H2H8 / H2H8 Rules & Regulations
18-February 18
robbie92 Offline
Liam's correct, Dave and I attempted one but didn't get very far, hah. It's one of those concepts that's been approached by a few people throughout the years but never really gets off the ground, like Disney's America.
CedarPoint6 Offline
I'd love to do a Happy Valley Park. A Chinese chain park (or independent) and a Japanese park are VERY high on my list of things I want to do.
Liampie Offline
Following further thinking by the staff and some good questions from the community, there have been some minor rule changes regarding the floating players. Rule B7 now covers trading floating players, and Rule B8 is new to regulate the scenario of a floating player dropping out.
B. Player Lineup
(7) From the two players picked last during the draft, captains can choose one player to get a 'floating' status, meaning that said player can build on any of the team's parks, free of Rules B4 and B5. Trading a player will not change the draft round in which that player was picked.
(8 ) The 'floating' status cannot be transfered to another player, except for if a floating player drops out. In that case the 'floating' status can be transfered to either another player on the team that was picked in the last two rounds of the draft, or to a replacement. If this is a replacement that signed up after the draft, this must be approved by the other captains. -
CoasterCreator9 Offline
I'd love to do a Happy Valley Park. A Chinese chain park (or independent) and a Japanese park are VERY high on my list of things I want to do.
coughs and points at self
RWE Offline
D. Park Construction & Submission
(9) If a park is submitted after the deadline or not submitted at all, the captain of the respective team may PM Louis a link to a post in his forum where an attachment of the park can be found. If the timestamp of this post is prior to the deadline then this version of the park may be entered into the competition.
Nitpick: Shouldn't it say trav overhere?
saxman1089 Offline
This is going to sound ridiculous, but can we get some guidance on GMT? Is the deadline actually GMT? or is it GMT+1 (time during the summer in the UK)? When we were finishing up Ghibli, I personally thought we had until 8pm EDT, when others were saying it was only until 7pm EDT. EDT is 4 hours behind GMT, right? Am I missing something here?
Liampie Offline
GMT is GMT. It's up to you to figure out plus/minus how many hours you are. It'd be very convenient if everyone lived in the same time zone and there was no DST, but we don't. Instead of listing the deadline for every time zone for every individual deadline (which is would be very error prone) we're sticking to one standardized point of reference for everyone. If there is confusion it's better to ask in advance of a deadline. Be sure to be sure. -
inthemanual Offline
Saxman, a lot of people are conflating London time with GMT, which is leading to issues because of Daylight Savings. Just google the current GMT time and figure out the deadline.
saxman1089 Offline
Liam, I did that. I asked. I told them I thought we had another hour, and then got told I was wrong by teammates and Trav. I'm not asking for a personalized list of deadlines for every time zones, I'm asking if we're using GMT or London time. Our "standardized point of reference" doesn't seem to be very standardized.
We got the park in before that, no worries. But moving forward I'd like to be sure that everyone is aware that GMT and London are NOT the same right now.
Casimir Offline
Usually, if you Google "GMT", it will tell you the difference of your current time zone to GMT right now.
Liam, just to clarify for the future, you guys mean 24h format GMT? No am/pm, but with eg 10:30/22:30? -
Liampie Offline
From the Rules & Regulations:
11:59PM GMT
And from the match schedule:
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT
Apparantly we're inconsistent but it's never incomplete or incomprehensible. -
trav Offline
GMT is GMT. I'm the one who decides if something is on time or not, so if you have any questions, just ping me. Basically, the deadlines are 1AM my time.
saxman1089 Offline
GMT is GMT. I'm the one who decides if something is on time or not, so if you have any questions, just ping me. Basically, the deadlines are 1AM my time.
Cool, cool. I misremembered and thought you were around for us submitting, but I was wrong. According to my Discord, it was just my teammates who were trying to tell me to send it in an hour early. I apologize!
Casimir Offline
Liam: I meant the time frame given in the poll opening announcementsFor W2R3 for example, it just said 10:30 GMT. But as you use 24h GMT in the match schedule, I guess it cleared itself up!
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