Hi-Rollers / High Rollers pics
14-June 03
Junya Boy Offline
Iris wants some parks to look at...
Don't worry, you will have my entry by Wednesday, if not then Thursday. All I have left is to touch up some of the achy areas and I'm done.
- -Junya Boy -
Corkscrewed Offline
Yeah... well... SOMEONE didn't include the hanging shrubs custom scenery in the workbench, or else I'd have used those.Looks good Corky, nice realistic buildings. I am not too sure about the bushes floating in mid air along side the building but apart from that the atmosphere is very nice.
*glares* -
gymkid dude Offline
lol iris complained about nobody entering. There are at least 8 advertised very high quality parks lookin good.
I am about 35% finished...my theme takes forever to do. -
Corkscrewed Offline
*messes with Blitz's account**laughs at corky's misfortune*
BTW, I think I hit another "RCT ephiphany." That is, I reached another level in park making. My architecture r0x0rz!!!!
Anyway, I think I stand some chance here.
*checks list of others entering.... sees Pyro, Grinch, Natelox, Foozy, and many others*
Fuck. -
i c ded pplz Offline
laughs with Blitz?*laughs at corky's misfortune*
Anyone else have some screens i can drool over then add some commentry too? -
Scarface Offline
This is taking forever.
Im about 35% through now and may have to be filled up with a lot of water if i cant get the time.
The details in each building is taking me ages -
Jellybones Offline
For my grand entry into parkmaking, I have a pretty sweet idea.
Maybe I should start on it. When is this due? End of August?
Plenty of time. -
Corkscrewed Offline
I'm actually progressing at decent speed on my park... about 20-25% done since I started in early July... last week, basically.
Of course, I've basically abandoned WDE for the moment... -
Ablaze Offline
Very nice work Dave, the atmosphere is really cool and the buildings are very detailed. The only thing that is quite annoying is the theme has been done so much before, I mean so much that a whole park has been based on it. If you forget that though its very good. -
gymkid dude Offline
keep the gold!!!!
Ya, lovely, you just need to take that theme and put your own creative spin on it so people aren't like "Oh, roman, again."
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