H2H8 / H2H8 Sign Ups
18-February 18
Zaiush Offline
You know what? I'm coming back for this.
Player, RCT2
-Insatiable desire to get better
-Captain of 3rd finishing team in NE Olympics
-Brought together the players nobody else would take and had a damn good time
-Will be able to be at least featured on a map if not two to three
-Made the atrocious workbench actually work
-Not quite ready to lead a map
-No accolades by only a few percent
-The unproven player you'll gamble on in the later rounds of the draft
MCI Offline
This should get interesting with all the new talent comming in. Wish you all good luck in the draft and the tournament itself. -
Austin55 Offline
Im gonna sit this one out, but cant wait to see the incredible work being done!
Fuckin just cancel the whole god damn thing -
Recurious Offline
Fuck it, I will sign up as well. If I don't get picked I can at least be a replacement.
- I am, a pro that is.
- Likely lot's of time from the end of April until the end of June
- Can make custom objects, custom flats, custom shit.
- Likely little time from the end of June/July onwards.
- No solo releases yet.
RCT2, openrct2 -
ICU Offline
\o/ I guess I'll try lol
Player, RCT2
- can cheerlead- decent building ability
- who cares I can cheerlead- may be short on time in 2/3 months time, but I'll do my best to stay open
Coasterbill Offline
Let's do this...
Player: RCT2, LL, Chip's Challenge, Minesweeper, Cards against Humanity, Naked Twister
-My winning personality and stunningly good looks
-Good at coming up with creative ideas on the fly
-Object making... (fml)
-Proficient at building orange things
- Had the second highest scoring screenshot of all time before Liam got super jealous of it's amazingness (lol). Also had the lowest scoring screenshot of all time before it was deleted and I got a stern message from the admins telling me that I needed to stop sending dick pics as screenshots.
- Sunset Lake
- Can Host
-From May 14th to about June 12th I'll be highly inactive which is sort of bullshit timing. I can't really host then either since I won't be around to troubleshoot if the server crashes.
-Actually my level of activity in general probably won't be super high since around the end of March my weekend schedule get's pretty busy. I'll try to under-promise and over deliver but I don't want anyone to have unrealistic expectations.
- When the contest starts and people break out fucking secret H2H binders full of amazing ideas that they've been sitting on for years, don't expect much from me. I'm better at coming up with things on the fly than RCT2 secret Russian high-security brainstorming sessions. Then again, if you pick me for my intellect then you're stupid, you should never have been a captain and you deserve to fucking lose. lol
- Sunset Lake
Faas Offline
Sign me up for RCT2
- 2 gold accolades
- 2 silver accolades
- 1 bronze accolade
- winner of NE olympics
- poule winner in Micro Madness
- Most promising member 2013
- Most productive member 2014 -
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
Player, rct2
-Can eat the entire thing
-Terrified of dying alone
- No Tags