to sign up though, I guess I'll just have to sweep H2H9.
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